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Posts posted by SlimTiff

  1. So, I had my surgery July 13. I am interested in starting birth control for the first time ever for various reasons- a sudden onslot of adult acne, irregular periods, and sexy time without an unplanned pregnancy reasons. I know for some birth control, it is affected by weight, I'm assuming oral contraceptions will be affected by the different absorbtion... basically, is it too soon to pursue this? If I do pursue it, what has worked for you/what conversations have you had with your pcp/bariatric team regarding birth control?

  2. Hey, I am just under 2 weeks post op. My experience has been very smooth. I thought Id give your questions a whirl..\

    Recommended food/shakes/supplies for first few weeks?

    Powedered Peanut Butter has been my savior. PBFit is the most widely recognized brand, BUT the Vitamin store I went to had other brands. My go to Protein shake has been 100% Soy Protein Unflavored (VitaminShoppe brand) 1 tbs protein powder, 1/2 unsweetened cocoa powder, 2 packets of stevia, 8oz Water.

    I originally bought nectar whey Protein powders. I began having severe dry mouth, thirst, mucus, etc. from the whey. I stopped and switched over to soy and the problem cleared up.

    As far as food- refried Beans, hummus, eggs/cottage cheese, mashed potatoes.... these became my staples and favorites. My post-op plan for these two weeks was 6 teaspoons of pureed food per meal. The aforementioned were more substantial than cream Soup or pudding. You will get creative though, you'll find what works for you by blending things together that you never thought you would.

    Get a nutribullet or something in the same vain. It helps with shakes and pureeing your own food. I use mine like... 5 times a day.

    Water? Water was tough. I went from chugging my glasses of water to learning how to sip. Always have a water bottle and listen to your body.

    Time off? I was up and walking the moment I got to my hospital room. It would have been sooner if the nurses in recovery would have let me. It was hard. There was some pain... mostly related to a drainage tube... but as soon as that was out... my pain was at a 2 or 3. The time is really to adjust to a new schedule of eating and drinking and Vitamins...I constantly feel like I am putting something in my mouth...it is hard to plan around...also to recover from anesthesia. Take a week for sure. Two if you can... but know that the two weeks won't be physical recovery, rather mentally resetting

    Clothes? Did you already have clothes ready for the shrinking new you? I haven't boughten any new clothes. I have a couple pairs of pants that I grew out of... I plan on kind of just looking like a bum and buying cheap and stretchy as I go.

    What has your level of exercise been post-op compared to the months before? Prior to surgery, I joined a gym for a couple months. I was never a gym person, but have always been athletic despite my size. I fell in love with the gym. Right now, I am walking about 2-3 miles a day and have been since day 3 home from the hospital (depending on the heat). I don't know that that is normal or recommended. I am itching to start actually exercising. I wanna jog or lift, but I know I have to be patient and it is killing me.

    What's been the biggest surprise to you after having the surgery? How smooth and easy the recovery has been. I don't know that that is normal.... but I went into the surgery with the attitude that I wanted to do the work. I wanted to walk as soon as possible. I wanted to drive as soon as possible. I wanted to return to my hobbies as soon as possible. I think those goals along with a strong awareness of my body have served me well these first few weeks.

    What do you wish you'd done differently in the months leading up to it? I think I wish I would have confronted my issues with food more. I didn't realize my connection to food was emotionally charged until I was faced with the reality of the surgery happening. Right now it isn't a problem, but I haven't been tested yet. I think that will be the hardest part of this process for me in general.

    Good luck. You will do great!

    Thank you !!!

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