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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Leesa926

  1. Leesa926

    Protein shakes

    Syntrax Nectar Natural so far I like from my sample pack. The fruit punch tastes just like fruit punch!! I am NOT a sheikh drinker so this is perfect for me
  2. My insurance is Anthem BCBS of Ohio
  3. Just waiting on insurance approval now same here hoping to have it done this year due to the deductible. Doctors office said insurance should have it today or tomorrow and if I don't hear back by Monday to give them a call. Fingers crossed
  4. Thanks all I am not worried about job protection as I do have FMLA. Just I guess a small sense of me felt the time of year and technically the surgery can wait but like all have I could not have a job in 2 months, my insurance can change or a variety of other factors. Thanks for the support had my last meeting today and it's off to the insurance now
  5. I posted this in general but am planning on the sleeve so I wanted to touch base with everyone here due to the need for time off. Sorry if it is all over the place below, I had a really tough emotional day. I should know this week when will have surgery but should be mid Dec. I am a little concerned as I just got back from a 10 day vacation from work. I give my all to my job and to be honest my job doesn't really care much about their employees but I do have a concern that I will be taking off. I don't want to tell them the reason for fear they will feel it is elective and I could wait (technically i could but job stability is an issue) I guess I just needed to vent and see what others have to say about feeling bad for your job. I know it sounds silly, most people i know think I am crazy but I feel overwhelmed at leaving my area in the state it is in (I am a district manager) but I also feel I have almost 100 hours that can be used towards FMLA and I should take time that I need. My plan is to base it off of what the doctor suggests and then I could always try to go back part time or work from home. Does anyone else have this stress going on when it comes to time off work? Am I being selfish as I just had vacation. (Vacation was booked earlier this yeay way before my WLS path)
  6. Thanks everyone. My last appt is tomorrow and by tomorrow or Wed insurance will be submitted.. I think I am just getting myself nervous about everything! It is really moving fast now!
  7. My dietician has a regimine for hair loss (along with daily vitamins) people say works wonders (I haven't had surgery yet so going by what they say in the post op meetings). I will paste it below: Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation for Hair Loss Over the Counter Daily Schedule  1 Complete Multivitamin (not gummy)  Iron (60 mg) 2 hours later  Zinc (50 mg) - (ONLY month 1 and 3)*  1 B-Complex Capsule (ONLY month 2) 2 hours later  Calcium Citrate (500 mg)  Vitamin D3 (1,000 IU) 2 hours later  calcium citrate (500 mg)  Vitamin E (100-400 IU)**  1 Complete Multivitamin (not gummy)  sublingual B 12 (300-500 mcg)  Iron (60 mg) 2 hours later  1 Calcium Citrate Chewy Bite (500 mg)  1 Vitamin E – Over the Counter (100-400 IU) 2 hours later  1 Calcium Citrate Chewy Bite (500 mg)  1 Vitamin E – Over the Counter (100-400 IU)  Zinc (50 mg) - (ONLY month 1 and 3)*  1 B-Complex Capsule (ONLY month 2) 2 hours later  1 Calcium Citrate Chewy Bite (500 mg)  1 Vitamin E – Over the Counter (100-400 IU)  Iron (60 mg)
  8. I am using Dr. Uchal. I am down to my last two appointments and I'm hoping for surgery in December. Everything has been great so far. Tomorrow 10/29 there is a peer to peer support group at St Vincent's Riverside at 6 p.m. I will be attending. this is for people who have already had the surgery but they suggest visiting while you're in the process. Great place to meet a bunch of people who have used Dr. Uchal and his team.
  9. Leesa926


    my doc said 6 weeks but i keep reading that it only shows in a blood test around 10 days or so.... Idk very confusing but I did just give it up 11 days ago so rather keep not smoking. I feel you tho! hang in there
  10. Doc said to quit smoking 6 weeks before surgery. I'm on day three and feel good about quitting but I am vaping a little. I had the highest nicotine now I'm actually on the lowest so I don't intend to take it for much longer but wanted to know if anyone dealt with this. I know they referred me to a quit smoking program that uses gum and Patches so that is still using nicotine so I would assume it's okay but I don't want that to be the cause to not allow me to have surgery Thanks!
  11. Leesa926

    Smoking with Surgery

    Btw my doc said I have to stop for 6 weeks
  12. Leesa926

    Smoking with Surgery

    Trust me I know how you feel. A week ago I thought I couldn't do it. Here I am 5 days smoke free! I have been smoking for about 20-22 years started in high school. I smoke a lot 1.5-2 packs a day. I started Chantix about 25 days ago. Many have bad side effects. For me I may as well be taking tic tacs as I don't feel anything. Wednesday I said ok let me start using the vape and not smoke and I did. It really hasn't been bad at all. Hubby even smoked in front of me last night. The vape I believe is helping I am on the lowest nicotine, starting 0 % next week. I can't believe how easy it is for me so far - trust me I was the LAST person you would think could quit with ease. I did try to take a few drags, snuck when hubby was sleeping and it didn't taste good (think that is where the chantix came in) Now I don't know if it is the Chantix, vape or mix of the 2 but I am doing it! and it is surprisingly easy!! Sure i want one and my big fear is when people talk of that urge, it really does only last a second. My problem is habit - I keep grabbing for them. Good luck - trust me sooooo much easier than I ever thought!!
  13. Thanks. Will do and plan on cutting it out completely . I am just cutting it close wanting surgery in Dec!
  14. Leesa926


    Thanks. What yes my doctor did say quit smoking 6 weeks prior I'm actually two days so far and don't have the urge to go back. The doctors office gave me tools like the Quitline said using gum and patches excetera I'm just worried that he may say the fact that I'm using some of these tools with nicotine may not be good enough
  15. Leesa926


    @pirate. No worries, I understand. Honestly the fact I can quit smoking is amazing to me so I am more than thrilled. Just know my doc said quit smoking 6 weeks prior to, have to check with him on vape. No biggie I quit for surgery, if he says no vape, I will be off that too
  16. Leesa926


    @@pirate I am using vape some but have to see if that's ok. Doc said quit smoking didn't mention nicotine test.... it's actually easier than I thought so will get off nicotine flavor quickly but just wondered what doc will say...
  17. Leesa926


    I did it!!! Day 1 smoke free!!
  18. Leesa926


    Thanks @@FrankiesGirl I needed that! My quit date is Wed so fingers crossed!! The hard part to understand is how all ex-smokwes say how they miss is every day. Surely it gets easier no? Lol. I'm same as you smoking since 15 scary but I can do this!
  19. Leesa926


    Mine says 6 weeks smoke free and I'm working on quitting now....it's tough!
  20. I know sleeve will be different all together but I have not had much experience with surgery. I did have my appendix taken out and wonder a few things? Is it similar in the sense that I went to sleep fast and woke up like nothing happened (meaning fast)? If I recovered well from that could that indicate an easier recovery from gastric sleeve? (I do know sleeve will be harder just trying to gauge is all) This may be a very silly question but figured I would ask.
  21. Leesa926

    It works wraps

    Just use Bengay and saran wrap. Same idea...
  22. Leesa926


    Today I had my NUT and Psych appointments and all went well. Just a few things I am confused about. (granted I still have more research to do and my eating classes) 1. I hear all the time Protein, protein, protein, She was all about vegetables and fruits. For example said she doesn't like the bariatric portion plates as it is 1/2 protein and 1/4 starch, 1/4 vegs. She said go 1/2 vegs, 1/4 starch, 1/4 protein 2. She says only 1 shake per day and doc likes us on real food after 1 month of soft food 3. I only have a 24 hr liquid diet pre surgery - I see others have more As far as shakes go what does everyone suggest? I will be reading up. Also what other things did you buy to make it easier that you feel were good? (i.e. portion plates, certain type of blender?) Lastly a good friend of mine is a beachbody coach and promotes shakeology. NUT said it is ok but I reached out to friend and had such negative feedback about surgery (i.e. easy way out, loose skin (mind you a friend lost 200 lbs on his own still has skin issues!) . It is an old friend who we aren't as close - guess I reached out to try and get the bond back but it is what it is.... Don't care much for the shakes but thought it was an olive branch I guess - Just venting here!
  23. Leesa926


    Thanks all. Your right it may just be pre-op, I am sure I will have more info in the coming weeks :-) I'm also not a fan of Shakeology. Not sure why everyone says how good it is, for me it was gross. Lol
  24. Leesa926


    My doc said 6 weeks....I am having a hard time quitting.... ^ not for the test 6 weeks is how long he wants you to stop.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
