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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tztmama

  1. tztmama

    Not Losing Weight

    I had 3 or 4 fills before I got restriction. How big is your band?
  2. tztmama

    I have finally found the answer...

    Bless you parents who have lost a child. I am so sorry to hear about it. My sons (different dads) live with their dads and I get so depressed about it. I should get grateful that I can still see them and my youngest (12) still comes on weekends. I tried Lexapro for months and didn't notice any real difference other than my blood pressure went up a bit. I keep hearing Welbutrin is good. I guess I need to try some more antidepressants but am so afraid they will make me gain. I admire your courage, ladies. I can't even imagine the pain of losing a child.
  3. They will have a live dad longer.
  4. tztmama

    a fill When???

    I lost 15 and then put all but 6 back on before my 4th fill. I have a big 12 cc band. It all depends on what band size, did he put any fill in during initital surgery, etc. YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE RIGHT FILL! My DR. always seemed short on words and I seemed to forget the questions so I'd go in for a fill, he'd see I'd either gained or not lost, he'd mumble something about "just gotta get this thing adjusted right and it'll work" and I'd mumble "ok" and we did this for 3 months! I was giving up hope after being banded 3 months without losing much. I got 2cc's on Jan. 4 and have got great restriction now. I started out at 218 on Jan. 4 and this morning my scale teetered between 199 and 200!! At last!!!
  5. tztmama

    FOR ADULTS ONLY (x rated)

    Wow! Imagine real doggy-style without acting like I need the pillows for impact support (when they are really there to hold my hanging belly)! You go girl!!!!! Great NSV!!!
  6. tztmama

    TOPLESS photo thread

    Ok. Only the left one cuz it doesn't hang as low. LOL!
  7. tztmama

    TOPLESS photo thread

    LOL, Desi80!!!
  8. tztmama

    who has maximum fill

    NOt yet but I have only been banded for 4 months, have lost about 25 pounds, and have at least 60 to go. I am at 8 cc's in a 12 cc band (according to my dr.).
  9. tztmama

    Wow Moving Fast

    Woo HOO!!! I remember when I got my date. I called and told the receptionist I had been approved and she gave me a surgery date of one week later. Iwas so jazzed!!! Congrats to you!
  10. tztmama

    I have it Figured out!!

    ITs because the band is on our stomachs and not our brains. I am the same way. It is like if I got down to 120 lbs and the band was removed, I'd still gain the weight back. I HATE this! It is called addiction. I have been clean and sober for hmmmm 20 years in April, God willing, but this food thing is harder to KICK than HEROIN! I'd bet that if I got a hold on the food addiction I would have a sudden urge to go to a casino and gamble, or maybe shop, or???? who knows. I have an addictive personality and it sucks!
  11. Ditto! They should have a "where are they now" article. No, I don't think we are being cynical. We are all professional dieters who know the end result for almost ALL of us is that we gain it back and then some!
  12. tztmama

    Ugly belly contest!

    Wow, I think I will try and figure a way to get mine up. I have spent the last 25 years hiding it and this would really be something different.
  13. I use a little one serving blender thing I bought at either walmart or target. Also, the only shake mix I can stick too is Cambridge. It is bought over the internet and has been around forever. I add about a quarter cup of soy milk, splenda, and about 1/4 of a banana. Sometimes I blend up ice too. It tastes so good that my 12 yr old son and 8 yr old grandaughter constantly bug me to "make them a shake". In the morning, I blend hot water, soy, instant or brewed coffee, some sugar-free Kahlua flavored syrup along with the vanilla Cambridge and I swear it tastes as good as a latte from starbucks. There are lots of recipes to make the shakes very good. Artificial flavors and sweeteners are fantastic.
  14. Sweetie, hang in there!!! IT WILL HAPPEN!! I just posted on another thread how I was banded Sept. 26 and until my last fill on Jan. 4, I lost and gained the same 15 pounds. I would get a fill, feel a little restriction or at least fake that I felt it and try to stick to a diet, lose a bit of weight, lose all restriction (imagined or real) and gain the weight back. But then............................................I got my last fill and trust me, when you have restriction, you will know it. In Sept. I had planned on looking thinner for the holidays, only to look the same and have relatives notice but not "question". It sucked. But now I am losing consistently because my band is adjusted properly. It will be for you too. Everyone on this band helped me walk through the initial frustrating stage so lean on us, we've been there! Darla
  15. tztmama

    Fills & PB's

    I usually have hot coffee in the morning (I mix some vanilla protien powder and make it like a latte). Later I have some of that new "weight contol" oatmeal that has protein in it, and I make it runny. I had 2cc put in on the 4th of Jan and have been really tight since. I just went back of protein shakes and the oatmeal until is loosened up a bit. Now I am beginning to be able to eat really pureed foods, but only a little. My dr said this is fine, the band loosens when the weight comes off.
  16. tztmama

    Show us those tummies!!

    I wanna see.
  17. tztmama

    need a little advice/opinions

    I agree. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Some folks here in bandland have gone months without thata first fill. I would wait, especially if you are paying for it.
  18. tztmama

    Who did you tell?

    I told my family, extended family, co-workers, the entire front office staff (I teach), the counseling department, my ortho, my periodontist, and my mailperson.
  19. tztmama

    Khaliah Ali Had Lap Band!

    I think we are going to start seeing more and more celebrities getting banded.
  20. Anne, Make yourself drink 16 oz of Water before you let yourself have a snack. When I get like this (hungry all the time) I plan 3 meals and 3 Snacks, write it out, allow myself what I have planned and with the 16oz water thing, it is usually easier to stick to. Your in our thoughts and prayers and we are behind you 100%
  21. tztmama

    Please keep my little girl in your prayers...

    I will send her prayers. Bless her little heart. I teach students with emotional difficulties and have heard stories such as yours. Sometimes kids have had high fever and then they start having the problems you speak of. Sometimes there is just no explanation. As soon as possible, start talking to organizations in your area about getting an advocate (health or educational) for your daughter. As a special ed teacher, I know that once teachers see that there is an advocate involved they really go out of their way to make sure the child gets services needed. It may be a little early for this but things take time and it would be better to have an advocate too soon than too late. Feel free to PM me if you'd like. Darla
  22. tztmama


    thanks guys, i'm on my way to the toilet--------------
  23. tztmama


    ok, i posted a few days ago that i finally feel restriction. i ate a little chicken and it is stuck and it is hurting like heck. it won't go dow or come back up. Do i just wait? Is there a way to help it go down? thanks for any advice!
  24. tztmama

    Venting and support needed

    Penni, I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.........I hate when I am having the feelings you are having right now, we all know how devastating it is. The only thing other than the band that helped me was going to Overeaters Anonymous. It seems if I am reading self-help books regarding food addiction it seems to stay with me during the day. When my mom had another stroke I could no longer continue my support group but when i can, i will rejoin. It helps to have others to talk to about it. Take care, Darla PS are you planning on getting rebanded?
  25. tztmama

    Has being overweight made you stronger?

    I have always stood up for the underdog but I think it was when I grew obese, became a grandma at 37, and hit menopause that my backbone really started to become rock solid.

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