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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Leesa926

  1. Just need to post this for some help and encouragement.

    I had my sleeve Dec 2015 and lost about 80 lbs. I felt good and only wanted to lose another 20 or so pounds.

    These past few months I took on a new position at work and have moved so weight loss was not really at the forefront.

    I still feel good restriction the problem is I noticed I snack a lot more even from before surgery. I knew it was bad and getting out of hand but just got off the scale and I'm actually up 10 lb.

    I know this isn't the end of the world but of course I start feeling like I ruined my sleeve. I have a plan to start fresh again tomorrow maybe even try the 5-day reset.

    Just looking for others who may have gone through this and bounce back or anything you can help me with. I know what I'm doing wrong and I know what I need to change. I keep telling myself I have lost 75 lb even before surgery with Weight Watchers so now I have to think I am just a normal person that needs to lose weight. For some reason I keep getting scared that it is going to be harder because of the surgery which doesn't really make sense but I guess I'm freaking out a little bit.

    I guess the feeling of the honeymoon being over just has me really upset right now that I didn't take full advantage and may have ruined it.


    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Anyone stuck like me? 12/16 was my surgery date. I was 237. Today 1 have been stuck at 170 for almost 2 months. I know I need to exercise more and make better choices but I am feeling this is it... frustrated.

    Don't get me wrong I feel great and happy where I am just have this feeling like this is it. Rationally I know that's not true. I know I can still lose but have this sad feeling like the honeymoon is over. Anyone else?

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using the BariatricPal App

  3. I have similar stats as you except I was sleeved 12/15. 237 day of surgery 170 now. I feel great! My doc is happy and most the people I know have lost around the same. I know I'd have better results if I work out more do that is my issue and yes better choices. My perfect goal is 135- 145 but I think I'd be happy at 150-160. My point is I only have 25-30 ish lbs to go. That is totally doable. Everyone says the last 20 are the hardest.

    Now trust me I get down on myself about it but reading your post put it in my face and made me realize how far we have come. Don't be so negative and down!

    I ate a full chocolate bar tonight. Good idea, no but it's done time to move on :-) believe me I stress all the time and then do nothing but seeing someone else in the same spot helps to know I'm not alone.

    Maybe we can help each other through. Compare weekly. Kinda like weight watchers being held accountable.

    Good luck, I'm here for ya!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using the BariatricPal App

  4. So I went to the doctor today for my 6 month check-up. Things are going great I'm down about 65 pounds and I feel amazing. I went from a size 18 - 20 and am now wearing a size 10.

    Here was my only confusion. I asked the doctor what a target weight for me should be. I'm 5'3 37 years old. He stated 165 - 170. I'm at a loss I feel I need to be at 140 in normal BMI range.

    He wasn't saying I shouldn't lose more but he said it's okay to be slightly overweight and studies show you live longer.....

    Just confuses me as when I originally went he said he was looking for me to lose a hundred pound.

    Thoughts? How did you come up with your target weight?

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using the BariatricPal App

  5. Bypass was never a thought for me. If the surgeon suggested it I may have listened but talk it over with surgeon.

    I LOVE the sleeve and have no regrets.

    My understanding is the more you hsve to loose and some medical issues would maybe be suited better for bypass but it was never an option for me. To me (I'm no expert) sleeve was less invasive and less restrictions than bypass. I don't have a sweet issue and no medical issues.

    I don't know your situation but with 70lbs to lose and not knowing other issues unless doctor says otherwise sleeve would be my choice

  6. I agree with most of the above. I don't agree with eating pizza and fast food you will fail. Can you, of course. This is not something I do often at all just saying it's not that you have to give up forever. It's been 4 months and I've had 3 slices. I plan for it and enjoy but I don't miss it, it's just more of a treat now.

    I am aware if I don't change my habits now I will go back to over eating and fail. food is just not as important to me anymore. I'm satisfied with the occasional treat and learning how to choose healthier options.

  7. I've lost about 55 lbs, down 4 pant sizes. pizza is my favorite food so it's hysterical that 1 satisfies me lol. 4-6 was no problem for me before.

    I will admit the mental is the hardest part. Am I really hungry or is it head hunger? It's hard to explain until you go through it. Some days I feel hungry some days it's 5pm and I'm like whoa I haven't eaten. It's not a problem just things to get used to.

    Everyone is different some days I can eat more than others some days hardly anything. I don't always make the best choices i.e pizza and some would say never again but I didn't get this to be on a diet my entire life. I eat what I want (far less) but am conscious to choose healthier options most times.

    This was best decision I've ever made. Any questions just ask! Love talking about it.

  8. Wish I knew I worried for nothing :-). Sure I had some nausea at first but the meds helped. I had a very easy recovery.

    I'm not 4 months out and feel the same as I did before surgery just better. I only eat less and look better otherwise it's like nothing happened. Best decision I made.

    My point is there are soooo many issues to worry about but most are rare. In my group of Dec sleeves idk 100 of us, I haven't seen any issues. I spent soooo much time looking at problems that had me nervous, over prepping that didn't matter afterwards, etc. Just enjoy and get excited of what's to come!!

    Good luck!

  9. You sound like me. My issue was I could lose weight but always gained back.

    I overate, wasn't really emotional eating just never felt full. Sleeve has been perfect for me. An example was I could eat 4+ slices of pizza before, now 1 slice and I'm stuffed like I just had thanksgiving dinner lol.

    Talk to doc to see what is the best route for you. For me sleeve was it. I cam still have my favorite foods fast foods as well granted in moderation and I make better choices now, but I only need a little to feel satisfied.

    There is more to it than that but wanted to relay that for me sleeve was perfect as my issue was mainly overeating as I never felt full

  10. Today was my 2nd post op appointment with surgeon 4 months out. He was very impressed with my loss so far and all my blood looks great! It felt good to have him be impressed as he is tough one lol. I go again in 2 months.

    I admit I am not planning enough and do pick the wrong choices at times - what can I say I am carb addict! I also am not exercising as I should and I know how important that is. Need to get my butt in gear and stop being so lazy!

    He reminded me most of it is head hunger and wants me to only eat 1x per day if that is all I am hungry for (if I need more that is fine but he said I really shouldn't be) Snacks he wants it to be fruit or salad, wants me to stay away from drinking calories (no Soups and isn't a fan of Protein drinks). He says I shouldn't be worried about getting enough Protein in just focus on eating healthy for life.

    I feel great and want to make sure to maximize this first year!

    Thanks so much to everyone here who helped me pre op and into post op. I haven't posted much lately but I still read daily. You are all so helpful. This was the best decision I made and funny how before I was shy about it - now I want to talk about it all the time!

  11. I had the same fears prior to but now that I'm 3 months out (today) I can look back and laugh as I was worried for nothing. Now everyone is different but I've had no issues and don't miss anything. I can pretty much eat what I was before but a whole lot less. I make better choices now but it's not like that diet feeling for me at all.

    Honestly I feel great don't feel a huge difference. Don't get me wrong it is totally different but I don't really notice.

  12. I've always had a little Stress and Anxiety even the psychologist before surgery mentioned I should go on something. Lately though it has been a lot worse at times like right now I feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. Work has been extra stressful for me.

    I had surgery about 3 months ago I don't really think it's related but just wanted your thoughts on if it's something I should talk to my surgeon about I tried to call my doctor but they don't have an appointment for almost two weeks right now I'm just feeling I might need to go to the Urgent Care Center

    Just wondered if anyone had an issue like this after surgery

  13. I over ate tonight. Didn't get sick just know I shouldn't have. I'm not really worried of going off plan often, I don't have the urge really but was making super bowl sandwiches. What I am worried about is somehow ruining my sleeve, stretching it out or losing restriction because of a stupid move.

    Realistically I know 1x won't do that but it's my biggest fear. Anyone else? Anything to put my mind at ease, I can't even sleep.< /p>

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