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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by wagyu

  1. Hi all, I am waiting for the day I get cleared to work out, but want to hear from some of you out there. When you work out did it slow down weight loss for you? Or was it the same? or did it enhance it? Because pre op, I would be on a diet and would work out, and i would lose slower than if i were to just be on a diet- what do you guys think? what are your experiences?
  2. Thanks!! That's a lot of determination. I'm gonna try to go in the morning everyday. Just afraid of the slow weight loss but if it tones me, all the better!
  3. Hi all, I am hungry, 4 days post op i am craving the sun and the moon. how do I stop this, is my sleeve not working?
  4. Yeah! That's my program except I'm on Pureed/ mush for a whole month or so before moving onto solid. Good luck on your surgery!! It's gonna be great. Be prepared, and it seems like the class will give you everything you need. Keep us posted please!!
  5. Is this the right one as on their website it states that for two weeks post surgery the patient will be restricted to liquids before then going onto soft foods? Yeah! We have a nutritional guide/ packet. We can eat pureed mush right after. But again it is based on tolerance if I can't tolerate it I don't rush it. I can tolerate it hence I can do it. We had pre op surgery classes at the hospital and stuff and people did ask when we can start all these and the nurses/ doctors said it is based on how well you can tolerate it, everyone is different. Since i can do liquids and Pureed/ mush im good.
  6. Thanks so much!! Ahh the tuna isn't the problem I ate the tuna after my hunger, as in I was extremely hungry therefore I ate the tuna , not the other way around. I only ate tuna at the hospital and then during that one hunger pang. I should've been more clear it seems like everyone thinks I'm eating tuna daily. And the tuna is Pureed to mush not solid tuna. In between I'm eating soft scrambled eggs and yogurt, cottage cheese, Protein Shakes, Soups, nothing crazy. I can tolerate these no problem I just have hunger pangs here in there. And I'm still learning what my body is telling me if it likes certain things or not. So it's a learning experience. Thanks!!
  7. Really??? I couldn't stand the drink- it's the thick liquid right? I nearly heaved it up. But it was kinda cool watching the nectar of hell go down the tummy in real time watching it go down- I have to agree it makes you understand it. The single incision is great! It's only great because showering is SO difficult with one incision I can't imagine more. I feel nothing after day 3, that feeling like you were working your abs a lot is gone 3-4 days later, although day 1-2 is horrendous, cause they only focus at that one point. I'm waiting to see in a few months if it is virtually scarless. And I agree everyone is different and there's no bariatric gold standard. Some people did 1 week pre op some 2 some a month!! Some people people post op are on liquids for a week or a month, some pureed right after it varies
  8. omg you look great you lost a whole person!!!!! When did carbs come back into the picture is it 9 months out? congrats I love this forum! keep them coming!!
  9. Ahh ok, apologies for the misinterpretation. And i hated my leak test when awake, and I didn't say I liked it, I hated it, I asked if they could do it while I was out. The drink was the Fluid of hell, I wish I had it while asleep, but they needed to see how I swallowed it and how it travelled down, I get that but I hated it. I am happy with the one incision, but hated my leak test awake. I did a 2. One cat scan and one normal xray just to be careful. And thank you, if you do mean well, I am greatful! Same to you as well! hope it goes well. So far I lost 21 lbs since pre op diet which was August 1st. Hopefully momentum keeps going. I wish you well!! Same wishes to you.
  10. Wait why the hostility? If it works for me it works for me if it doesn't work for you that's fine? I don't get why some of you are omg flabbergasted? I'm not dead and I'm doing well. You say you wish me well but you're very condescending. I don't get it? We are here to help each other not say omg your doctor sucks mine does it better. You get your information from your doctor I get it from mine. Everyone's experience is different. What are you trying to say Sharon? Your experience is better than mine cause of the listed. You are extremely condescending, again I take orders from my doctor you take it from yours. I'm no medical expert so I don't judge but again extremely condescending. Also I said pureed and mush NOT Solid. Solids only after a month. Geez bariatric group in New York City I don't name it because no one asked? I have Pepcid, somehow it's so delicious haha. Yeah the doctor and nut said that. Cause when I would eat something I'd get full already. I'll ask if I can have Zantac should be fine!
  11. wagyu

    Surgery in 5 hours!

    Thanks for asking. I'm feeling better. Still a little sore. I think that's more from the hiatal hernia repair and the gall bladder removal though. I'm moving around better and getting in my fluids and Protein the best I can. My surgeon was very excited when he saw my gall bladder because he said it was in really bad shape, the worst he's seen. It's amazing what excites them. I chuckled at this. Surgeons find weird things funny. Glad you got all this done at once! Me too I was like if you're opening me up take everything out I don't wanna come back!!! Haha glad you're doing well. I mean you jumped back online and texted so you must be doing great!!
  12. Oh yeah of course you couldn't leave! They need to monitor you so your sleeve is ok to tolerate mush and stuff. Id be horrified if they let me go without knowing what I can/ can't tolerate. Some people if they can't tolerate it will be sent home but I guess on just liquids until they can tolerate it- they won't keep you there they just will give you different advice versus the norm. But from my days in the hospital ( 4 other ppl got it ( by 2 different surgeons from the same practice) all went home fine) We were given fluids next day Clear Liquids after we passed the leak test then we graduated towards mush and purees. But yeah I trust the doctors/ hospital since it's the best and leading one in New York, I wouldn't settle for any less since I'm such a princess haha. Also! I only have one incision so my pain was literally non existent unless ugh it's the gas which was bad on day 1 and 2 but now I'm back at work. But yeah it works well for me so far, I had no idea it differed so much! And it's just mush and purees which has the consistency of liquid not solid food, haha I don't know why you're so astonished. Again this doctor helped pioneered the sleeve in the east coast so I think I'm ok. Right??
  13. New York, by one of the leading guys/ practices here. They pioneered single incision technique and a bunch of other techniques. Practically -- new yorks go to practice. The hospital we went to is one of the top in New York. Why?
  14. That's funny. I don't know if I'm swollen or not I had a terrible day 1 and 2 then a super breeze after.
  15. I was eating tuna in the hospital on day 2 haha. The only way we could be discharged is if we could tolerate cream soups and tuna salad. And right off the bat back home we are eating puréed / mush. It's the doctors orders. I've been tolerating tuna salad and eggs very well. It says month 1 soft purred mush Month 2 solid foods. We got no one week liquid / full liquid etc. Cause again right off the bat to get discharged we had to tolerate cream soups, and tuna salad at the hospital Oh I was fine eating tuna it's just I was so hungry yesterday I scoffed it down as opposed to taking my time so it all came back up
  16. Yeah it has to be--- i made tuna salad. scoffed down 2 ozs and had like a chest attack, probably dumping syndrome, cause gasses came out from my throat, my heart beated fast and i phantomed vomited in the bathroom. So yeah maybe i am not hungry. Ahh ok so its not only me, thanks! I will drink a lot
  17. Hi all what did you all eat? I can eat purrees. But I don't think I can eat scrambled eggs or anything. I'm sticking to yogurt and cream soups. What did you guys eat?
  18. Yeah before they discharged me I had to tolerate purrees. So I'm good on purrees. Haha
  19. I got my medical clearance forms, dress im wearing... And that's it. That's all I'm bringing. Am I missing anything anyone?? I'm so exited. Scared for the IV input becUse they're not numbing it first they're going to shove it in which terrifies me but yeah. Anything else I should bring or think of?
  20. Hi all I am back. It was torture the first 2 days back the third day. The gas pains are excruciating. Better today and started purrees. It went down fine. I know this is worth it but day 1 and 2 were painfullll.
  21. Hi all i am craving cream soups. Can i get campbells cream soups? Or are there any other cream soups peeps here can recommend?
  22. Yay! Same as me. Let me know how it goes mine is at 8am. And thanks everyone! Hoping it doesn't hurt as much and again I am terrified of the IV so here's to hoping that doesn't be a downer on my day haha. See yall on the other side
  23. YAY! let me know how it goes. Also for sports bra, i am just not wearing a bra or bringing one at all, does it matter?
  24. How did your surgery go? How are you doing so far? and thanks!! I am so excited for tomorrow- i didn't think chapstick! But hoping to see everyone on the other side
  25. Does this mean no Protein shake? Can I have sugar free Popsicle and Jello?

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