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Everything posted by StefanieSparklePants

  1. StefanieSparklePants

    Anemia despite high dosages of iron

    Djmohr, Thanks for your response. I keep hearing in several forums that absorption comes back. I also have not found any evidence to support this. I'm not sure if people's surgeons are telling them this or not. I recall hearing a few people say something about the receptors (or something) within the intestines " grow back," and then more absorption occurs and that this magically happens when a honeymoon period is over. Everyone's honeymoon period differs, though. I only lost weight for 9-10 months, then I was done, and I'm still anemic. So, i dont know. Like you said, there's no evidence of this. It's weird what people will believe. Thanks for the input!
  2. StefanieSparklePants

    Anemia despite high dosages of iron

    Angie, How did you feel after it? Did you have a reaction or anything? The idea of infusions kinda scares me, but I want to feel better. I dont need infusions yet, but if I keep heading in the direction I'm heading, I will. Anemia sucks.
  3. StefanieSparklePants

    Anemia despite high dosages of iron

    UPDATE- Thanks for all the responses. I got a hold of my Dr. Before 5PM and asked about my levels. (I couldnt wait until Monday) She said my Iron saturation percentage is improving. So, i dont need infusions at this time. But she said something that REALLY confuses me, and im not a medical professional, so i dont know if this is true, but she said ferritin levels can go down as saturation percentages improve. That doesnt make sense to me. It's true my saturation level 6 weeks ago was at 10% and now, today, it is at 18%. I dont know. I thought ferritin was suppose to improve as the saturation percentage improves? Something is not adding up.
  4. StefanieSparklePants

    Periods post-op.

    If your periods get heavy or wacky (like mine did- got my period 2 times a month and heavy) you'll be a year out with anemia, like I am. I upped my iron like my bariatric clinic told me to do and still wound up anemic. If your periods are heavy, let them know so they can adjust your iron, and listen to your body. If something doesn't feel right and doesnt get better, have your blood checked.
  5. So, I want to know if any vets out there (I'm talking 1 year or more out), got over the constant deep freeze phase? I mean, I'm cold all the time. i never thought I'd be using an electric blanket in June; and even then, sometimes that blanket doesn't work and no about of warmfs can warm me. It can take hours of lying in bed until I'm finally warm. I wear layers, heat holders brand socks, everything you can think of. I sit in front of a space heater, let my cat sleep on me, eat warm Soup, drink hot coffee, use those little disposable hand, feet and ass warmers that come in packets. I'm at a loss freezing my ass off all the time. I'm getting enough calories; between 800-1200 a day, taking all my Vitamins, Proteins, ect. I'm on my feet all day walking around, riding bike, using the elliptical. Ugh. Does it get better once your weight loss levels out? I'm 10 months and have 7 pounds to go until my goal weight.
  6. StefanieSparklePants

    Another stall

    Stalls are normal, you guys. Keep following the plan and you'll do fine, but I swear that if I had a dollar for every stall post I read, I'd be rich! Lol!
  7. You're 7 weeks out. Relax. You've done well. You didn't gain your weight over night. You wont lose it over night either. Wait until you're 6, then 10 months out. Your hunger and appetite comes back with a vengeance and the weight doesnt melt off anymore. Im 10 months, almost 11 and I'm in the maintenance stage. Sounds like youre doing everything right!
  8. StefanieSparklePants

    Worried about losing weight too quickly

    Doesnt matter how fast or slow you lose, you'll have extra skin. Im 33 and my body looks like a melted candle. Medicare will not cover lose skin as far as I know.
  9. StefanieSparklePants

    Change of heart?

    Sorry, but y'all need to be patient. Patient with yourselves emotionally, patient with yourselves bodily, and patient with the surgery. I had a bunch of wicked problems for the first 6 months; i even had a stricture that resolved itself, severe gastritis bordering on ulcer, daily nausea, even blood in my stool after surgery, infected incisions, stalls, you name it. I was lucky I had my surgery at a bariatric center of excellence where they address with psychological impact the surgery may have, and got me into counseling immediately after surgery. It has done wonders for me. Please consider joining a bariatric group in your area and speaking with a counselor. You made the choice to surgically alter your digestive track. Give it some time. Most of these issues will resolve themselves.
  10. StefanieSparklePants

    My Body Doubles as an Icebox

    Oh, I'd love to move to the desert! I was recently at the Grand Canyon and I loved it there. Trying to convince the fiancee to move. I live in ND where Winter temps reach -30 to-40. I envy you!
  11. StefanieSparklePants

    My Body Doubles as an Icebox

    I thought upping the exercise would help circulation or something, but no. I even added more healthy fats to my diet hoping that would help- no such luck. I guess I'm cursed to have crypt keeper cold hands and feet for the rest of my life! Lol
  12. StefanieSparklePants


    While reversals are indeed rare, surgeons will reverse a RNY procedure for the reason of severe malnutrition. I knew a lady who had hers reversed because of this. It's unfortunate, but it happens.
  13. StefanieSparklePants

    Worst mistake of my life?

    Hi there, I'm really sorry you're having a hard time. I Would say the punching pain could be because your pouch might be a bit inflamed from the vomiting. I would demand to see a surgeon. A barium swallow may be in your future (I had one early out too because of some issues you mention), they might look at the structure of the pouch, the stoma, ect. I doubt you'd have a stricture at this point- youre too early out. That usually happens around month three if it does happen, but it is possible you could be starting with one... I understand the frustration with food stages. I was moved back to the puree stage THREE times before I could move onto the soft food phase; it sucked. My pouch kept getting severely irritated and they took me off all Vitamins for a week. Did they prescribe prilosec or some other antacid? That nay help a lot.
  14. StefanieSparklePants


    I think they'd be great once you start on the regular (solid) food stage of the journey, but I would caution against them in the beginning. I was distinctly told no seeds of any kind, but everyone has different rules and such. My surgeon warned of us of some of the potential complications that can occur, some of which can require a second surgery to fix. Keep in mind, the nerves in your stomach have been severed. Your stomach is quite swollen already from surgery. And you may not feel the real extent of pain or potential damage that's happening. This is why we slowly graduate to different food stages and why we have to be super diligent about measuring our foods. Moreover, people may not feel their sense of restriction or fullness until they are several months out. I didnt get mine until about month 3. You need to treat your pouch like a tiny baby while it is healing and stick to the plan. Also, nutritionists are well meaning, but are basically only given bare bones training on bariatric diets. Do not rely on them to be the know-all end-all. Proceed with caution. Take care!
  15. StefanieSparklePants


    Chia seeds are also hydrophilic and will absorb like 10 times the water, so you're gonna want to up your water intake to accommodate these seeds, as this could easily constipate you if you're not taking in enough water.
  16. StefanieSparklePants


    So, your doctor didn't explain the dangers of eating seeds and such to you? I wasn't allowed seeds until I was 6 months out. They can get stuck in fresh staples and cause irritation or injury to your new pouch.
  17. StefanieSparklePants

    My Body Doubles as an Icebox

    I had my blood work done at my 6 month mark. And apparently I'm not anemic and hbg is good. Thats a good call though. It's something I'll need to watch out for.
  18. StefanieSparklePants

    My Body Doubles as an Icebox

    My feet are the worst!
  19. StefanieSparklePants

    15 days post opp

    I didn't misunderstand you. Unfortunately, this is a noted compulsive behavior, so the very nature of the act opens the floodgate for chewing and spitting out more than 1 bite. Many people can't limit it to one bite. And it leads them to a full blown eating disorder. Luckily, we live in a free country where chewing and spitting out your food is a novelty, I suppose. Any way you want to slice it, it's ultimately your decision and I wish you the best of luck with post-op life. It can be a tough road. Take care.
  20. StefanieSparklePants

    Hair Loss

    I was lucky and had super thick hair. It looks terrible now.
  21. StefanieSparklePants

    Hair Loss

    I noticed the last couple days my hair loss has slowed slightly, but not much. My hormones are completely out of whack. I'm 10 months out, but might take until my weight loss completely stabilizes until I notice more of a difference.
  22. StefanieSparklePants

    15 days post opp

    Waterwoman, with all due respect, that's a very unprofessional suggestion from your surgeon. Also, popcorn husks can get lodged in fresh staples. It's ludicrous he would suggest such a thing. It's a gateway to bulimia. Please don't take what you read here as the go-ahead, ssmoore. You should take to your bariatric team. Here's a link explaining how this behavior is an eating disorder. It can cause stomach ulcers and insulin spikes! Scary! Don't take the gamble: https://anorexictoathletic.com/2012/01/31/the-silent-secret-eating-disorder-chew-spit/ Here is another thread from a trusted bariatric forum, ObesityHelp: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/rny/4552959/Why-We-Shouldnt-Chew-Our-Food-and-Then-Spit-It-Out/
  23. StefanieSparklePants

    15 days post opp

    We've all thought about it. Trouble is? It's an actual eating disorder. I wasn't aware of that until I read about it. It can be a real unhealthy habit. And if you accidentally swallow something, it could really irritate, even injure your new pouch. Treat your pouch like the tiny, helpless baby it is. I'd avoid the chew- spit out behavior all together.
  24. StefanieSparklePants

    Severe Hunger Pangs

    Highly doubtful it's an ulcer. It simply isnt likely this early out. You're only 14 days out. Around that time, if I didnt put something in my pouch every 2-3 hours it kinda felt like a mini acid pit. It was especially bad in the mornings. I took prilosec twice a day up until 3-4 months out and chewed Tums once in awhile. Its an uncomfortable phase that does pass.
  25. StefanieSparklePants

    Spouses... jealousy

    Weight loss will bring forth a wellspring of insecurity in relationships that weren't solid to begin with. Luckily I haven't experienced this with my fiancée. Seems like people's relationships either get stronger or eventually collapse after this surgery. It seems like your weight loss has revealed a side of him you both weren't expecting? I say, you've fought hard for yourself to get healthy. It's not unfair to hold him to the same standards of health; and if that requires him to go seek medical help for his mental illness, so be it. But making excuses for him and saying he "flips" if mental health treatment options are brought up, leaves us with very little advice to give you, because it's probably advice you dont want to hear. You may need to face some serious, hard truths and confront the fact that he may not change his situation for you. Prayer will only get you so far in this predicament, I'm afraid. Counseling and medical help for mental illness is a must. Your safety is at risk. I have personal experience dealing with PTSD with a war vet. It can be a dangerous situation. Draw some lines in the sand. Let him know you're there for him but compromise is needed.

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