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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Ellenomore

  1. I would definitely wait until you see your doctor for results.

    My understanding from the doctor is that you cannot stretch your sleeve because they remove the part of the stomach that is the stretchable part. Unlike the bypass where they use the stretchable part of your old stomach to make your new stomach pouch.

  2. I was sleeved on 12/8. For the first two weeks I was losing quickly. However I have slowed down to about a pound or two a week myself. At first when the slow down came I was a little bit upset, but after I thought about it two pounds a week was more than I was losing with traditional dieting and I figure that is still eight to ten pounds a month.I started to increase my exercise and last week I lost three pounds. Slow and stead wins the race. Hang in there you can do it :)

  3. Some of my clothes are getting to big for me...yippee. :)

    I am struggling however about if I should get rid of my clothes or hold onto them. My plan is not to ever get into a size 24 again, but I've said that before. In fact, over the last 4 years I have lost weight twice , gave my size 24's away just to find I gained it back and there I was shopping for my size 24's. Is this going to be any different? Has anyone else felt the same way?

  4. I'm actually just looking forward to being able to buy more affordable clothes. It's like there's a "fat lady tax" on the nice clothes available in my current size (22-24). If you look online, when you have to jump to the plus size on the scroll button, the price jumps too! It's so unfair. I've complained a LOT about plus size clothing. The stupid euphemisms when you go shopping at a department store and you can't find the clothing you're looking for... is it misses this time? Or women's? Or plus? I end up wandering around searching and then when I find the plus size section it's a tiny, dusty corner of the store with humiliating floral patterned shirts or elastic banded jeans. I hate shopping. I end up ordering everything online at retailers where I know my exact size.

    I just want to be able to go to a regular department store and shop in the regular sized section and pick out what I want, rather than be forced to shop in a 50 square foot space with 5 shirt varieties and a few pant options.

    Oh, and I want to be able to wear necklaces again! I miss jewelry. I know I can use extenders but it's a pain and I keep losing mine. I just want to pick up a necklace and not worry about it being too tight on my neck.

    Last thing: I hope my chub rub goes away. You know, when you're wearing a skirt and your thighs create friction and it becomes uncomfortable. Spanx solve that problem somewhat but I'd just love to wear a skirt without restrictive undergarments!

    Fun topic :) It's making me look forward to the future!

    Amen sister !! So true everything you said. I am looking forward to being able to go to the "normal sizes" and fit into something that is not just with a large floral print. What do these people think that come up with these designs for overweight people? News flash: Floral patterns do not flatter an overweight women. I am not a person who wears a lot of dresses probably because I have huge legs and never thought I looked good in one, However my brother in law is getting married at the end of May. I have been actually thinking a lot lately about how good I am going to look in a dress by then and hopefully in a " normal size" not XL tent...lol :rolleyes:

  5. @@Teaclinton

    Finding motivation to be active is interesting. Here are a few things to try

    music was a great way to distract and pump you up while walking, cleaning house or working out...Holy hell!!! sing loud in your car. It raises your heart beat.

    Virtual weight loss simulator. See what the possibilities are. Remind your self you will only get out of your surgery what you are willing to put into it.


    My favorite is after joining the gym. I secretly compete with people. If I can stay on the treadmill and walk longer than the person next to me..... I WIN!

    Fitness web sites: Find what things to keep you active that you might enjoy...Kayaking, Join a group hike, mountain biking, Sports....Find what is fun and go with it.



    49 best fitness apps of 2015


    I actually used model my diet for the before and after goal model of myself before surgery and hung it on my refrigerator. It's very motivating.

  6. I slept in the recliner ( if you have one) for the first 3 nights. I tried my bed but it was too difficult. When I finally got into bed I did as suggested above and used pillows to support me. I sleep on my side preferably on my stomach. Obviously the stomach took longer to sleep on.

    It will get easier day by day. Just make sure you are getting up waking around and moving during the day. It will help you to heal faster, :rolleyes:

  7. I am 6 days post op and all of a sudden I feel like the stomach is growling all day long. I am on Clear liquids and Protein shakes till the 23rd and that seems like a lifetime away. Anyone have any suggestions as to make the grumbling stop?

    I know exactly how you feel. I had my surgery 8 days ago and I feel like I am hungry also,even though I am sure that it is not the case. I have done some of the suggestions above to help with this. I cannot start soft foods until the 23rd either. Hang in there and know that you are not alone... You can do it !! :rolleyes:

  8. Hello to all my December 8th sleevers !!

    Everything went well with the surgery I do have a some of the same common problems you all did and that is the GAS it was horrible. I finally passed gas as soon as I got home and had a bowl movement. I also had the hiccups for the first two days. Everything feels fine except for the incision where they took my stomach out, it is very sensitive and painful. When the surgeon looked at it she said I may have a hematoma but it should go away on its own. I was discharged on Dec 10th late afternoon, Besides that I use a 30 cc cup to get my liquids in. Yesterday I had was able to get in my 48oz of fluids which included ( 2) 35 gram Protein Shakes by sipping all day. I'm glad everyone is moving along and happy that I have a group that we can share our journey. :rolleyes:

  9. I'm the first surgery at 7:30am, so I have to be there by 5:45am. I'm so nervous but sooooo ready! I can't believe it's tomorrow already. Good luck everybody!!!!!

    Just finished my magnesium citrate...that was gross! Any one else have to download that stuff?

    No, just nothing by mouth after midnight...

    I just found out my surgery time is going to be at 7:30 also. Good luck ,speedy recovery :rolleyes:

  10. I am sooo excited and nervous! Surgery is at 7:30 tomorrow morning! I guarentee I won't sleep at all tonight! Lol

    Any advice on what to pack in my overnight bag?

    My surgery is tomorrow also and believe it or not at 7:30 am also. What a coincidence?! I will be right there with you with the no sleeping tonight thing, but I figure I will be sleeping enough in recovery. Congratulations !! :rolleyes:

  11. Here is my before surgery & the full length is yesterdays pic. I loved my outfit, I didn't think my thighs looked that massive still. I think maybe its because they were up in front of the other.... But clearly still large! I think my face looks big still... Yet Saturday I took a selfie in my car as my hubby was driving & you can see the other pic, mh face looks much thinner there than it does in the full length pic. So I don't get it.

    I have posted on the before & after forum & get hardly any feedback, so I stopped posting there lol. I think that forum is for the true extreme before & after pics. Slight difference pics don't get much feedback I think in my opinion.

    You look Awesome !! Keep up the Great work !! Keep posting those pics. I look forward to seeing more and posting some of my own in a few months. My surgery is tomorrow. :D

  12. I guess I haven't seen anyone really that knows me.... Well my neighbors don't say anything. My husband does of course and that makes me feel good. I left my old job so I don't see who I worked with before surgery to hear the after compliments. My family all live out of state, so its hard because I have no one to loom at me & just drop the "OMG YOU LOOK FANTASTIC" compliments etc .... My hubby tells me but he is not an overly gushy guy with compliments. So I only have myself & the mirror and mental strength to go on. Some days just get harder than others.

    Just a thought but maybe to get the compliments that you are longing for if you can post some before and after pics on this forum. I know they are an inspiration for others like myself who are just going to have the surgery. :rolleyes:

  13. I actually start my pre-op diet tomorrow and had the same experience when I was sampling different Protein drinks. I knew I'd better find one that I liked so I went thru about 6 different ones and finally found one I could live with. I like the WonderSlim from Bariatric Choice. It can be a shake or a pudding depending on how you prepare it, At first the smell when preparing it turned me off a little bit, but when I started to drink it I was like wow this is the best one so far. There were some I could tolerate if I needed too but I tried one last week and thought I was going to vomit. It's all about what you like. Good luck to you on your journey. :)

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