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Posts posted by tjstark

  1. You look great! I do think a lot of people say it takes about six months for your brain to catch up with your body? Try to stay positive. I'm nearly 3 months out and lots of people around me tell me they see a huge change, I obviously cannot see it myself, but I try to take them at their word and allow that to motivate me!

  2. I usually manage to eat slow, but it's not always easy - especially when I'm eating out with a friend, I always feel self conscious about eating at a slower pace! But I had a recent bad experience of eating too fast and vomiting/feeling so bad, so it's definitely a good idea to get into slow eating habits. That experience is one I don't want to feel again!

    I use a small teaspoon to eat and wait at least a minute between bites.

  3. I guess the key is, like any food post-op, is to try it and see if your new stomach can tolerate it. If you try those foods and you can tolerate it, then you're golden. If not, maybe try in future.

    I've had a little bit of potato since my surgery and it's been fine. My NUT said no bread unless toasted, I can only manage half a slice and it goes down fine, but because I'm limiting carbs I only have bread maybe once a week. I haven't tried tortillas or pizza. If you're really craving pizza and don't want to worry about the carbs, there's a great recipe for chicken crust pizza on the internet -- I need to try making it myself!

  4. Flavoured Water?

    I wasn't a huge drinker of carbonated drinks but every now again I do miss Diet Coke or lemonade. But I buy flavoured still lemon & lime Water and if I ever feel like lemonade, I have a swig of that. I don't drink it often because I find it too sweet, but it's nice to have on hand if I ever feel like I lemonade.

    Also, just another thought - how about trying sugar-free cola flavoured ice lollies? When I was sleeved I bought a pack of flavoured ice lollies for the liquid phase and it included a cola flavour.

  5. Worst memory? I was given a PILL by one of my nurses a couple hours after surgery. They didn't bother to check with my surgeon if it was OK, they'd have known it wasn't. I was out of it at the time, but I remember questioning it and they said the doctor said it was OK... turns out it wasn't my doctor who is a bariatric expert, but just a general doctor on call. I was really worried what it would do to me!

  6. Sometimes, yes, I'd love to go eat a burger or fries. Changing habits of a lifetime isn't easy! But then I remember how long I've managed to go without those things due to surgery and survived perfectly fine. I've found myself enjoying coming up with new things that I can eat and make myself; perhaps challenge yourself to cook and you may enjoy it? Of course, things like fries and burgers aren't off the table forever, but now it's about moderating those types of foods and ensuring it's not part of your life except as a once in a while treat.

  7. Thank you everyone, I wasn't expecting all the kind responses but it's definitely helped me feel better. :)

    I felt angry, for sure, but I know better than to take it to heart... it's not going to put me off my goals. I'm doing this for me, no one else, and I'm very nonchalant about my results (I don't weigh in often so as not to get obsessive) so everyone else that is so concerned about my results can just go away. :P

  8. You're still only a month or so out, you will feel tired at the moment... I know I do at 5 weeks. It is normal and having just spoken to my surgeon today, I'm assured it will pass as you continue to recover.

    Are you taking all your multivits? I take Multivitamin, D3 and B12 daily. It could also help if you start your day with something energising like a Protein shake.

    Sipping on Water and/or a Protein Shake throughout the part of the day you tend to feel drowsy (for me it's the post-lunch afternoon slump) can keep you feeling energised too.

  9. I haven't felt the need to rant until now! I'm 5 weeks out tomorrow and have lost a considerable amount in that time, but obviously it's not like I've shed 100lbs overnight!

    That said, I'm pretty annoyed with family members that seem to think I'm going to drop 100lbs overnight. It's so annoying to hear things like, "Well, you look the same." Really? After just a few weeks? I look the same? No shit, Sherlock.

    Further adding to my annoyance, a cousin from out of town came to stay for the weekend. This person has constantly cracked jokes about my weight throughout my life. He says, "You look the same, I thought you were gonna be all slim and shit." After a few weeks??? He then proceeded to make a joke that really hurt: something along the lines of, "Can you guess which one is pregnant?" while pointing to me and my two pregnant relatives. ;/

    I feel really angry about this. :(

  10. Dr. Beck refers to it as strengthening your resistance muscle and weakening your giving in muscle. I learned early on that I can not expect others to change what they normally do regarding food when I'm around. I was the one who decided have surgery and lose weight. Therefore, it is I that must learn the skills and strategies of resisting any tempting food that isn't on my food plan.

    I agree with you a lot here! I knew pre-surgery that I couldn't expect my family to give up their foods or be considerate to me when they're just going about their daily lives, which unfortunately for me, do include foods I see as a trigger. I knew I didn't have a choice, I would have to be around them eating these foods because I live with them, so it really is a test of resistance! For me personally, I don't expect anything from people including my family and just make things work for me.

    I have had, however, some inconsiderate instances of family members waving their food that is a trigger for me in my face and taunting me, 'Do you miss it?' That I think is horrible. Just going about their daily lives, I just have to adapt my own thinking and be resistant.

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