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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by FocusOnMeNow

  1. When I first heard about it years back I thought the band was a good idea then starting hearing about the sleeve. Turns out all of the top surgeons in my area only take them out, they no longer put them in. Both said that they stopped when they started taking out more than they were putting in. I'm sure that the balloon will also work great for some folks but personally the foreign object thing does not sound all the palatable after seeing what happened with the band. I am only 10 days out with the sleeve and only time will tell but I'm pretty glad with my decision thus far:-)
  2. FocusOnMeNow

    Is dating 50/50?

    @@Daveo - One more thing, my brother went on like 96 dates before he met his current wife on Match. I suggest that you message every person who does not have some kind of deal-breaker on their profile. Meet them, get to know them, refine your profile parameters based on who you talk to and/or meet. And if you are serious about finding a relationship then please make this like you're part time job. Decide x nights per week you will date. You will follow up with x number of women each evening etc. Its also odd for me, a serial monogamist to see more than one person at once but please do it. I think they recommend you have at least 3 different people in rotation at a time. That way when one person goes out of your rotation (or rejects you) it is not such a hit to the ego, because you will have another date with so and so two days from now etc. Of course, once you and a woman decide you are ready to be exclusive then you should be. I hope this helps. I don't mean to be offering too much advice. Just see what works for you, but if you don't contact people and don't meet people then you will never get out there. Good Luck!
  3. FocusOnMeNow

    Is dating 50/50?

    I my also be old-fashioned but I 100% expect the guy to pay for the first date and I do NOT feel beholden to anything, except maybe to talk to a guy who bought me a drink for a few minutes. At the same time recognizing different strokes for different folks, I would say always offer to pay the first few dates. If she takes out her wallet say "l would like to take care of this" if she protests a second time then let her split it (but if only once it might just be a good will gesture). If you ask her then you are expected to cover costs, if she asks you then she should (but you still might want to be prepared to offer and then let her pull out her wallet when the bill comes). If a guy did not pay for the first second or third date there would not be a second third or fourth. I am perfectly capable of supporting myself and buying my own dinner but I also need to know that he is putting in some effort and actually interested in something more than friendship. That being said if we do dinner and a movie I will frequently offer to buy whichever is less expensive. If we're doing dinner and a movie then I'll buy the movie tickets. If a movie then I'll buy the popcorn etc. But this may change as I should be a pretty cheap dinner date for the next six months or so:-)
  4. FocusOnMeNow

    1 Week After - Back to Work!

    And how much fluid are you able to get down each day? And protein? I'm doing well on both but admit its "like a job." I'm certainly glad I took the second week off.
  5. FocusOnMeNow

    Good/bad things I wish I knew

    I'm on liquid only for 3 weeks and grateful for that. Sounds like you have had a rough road indeed. So glad I was on bariatric pal for months prior to surgery. I learned a lot both here and on you tube. I hope things are better for you now.
  6. FocusOnMeNow

    Newly Sleeved

    Luckily for me most of the food commercials make me nauseas. But I am definitely craving veggies big time.
  7. FocusOnMeNow

    explain carbs please

    How much fruit? And what kind? Frozen berries (unsweetened) in Protein smoothies in small amounts are good because they are "low" in carbs compared to other fruits, but they do have seeds so ensure that you have a really hi powered blender. Other "tropical" fruits like bananas, papayas, and mangoes are much higher in carbs/sugar, but bananas also have a lot of potassium. For that reason I was allowed to have 1/2 a frozen banana in some of my Protein drinks pre-op and I have added 1/2 of one thus far post-op. Veggies are encouraged because they have even more nutrients per carb than fruit. Yellow and zuchini squash are good first foods. I have personally been craving veggies and found a nearly clear veggie juice of celery, kale, spinach, cucumber etc called Green Devotion. It has 24% of USRDA of potassium so I really don't need the banana. Its important to me not to eat too many carbs because if/when I do eat too many carbs then I will start to get crazy cravings again for other sweet and hi-carb foods. It takes about 3 days to re-stabilize your blood sugar once you get back on that rollercoaster, and now that I've had the surgery and made the decision to get off that rollercoaster for life, I do not want to get back on it again. As in Babbs post by the same name I am attempting to be an "abstainer".
  8. Take care of YOU!!! :-)

  9. FocusOnMeNow


    They all have different things. Rise Orange Zero Vitamin Water has lots of potassium (5% USRDA). So does "green devotion" juice (24% USRDA). For the green devotion juice it is in the refridgerated section, comes in a small 11oz bottle and I dilute it 50.50 with water. If you're looking for sodium - chicken broth. If you're looking for magnesium try epsom salt soaks (bath) if not able to take a bath yet at least soak your feet. You can absorb some of that magnesium through your skin. Hope that helps.
  10. FocusOnMeNow

    Pretty fantastic NSV's

    @@Elode - Congratulations on all of your NSVs and Thank You So Much for sharing these NSVs with all of us. I put this year's bonus towards my self-pay surgery and plan to spend next year's on dental work as well. Once you start taking care of yourself in one area it really is contagious. I am worth investing in myself:-) Thanks for the others as well, especially the boots. I have been promising myself every year that I will buy some boots when I can zip them up "next fall" for so many years in a row, just like so many Monday morning diets that would be put off another week. I'm only 10 days out but by next fall I hope to be where you are now. Thank you so much for sharing and being an inspiration to us all:-)
  11. FocusOnMeNow

    Is this even logical?

    FYI- Mashed avocados = guacomole. Wholly Guacamole makes some individual serving sizes. Guac and mashed potatoes are both on the same stage of my mushy diet that starts in another 10 or 12 days. Can't wait.
  12. If you go the same distance you should be able to burn the same calories. But one can go a farther distance and burn more calories in a shorter amount of time running. As you lose weight you may need to actually run in order to acheive the same heart rate. You should be able to check and see what your heart rate is on a treadmill or elliptical at 4mph that is considered running speed. How fast are you currently walking 3.5mph or more and 4mph is the next step. That all being said running is rougher on the joints. But the endorphins are awesome:-) Good luck!
  13. This study just confirms what I already knew...average is about 70ish percent of excess weight is lost within 1 year and 5 years out its closer to 50%. That is still VERY sucessful long term weight loss compared to 5% with diet and exercise, yes? I am definitely interested if they detail in the full study what the factors were that contributed to more weight being kept off at 5 years. My guess is what I've heard before: exercise. I intend to be above average in everything I do or in this case "below" average in terms of my weight. But I am just starting out.
  14. How long ago was your surgery?
  15. My Dr. required "BLIS" insurance. I had to pay an additional $2,000 policy for this which covered anything that happened 90 days out and then covered treatment of all those complications for a year. The extra expense sucked at first, but I can honestly say that you should consider going for someone who really wants to look after you beyond surgery day. Of course, I've had no complications and my surgeon was wonderful and went above and beyond in every way.
  16. FocusOnMeNow

    BCBS of Texas

    @@KDM74 - Keep me posted on this. I have BCBS of TX and my wonderful employer specifically excludes any bariatric treatment medical, surgical or otherwise, but if they do not exclude other medically neccessary procedures that would be great.
  17. FocusOnMeNow

    Feeling hopeless...

    Also, sounds like if he doesn't return your call an in person visit ASAP is definitely in order. In fact, I would tell them that you expect to be their first appointment tomorrow morning if their office is still open. If not tell them that you want the first appointment the next day.
  18. FocusOnMeNow

    So it turns out my wife is gay...

    Big hugs! Hopefully your strong friendship can remain no matter what. It sounds as if you both really care for each other. I got in therapy which brought me to also seek/choose WLS after a tough break up. Just take care of yourself in every way you know how: eat right, excercise, try to get some sleep, go to a good therapist, support groups etc. And not to point out the obvious but your posts seem conflicted. You say that she has never been attracted to you, even though you've known her since kindergarten. And then you say that you are hoping this is a phase. Both of these statements are somewhat discordant. It may be surprising to you that she is now attracted to women. And sounds like it may also be surprising to her. I certainly hope that you both find the true love that you deserve and that you are able to maintain a strong friendship through co-parenting. Sounds like you'll still be family no matter what.
  19. FocusOnMeNow

    Feeling hopeless...

    I would blast the $#!t out of that doctor and ask him 1) why he didn't tell you that this would be an issue up front (since you've always had the A1C issue) and then 2) why he didn't tell you yourself in addition to the surgeon. Who's paying him anyway? Then I would go find another endocrinologist and have an open mind and ask him what the issue could be (maybe there is one, maybe there isn't). If its not an issue I would implore your surgeon to reschedule ASAP. I would also ask him why he did not consult with said endocrinologist earlier in the process if this was really a dealbreaker?
  20. FocusOnMeNow

    Need some help/advice

    I will just be starting mushies at 21 days. So a month out will likely not be eating a Protein bar. Can you get some more calories/nutrients through Soups or juice? That is making all the difference in the world for me right now one week post-op. Also, I take Zofran three times per day for nausea. Going to ask them for a refill tomorrow. Not sure how long sleevers with hiatal hernia repairs are typically on the anti-nausea meds. I am a week out hitting 450 calories with three Protein shakes a day.
  21. FocusOnMeNow

    Vaping pre op

    It depends on the test that they use.
  22. FocusOnMeNow

    It's about time!

    @@Need4Change - Congratulations!!! Monday is my one week surgiversary. All I can say is to get all the fluids you can during the initial hospital stay. The first week is tough, but each day is so much better than the last. Keep us posted on your progress. You will do great! Good luck!
  23. FocusOnMeNow

    I have a baby

    @@Adrianabelle - I am 5 days out with gastric sleeve plus hernia repair. Drs. orders not to lift a gallon of milk much less a baby. Not only will you not be able to lift your baby, but you will also not be able to go grocery shopping, do laundry, take out the trash, vacuum or many of the other things that we take for granted every day. Of course you can take your chances and it sounds like the results have been mixed from folks having no problems to someone popping their sutures. Does not sound worth the risk to me, but of course its totally your call. Any chance that your baby has another parent who might be able to help you with any of this or are you a single mom?
  24. FocusOnMeNow

    My dad and his wife....

    And or that you appreciate her concern but that you were not seeking her advice or opinion on the topic rather are relying on your doctor and supportive friends and family for the support that you need. I'm five days out and having some anger management issues myself. Can you tell?
  25. FocusOnMeNow

    My dad and his wife....

    Or how bout tell your Dad one on one and if she brings it up simply change the subject. If she brings it up again, then just ask her point blank why she thinks it concerns her and/or where she got her medical degree?

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