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Posts posted by LivingLight

  1. I had a revision from Sleeve to MGB this last Tuesday (Feb 5'19). I was well warned that the weight loss would be slower, due to the fact that this was a revision, so have been pleasantly surprised by having lost 8lbs in the last week. I am still on clear fluids, and I know that is likely having a huge impact on my expedient weight loss, but it's sure great motivation.

    Did anyone lose well on Clear Liquids, and continue to lose as a decent rate (slower, of course, but at more than 2lbs per week) after a revision? If so, do you have any tips or secrets to share about how to keep the weight loss going. I know it's going to come off, and if it ends up being slow, then so be it. I was mentally prepared for that before surgery, but if I can help keep it going faster, that would be great! My pony would appreciate it I'm sure lol.

    Also, I do not feel any restriction with my clear fluids. Is that normal? I have read a lot of people saying they don't feel restriction after a revision, and am concerned about that. Are clear liquids a different beast, so it is likely that will follow through into the different stages.

    Thanks for reading, and for any input!

  2. I am sure this has been asked before, but I am starting to look into the process of having plastic surgery done. I am down 90lbs, and have 40-50lbs more to lose, but just thought I would get the ball rolling (sleeved July 29'15).

    I had my sleeve done in Mexico, and the surgeon who did it also has a surgery center for plastics. My results and experience with my sleeve surgery sent me to their plastics center first, without hesitation...but the cost was going to be considerably more than I had anticipated. Enough so that I am wondering if maybe it would be better to have plastics done in Canada (where I live) or even the US. Clearly I don't want cost to be deciding factor...I'm not aiming for cheap surgery. Affordable and good is all I am asking for.

    I could have my Tummy Tuck covered provincially (which I will discuss with my doctor today), and could probably upgrade to a 360 (which is what I need), and will have to price that out. But on top of that I would also like an extended arm lift and a breast augmentation.

    So my question is, have you had plastics? Where did you go? How was your experience. I am willing to travel in Canada, the US and Mexico for a good surgeon and an affordable rate, but the world wide web is FULL of names of surgeons, I wouldn't mind some guidance!

    Any input?

  3. I get you. That is one major reason I don't set goals related to the numbers on the scale. I have no control over the numbers on the scale. If I were trying to control them, then I am opening myself up to old disordered eating and dieting behaviors (restricting calories and bingeing after thinking "it's pointless", as you so aptly described).

    I learned from my awesome surgeon and NUT to focus on what I CAN control: my Protein, fluids, Vitamins, and (reasonable) exercise. It sounds counterintuitive, but the best thing I can do for weight loss is to optimize my nutrition (not minimize my calories or other "dieting" strategies). Those actually got me to the place of needing surgery on the first place.

    I also don't answer the question about how much I have lost with a number. I just tell me everyone who asks that I have lost a lot and that I decided early on not to share specific numbers with anyone.

    I know it's hard, but this is much more of a mental change as anything.

    I actually went yesterday and bought a bunch of veggies....don't get me wrong, that's nothing new, but my plan is to cut them up and put them on a tray in the fridge so they are quick and easy to grab if I feel like I need a snack. I LOVE fruit, but with the higher carbs of fruit, I try to keep control of how much I eat of it. Having veggies cut up and ready is setting myself up for success. Success in being centered on "protein and produce" (as is the mantra of my surgeon), and keeping nutrition a high priority. Really I just need to get myself mentally straight, and do what needs to be done. I am the only one who is responsible for my actions and choices.

    I don't mind sharing a number. I have changed SO much, and I am proud of myself, the number reminds me of how far I have come....how much I can do now that I couldn't do 75lbs heavier. But I believe we all need to do what works out best for us.

  4. Thanks for the input everyone.

    I maybe wasn't too clear....I HAD been stuck at 211 for like 3.5-4 weeks....I RECENTLY managed to have it drop like 1.4lbs. As for measuring in tenths of a pound, my scale measures in 10ths of a pound, so I speak in 10ths of a pound. If someone asks me how much I have lost, I don't tell them I have lost "76.4lbs", I actually tell them "about 75lbs", but the scale didn't move 1lbs, and it didn't move 2lbs, it moved 1.4lbs, so that's what I say.

    I absolutely Celebrate the things I have accomplished that are not related to the scale. I do it often. I jog with my best friend, I wear 3 inch heels, I look at clothes, and shock the daylights out of myself when they fit, heck just today I bought a pair of snowshoes (I have never showshoed before, nor has my best friend, but we have decided we will have an absolute blast doing it, so we both jumped in with both feet....pun intended).

    I set a goal to be under 200lbs by Christmas, and it's very frustrating to have to fight so hard to get there, when it's so soon after my surgery.

    Honestly, lately I am struggling to get and stay on plan also. My brain goes to "it's pointless" mode. I know it's not, but I am battling the same thinking that got me overweight in the first place. I need to just sit down and have a real conversation with myself about my goals and my needs at this point I think. And try to figure out what's "normal" to be eating....calorie wise and quanitity wise (as in oz of meat, or cups of food in general), in a meal.

  5. Can someone tell me the time frames after surgery that sleevers typically stall?

    I am 4 months post op (as of today), and am down a total of 76lbs including preop diet (53lbs post op). I have been stuck at 211 for the last 3.5 weeks or so. I am so frustrated!! I did manage to get it to budge 1.4lbs this past week, but I don't feel like I should be "done" weigh weight loss yet, especially because my restriction is still good.

    I am wondering if maybe this is just a "typical" stall point....if so, are there more in the future that I should be aware of?

  6. OhI certainly live life to the fullest. I have tons of energy, I work a full time job, a part time job, do photography on the side, ride my horse, and still go out with my friends. I worked a 16 hour day this week, between my 2 jobs....no problem!

    Life is incredible! I can't believe I have the energy I do. I'm 42, my friends are 27-30, and I keep up NO problem!!

    More than that though, I appreciate life and myself. I appreciate my great qualities...and my flaws...and everything that makes me uniquely me.

    My thoughts are not that people shouldn't appreciate themselves if they are overweight, not by a LONG shot. My best friend is overweight, and she has amazing confidence (real confidence, not the kind that is used to pretend you love yourself). My journey needed me to stop hating how I looked to appreciate WHO I am. To stop hating how I looked, I had to lose weight.

    I have SO much respect for those who have more strength than I do, and simply love themselves, with or without extra weight.

  7. This taken from a status I wrote on Facebook last night...

    The last time I went running, I had an interesting experience...there were just 2 of us on the indoor track, myself and another woman. I was jogging a lap, and then walking a lap. On about my 3rd jogging lap, the other woman turned as she heard me approach her to pass, and turned and gave me a double thumbs up and mouthed "You GO!!" (I'm assuming she mouthed it, I had my ipod on). It dawned on me, I was "the fatty running on the track", the one that the story is written about. I appreciated the encouragement, but that got me to thinking; I don't know where I stand in terms of my size. It was easier to describe myself when I weighed 74lbs more...I was "heavyset" and "all personality"....now, I am not thin....but I don't think I am exactly heavyset. I have used (not derogatorily, per se) the words "fat girl" to describe myself, and twice been told "you're not fat anymore"..."fat" was my identity. Now, I am finding out I am so much more awesome than "fat", and it has nothing to do with the number on the scale. It has to do with finding my value, and feeling cute, young and lively...it has to do with loving who I have become....losing the weight just let me actually show off my inner sparkle. While I am shedding weight, I am shedding my self consciousness, I am shedding my self doubt, and when I look in the mirror, or at pictures, FOR ONCE all I see is the awesome, zany, spunky, sparkly, loving, funny, kind, sensitive person that I have always been. Losing weight didn't make me a better person, it just allowed me to see past an exterior I hated to see the amazing, lovely woman I have always been.

  8. So, I am sure it's been discussed quite a bit about carbs/breads etc after surgery.

    I understand it's not uncommon to have issues with these kinds of foods post-op. I was sleeved July 29th, and I seem to have problems with breat/wheat type stuff. I don't know about rice (haven't tried it yet), and I am ok with potatoes (but don't eat them much, and only a teeny bit when I do).

    For me, it feels like I have been punched in the gut.

    What I am wondering is:

    1) does anyone know if this does damage to the body if you eat it (I am still new to this discovery, and sometimes make stupid mistakes)?

    2) Also, does anyone know if using gluten free products (like bread, etc) would make a difference?

    I'm just thinking about trying to limit my "restriction". Trying to find ways to normalize myself. I'd like to be able to occasionally (and I mean every couple of months, not a couple times a week) have a burger without it hurting, or have half a piece of toast with my egg.

    So, does anyone have any input?


  9. No, I opted not to bring my good camera. I didn't anticipate feeling as awesome as I did (was shopping the day after surgery for trinkets for my kids). That's ok. I will be going back for boobs eventually LOL I can take it then!

    The trip was nice, I woke up from surgery feeling fairly groggy and dizzy. But once that passed (a few hours), I felt WAY better than I expected.

    Out of the 4 who were done the same day as me, the 4 or 5 that were done the day before, and the 5 who were done the day after only 1 was feeling sick for the first few days. I think I was the perkiest and most energetic though.

  10. @@Inner Surfer Girl

    Sorry to be so late to reply, clearly I don't get email notifications!

    I had my surgery on July 29th, and am doing wonderfully. I had a check-up with my family doctor at about 4 weeks post op, just for the sake of checking in, and my blood pressure had already gone from 150/90 pre-op to 107/74. My energy is up, my confidence is up, my clothes don't fit, and life is good. Recovery has been a lot easier than I expected.

    Absolutely the BEST decision I have ever made for myself!! 52lbs down since I started my pre-op diet, and 30lbs down since surgery!

  11. I am booked with Obesity Control Center. I was supposed to have my sister accompanying me, but she bailed, so I am going alone. I am hearing that because I have no companion I will have to check out of the hotel for the night I am in the hospital (seems kind of silly, since I wouldn't pay more for a guest to stay in the room while I was in the hospital).

    I am leaning towards not taking my camera with me (which breaks my heart, I would really like to), but I would like to say "not much to take pictures of" is completely subjective. A macro lens and a unique perspective can change the world of someone with a camera in hand. What seems like overly bright and garish tourist traps can be a gold mine for someone looking for only the smallest details.

  12. I think if you are going to self pay, ANYWHERE, your concerns should be more than the cost of the surgery. I am booked for my sleeve in Mexico on the 29th. The wait list in my province for bariatric surgery is 3 years long.

    As for the surgeon you go with, spend a lot of time researching. Consciously LOOK for good and bad reports about any one surgeon. This is a life changing opportunity, just do your best to make sure that it's changing your life for the better (a poor surgeon can make it worse).

  13. My pre-op diet is up to 3 Protein shakes a day (with skim or unsweetened almond milk, or water), low fat broth, sugar-free Jello and 4+ cups (as much as I want) of green leafy veggies (INCLUDING: lettuce, spinach, kale, cabbage, cucumber, celery, tomatoes, onion and garlic, you may have them raw or steamed (no oil, butter, dressings or sauces).

    It also specifies (and this is cut and pasted):

    • Do not eat any type of carbs, fats nor oils. Carbs include FRUITS, flour and sugars.

    I don't think you should cut down the cheese and trail mix, I think, if you want the sleeve, you will have to cut it out completely.

  14. The thing is, I am less interested in "documentary" shots, and have a particular interest in portraiture and macro (as a whole). I feel like Mexico would offer me some new and interesting scenes, unavailable in rural Saskatchewan. That being said, of course I don't want anything to happen to my gear.

    I am actually really stumped on this.

    I have no clue how Dewitt Jones has that sort of mastery over his smart phone, to me mine's the equivelent of a point and shoot. I have no clue if you can adjust aperture, ISO, etc on it. I've never seen the options!

  15. So I am booked for my sleeve in Tijuana on July 29. I am trying to decide if I should bring my camera or not. I am an aspiring photographer, with a fairly costly (well, in my eyrs at least) bunch of gear. I am struggling because I am certain there will be amazing things to see, but am worried something (someone actually) may happen to my camera.

    Did you feel safe and secure with your belongings? I dont want to miss any amazing opportunities, but I cant afford to buy new gear!

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