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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ShellShock

  1. By the time you read this hopefully you will have already seen your doctor and can drink Water.

    As a follow up to my last post: I went in today and got an unfill. Boy am I relieved. He took it all out since I couldn't drink anything either and was vomiting acid every couple hours. He said I should heal for two weeks then get a fill again. He doesn't seem concerned about a slip. My body had gone without Water for two days so it was not used to it anymore. It took me a while to get used to hydration. I won't take liquids for granted anymore....

    I am sorry that they couldn't find your port. My doctor always has problems finding mind and it sucks. I always leave with a huge bruise larger than my fist. But it seems very negligent for the other doctor to just poke you without even feeling around to see if it was the correct place.

    Good Luck!

  2. I am going through the same thing right now. I had my last fill four weeks ago and then all of a sudden last week I couldn't even drink Water without throwing up. I had .4 taken out two days ago but I am having the same problem again and today is Sunday. I am going to go in tomorrow and demand more out.

    I hope you can an unfill soon too. I know how bad it sucks!!

  3. I have to say this thread makes me feel so much better. I am going in tomorrow for an unfill. If I get stuck then I am done for the day. I can't drink or eat anything until I wake up the next morning. It sucks. I had my fill four weeks ago and it was all of a sudden last week that this started. I can't wait until tomorrow. I am just in too much pain and really thirsty.

  4. I have done better this year than in the past but I am still having a hard time staying away from the sweets. I wish at work the holidays weren't an excuse for tons of candy and sweets to be around. I have only had one fill though and maybe with more restriction I will have more control of my hunger.

  5. This thread makes me feel better. I was banded on September 30th. I have lost about 30 lbs since then but I say "about" because once I moved off of the liquid stage weeks ago I have been going up and down the same 2-3 lbs just like someone else mentioned. I have only had one fill and I understand that I will need more but I can eat way too much and feel down on myself when I see others doing so great. I am trying to make better choices and definately don't eat as much as I could before the band but since I lost so well during the liquid phase I thought I would continue losing consistantly. This site helps me stay focused and in reality...

  6. OMG! I had my first fill three days ago and I still have a huge bruise about the size of a baseball. My surgeon couldn't find my port and was pressing very hard in the area trying to find it. He didn't want to poke me and puncture the tube so he kept searching. I thought I was going to pass out it hurt sooooo bad. After about 15 minutes of agony he finally found it and was able to give me the fill. I was so shaky and in pain when I left. The whole area was swollen and red and now a huge bruise.

    And on top of that I don't have much restriction... I will have to go back but they are all full till after christmas. At least that will give me a chance to heal.

  7. OMG! I had my first fill three days ago and I still have a huge bruise about the size of a baseball. My surgeon couldn't find my port and was pressing very hard in the area trying to find it. He didn't want to poke me and puncture the tube so he kept searching. I thought I was going to pass out it hurt sooooo bad. After about 15 minutes of agony he finally found it and was able to give me the fill. I was so shaky and in pain when I left. The whole area was swollen and red and now a huge bruise.

    And on top of that I don't have much restriction... I will have to go back but they are all full till after christmas. At least that will give me a chance to heal.

  8. Jewels68- I have the AP Lapband. I actually just got it on sept 30th. Mine holds 10cc, but I don't have a fill yet so I don't have any restriction.

    For the Ticker, you have to paste the bbCode in your post for it to work.

  9. I was also banded on September 30th. It is funny that each of us have different instructions. I am to do a clear liquid diet for seven days getting in 80 ounces of Water and as much broth as I can. Then day seven I add three Protein shakes a day. I don't move on to mushies until week 4. Then soft foods at week 6 and regular foods at week 9.

    So pay attention to what your surgeon or nutritionist gives you because you can get really mixed up if you go off what everyone else is doing.

  10. I wasn't sure where to post but I am happy to annouche that I am officially a Bandster as of September 30. Surgery went well except that being I'm such a short person, the surgeon had a hard time manuevering in my belly. I'm starting to feel better today, day 4, off pain meds and getting Hungry. Drinking the Water is hard for me because I have never been much of a drinker except for diet Coke, which I know I can't have any more. Congratulations to all the rest of you September Samurai's. Simon

    Simon, I was banded on the same day. I am starting to feel better today too. I am able to manuever better today and sit in more positions. Good Luck to you!

  11. fleminld, I don't have any more leave but if I have to take more time off I will. I do feel better each day though. I changed into some jeans today and went out for a walk. It was good to get out, but I couldn't sit in my jeans comfortably so I had to change back into sweats as soon as I got back.

    I hope your 2nd fill is working for you. It sounds like you are doing great though considering you don't feel any restriction.

  12. Hi all,

    I had my surgery on September 30th so now I am two days post op. I am doing well but have major pain at the port site. I hurts really bad to sit down and stand up. I called the nurse though and she said that was normal. It is weird though because that area is indented. She said that was normal too. I don't have any other major pains exept when I have to cough. Unfortunately I have to do it often. I hope the pains go down over the next few days since I plan on going back to work on Monday.

  13. tammytx ...I am sorry that I wasn't online Monday but I had to be at the hospital by 5:30 am the next morning for my surgery.

    So yes, that means I am now banded. I just got home a few hours ago. I was in super pain at first and was grateful for the meds. Once I finally got comfortable in the bed I started to relax. The pain eased up until today now that I am home. I am sore around the port and have gas pains. I also have a cough that hurts like heck each time I have to do it.

    I am excited to say that they weighed me when I checked into the hospital and I lost 19 pounds on my 12 day liquid diet. It was weird though because they weighed me again in the middle of the night after only having an IV in my arm and a few ounces of Water I put on 5 pounds. I will have to pull out my scale and see what the results are after getting back on my liquid diet.

    Oh another weird thing... does anyone else have a weird indentiation on their stomach now. They numbered my incisions and my port is #6, but #5 (next to port) is indented. I hope it evens out after it heals!?


  14. My nutritionist told me that pretty much everyone in Washington state is going to be Vitamin D deficient. My surgeon has me on 50,000 units three times a week and an over the counter 2000 unit daily. I don't know what my lab numbers were but he was pretty worried about them and that is why he is being so aggressive with the dosage. I remember reading an article that said something about not putting your sun block on for like 15 minutes so that you can get some Vitamin D.

    Also, we were talking about Calcium earlier and I found a health food store in the Kitsap Mall called Helen's Health Foods. They had lots of calcium citrate in multiple forms. She recommended a liquid called "Life Time". It came in many flavors and was between 600 and 700 mg depending on which flavor you chose. I bought the strawberry which was 600 mg and haven't tried it yet. After I try it, I will let you know if it is any good. They also had an orange flavored chewable that was 250 mg. If I stick with the surgeon's recommendation I would have to have too many per day so I didn't choose that one. But at least I know there are other options if I get board.

  15. In January I got a new insurance since my employer switched companies. I had already planned on getting the band and had to wait until January 1st for it to start. I called on New Years day to make sure it was covered and got the requirements. There was no problem at all with it being the first day having the insurance. I did have to do the six month diet and a few other requirements but now I will be having surgery on Tuesday paid in full. Yay!!!

  16. I tried it at a friends house. I would agree that you would need a regular workout at a gym but it was fun and a great way to get your butt off the couch. I really want to get one of my own. Maybe if I am good I will get one for Christmas...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
