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Posts posted by MissRobin

  1. I am from Canada and I donate blood every 56 days which is the mandatory wait time between donations.

    I went to donate this morning and they tried to deter me away from donating due to my surgery in 48 days.

    They dont think my body will regenerate enough of a hemoglobin count and Iron and will cause me to become anemic for surgery.

    I was not warned about this from my doctor who knows I donate blood regularity and read nothing about this online.

    I still went through my donation process

    I have not read any negative things about surgery with an anemic issue.

    Should I be concerned?

    Any tips to help raise those levels besides greens, and daily Vitamins?

  2. I am from Canada and I donate blood every 56 days which is the mandatory wait time between donations.

    I went to donate this morning and they tried to deter me away from donating due to my surgery in 48 days.

    They dont think my body will regenerate enough of a hemoglobin count and Iron and will cause me to become anemic for surgery.

    I was not warned about this from my doctor who knows I donate blood regularity and read nothing about this online.

    I still went through my donation process

    I have not read any negative things about surgery with an anemic issue.

    Should I be concerned?

    Any tips to help raise those levels besides greens, and daily Vitamins?

  3. Hi All !

    I am flying down to Tijuana on Wednesday September 9th and staying thru to Tuesday September 14th. I will be joined by my mother in law.

    Simply looking for a walking partner at the hospital to pass the gas pains with and maybe someone to share a couple bowls of broth with during recovery at the hotel Marriott.

    Plus my mother in law could defiantly use a conversationalist while I am in surgery.

    Cheers !

  4. @@bubblebubbies your post is from quite a while ago but I thought I would through a doctor's name out there.

    I see Dr. Douglas Fontyne on the south side of Edmonton. He is a brilliant physician.

    He has many patients who have had out of country VSG and does post op care with them.

    When I told him about my decision he was nothing but supportive.

    In his practice he also had a full time dietitian (not nutritionist. Dietitians are better anyways) right in the office and you can make an appointment with her at any time, without the 3-6 month wait time referral that you would normally have to wait and she is fully covered by Alberta Health Care.

    Her name is Susan.

    The office number is 780-462-8120.

    There is also a doctor in the practice that only see's female patients. Its like a one-stop-shop for all your medical needs :)

  5. I first told HR who then gave me the go ahead to talk to my boss.

    I told him the truth between the lines.

    I told him that I have been having digestive issues for a long time (5+ years) so I am having corrective surgery.

    For all he knows I am getting my colon or my gall badder removed.... but I did personally tell him that I am having the fundus of my stomach removed due to digestive complications. I did not tell him I am having a WLS

    He is going to know something is up when I come back to work 3 weeks later and I am thinner (fingers crossed).

  6. An IV shouldn't hurt.

    When there is pain it is caused by 1 of 2 things.

    1-The needle inside is resting/poking on the vein wall. This will cause a hematoma if the needle isnt moved to a more comfortable position.

    2-The alcohol based cleaning solution, chlorhexidine that they put on the area BEFORE they put the needle in. As the needle goes into the skin it brings the alcohol inside the vein with it and causes a burning sensation. I personally get a bad reaction to the chlorodexidine. I donate blood on a regular basis and I always request iodine instead as there is no reaction for me.

  7. Vitamin E ointment or Vitamin E liquid capsules popped open and put on the area.

    It will help moisturize, prevent drying without using any harmful ingredients. It also minimizes scarring.

    I use this for all my son's owies instead of polysporin as it is all natural.

    He had stitches on his forehead and I used vitamin E ointment and it did not scar. Thank goodness. If only I had known this when he jumped off the picnic table and bit through his lower lip. Yes he bit through his face. Big scar under his lip. Boys will be boys.....

  8. I have suffered from dumping syndrome for 5+ years.

    It sucks.

    For me personally it is caused by too much sugar, caffeine in coffee (but not red bull .... go figure) too much lactose.

    I have done an elimination diet to find my trigger foods. After 30 days of bland, basic foods and 2 months of re introduction I have found that almost everything I eat is a negative trigger food (for my body personally)

    I'd rather eat amazing food and limit my sugar intake and $h!t it out in 20 minutes than eat bland cardboard food, fake dairy and seafood all the time.

    D.S is a constant battle for me and I am hoping with the surgery, 85% less of a stomach, less food intake the dumping syndrome will cease for me. This is partially why I am getting the surgery. Not that my BMI is super high (33-34 depending on the week) or that some website says I am severely obese (which is crap!) but because I want to HAVE to hold less food in my body. I don't want my body to say good bye food, hello toilet and stomach cramping ANYMORE !

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