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Posts posted by MissRobin

  1. @@Remmy75 @

    Thank you both for your words. It made me feel a lot better.

    I never even thought about telling him it was a work thing.

    I think either way, he would have had the same reaction.

    I think I will ask Grandma (the other ex mother in law) if my son can spend the night there one day next weekend. He is putty in your hands when you bring up Grandma's

  2. 2 nights ago I figured it was time to bite the bullet and tell my 7 year old that I am going away for 5 days without him.

    He cried and cried and cried when I told him mommy is going on a mini vacation with Nana.

    I didnt tell him about the surgery, and wont until I get home. I still have some time to figure that part out.

    Only family member that knows (besides my Ryan) Nana (my ex-mother in law out of all people) who is coming with me and has been a major support this whole journey.

    I haven't even told my own mother.

    I tried reassuring my son that Nan and me weren't going anywhere fun. There wasn't going to be any amusement rides or beaches. It was strictly a vacation for mommy and Nana to spend some time together as she has been sick and in the hospital recovering from lung complications. He still wasn't happy.

    What got him okay with the idea was when I told him that I took the whole day off work on Tuesday to take him to his first day of grade 2. I would pick him up at lunch, and pick him up after school. He got shocked and laughed at me when I asked if I could take "Lambie" his favorite stuffie (since birth) with me so I would really be without him. He told me I was silly. To think I could take Lambie away from him was blastomy !!!

    It broke my heart to see him so upset.

    I took him on a Mommy and Me vacation 2 weeks ago, where we spend 3 days at the waterpark in the hotel, ordering room service and shopping till we dropped. That still didnt make him okay with anything.

    Luckily I leave at 5am for the airport when he will still be alseep. Not sure how my hus-friend will the tears when my son wakes up and I am not there. Our bond has been so air tight that being away from each other throws the whole universe off course.

    As much as I want the surgery, THIS part is what I have been dreading. The 5 days in TJ cant come and go fast enough.


    (means I love Alex double time)

    How did you tell your kids that you were going away for a few days without them? & without breaking their tiny hearts.

  3. Called my case worker yesterday to go over some last minute details.

    Turns out my surgery is on the 11th and not the 10th as I had originally assumed. There was a mis-communication when I booked my surgery to what I had told my case worker regarding booking.

    Now I will be in TJ 2 days pre-op. Time to get in some shopping, sightseeing and POOL TIME !!

    Makes me a tad nervous that I will only have 2 days post-op in the hospital instead of the optional 3.

    Fingers cross there is no drainage issues before I get discharged and come home.

  4. I wont miss being able to NOT hide under the covers when my son and I are playing hide and seek.

    I wont miss wearing an extra size too big winter jacket that makes me look like an big balloon.

    I wont miss how quickly the soles of shoes get worn out from the way I walk

    I wont miss the awful feeling when you get off or on a camping air mattress and my spouse gets bounced around.

    I also wont miss Water retention in my feet on hot days when I just want to wear a cute pair of wedges or sandals.

  5. One of the medications that I take is voltaren which I use to treat arthritis and tendentious in my hands.

    It is an non-steroidal anti inflammatory which I will have to stop taking a week before my surgery.

    Awful thing for me is I require 2 doses of voltaren daily to stop pain and allow my hands to actually function and not lock up.

    If I forget my pills one morning, by that evening my fingers are locked together and my wrists are on fire.

    It makes the smallest tasks difficult. Pushing a grocery cart, answering the phone and you dont even want to imagine how hard driving is. The vibration and constant grip on the wheel is agonizing.

    Blow drying and straightening my hair is out of the question and cutting food is a pain in the butt.

    I cannot even imagine a week of this.

    I have a desk job where I am on the computer for 8 hours plus an hour of drive time. Luckily I can carpool with my hus-friend for that week but him doing my hair is out of the question.

    Anyone else have to deal with the relapse of pain?

    Another thing I am worried about, post op; bariatric sleevers should avoid NSAID's. ..... Voltaren is an NSAID.

    Back to square one .....

  6. @@lkh1986 my pre-op isnt going well.

    my nerves have shot almost everything I have been trying to maintain the past month.

    I over indulge in some foods  I am not sleeping well and I am literally making myself sick, causing an empty stomach, causing hunger, causing too my re-feuling causing upset stomach, and the cycle goes around and around.


    I went online to buy some Protein fruit drink packets and got so overwhelmed with the variety and companies to choose from that I completely shut down.  


    I am leaving for holidays on Thursday and back on Tuesday.  Tuesday will be the day I turn myself around.  We are out camping in the bush for 5 days so I will be able to re-group myself and calm these nerves.  

  7. I am very much needing some words of encouragement.

    I leave in 3 weeks (to the hour of me posting this) and I have been so utterly nervous the past week and a half that I am literally making myself sick. My stomach is in knots, stuff it coming out all ends, and I find myself emotionally eating at times where I am alone with my nerves.

    I know that nerves are normal but since I have only told a small carefully selected group of people, I am finding it hard to cope with my nerves. People are just assuming I have the flu or; typical assumption for women; pregnant.

    On Monday I went online to order some flavored juice Protein drink packs and powder's and I found myself so nervous and overwhelmed that I got nauseous and closed all internet windows ... and went back to work. Who knew something so simple as online shopping for a particular item could make someone so upset. The amount of varieties, and companies to choose from the decision got way to hard.

    I hope this feeling is very normal.

    I think I over prepared myself in the beginning, became so confident with the knowledge that now that it is almost time, I am freezing up. Just like some students do before a huge diploma exam.

    I am leaving for a 5 day family holiday tomorrow and I am hoping this gives my mind a chance to unwind a bit.


  8. Mexico requires passports for all American Citizens traveling into their country


    Travelling back from Mexico to the states is different too depending on how you travel

    Entry to the US by land or sea: Regardless of your final destination in Mexico, all U.S. citizens age 16 or over must present either a U.S. passport book or card to re-enter the U.S. by land or sea. Minors under the age of 16 may enter the U.S. via the land border with a certified birth certificate, consular report of birth abroad, citizenship certificate, or naturalization certificate.

    Entry to the US by air: All citizens, regardless of age, entering the U.S. by air must present a U.S. passport book. A passport card is not acceptable for entry to the US by air

    I hope the passports come soon.

  9. That was extremely RUDE and unprofessional.

    Who is she to say ANYTHING about your personal life, regardless whether you told her or whether she was told by another co worker.

    There is certain things that you should not bring up due to sensitivity issues. Weight, politics, religion, sexuality and money.

    I am angry right now for you !!!

  10. Surgery is in one month and my nerves are at their highest.

    -Do I really need surgery --- (YES, maybe... i dunno)

    -Do I really want surgery --- (YES, maybe... i dunno)

    -Am I prepared --- YES

    but my nerves are up and down and left and right and twisted all inbetween.

    I think I am worried the most is, will there even be a change?

    Being self critical I don't know what people current see me as or if they will even notice a difference.

    I am 5' 9-1/2" with a BMI of about 33-34.

    I dont know what to expect to loose.

    I am nervous about the pause of weight loss and whether it will come and go.

    I have done my research the past year and been digging into it even more so the past 3 months.

    Now that I am down to 36 days pre-op... I am scared.

    Is this feeling normal? I am sure it is.

    I have told my partner how I feel and he is so supportive but lets face it, women are always their worst critic.

  11. @@lauren8486 I dislike Protein shakes to the ultimate extreme and am NOT looking forward to my turn on them.

    I also do NOT like the sweet Protein drinks.

    What does make them more manageable to drink is vanilla powder, 1 cup almond or skim milk, 1 banana and a 1 tbsp of instant coffee. coffee makes it bitter, banana sweetens it up.

    or minus the banana and add a tbsp of Peanut Butter.

    you can always add a packet of sweetner if you need to.

  12. i am NOT a fan of shakes.

    There is something how it congeals in a bottle if you don't drink it quick enough, that absolutely turns me off.

    Taking a drink makes me gag.

    Very very uncertain as to how I am going to get through the all liquid portion of my post op.

    And very nervous about my Protein intake if I literally cannot drink it.

    Perhaps unflavored Protein power in salad dressing? or mixed in with pudding?


  13. I am calling my official pre-op day August 3rd.

    I am looking forward to emptying the cupboards.

    I do have kids so it will somewhat of a challenge. The cupboards will be swapped around. Family cupboard and my cupboard. Still eliminating the majority of the little junk we do constantly keep in there.

    Surgery is scheduled for September 10th.

    3 weeks of as strict of a diet as my body will realistically allow.

    4th week we are headed to the mountains for fishing, so food is already limited and based on what we catch.

    5th-6th week will be cleansing, Get out as much toxins as possible and allowing the liver to shrink.

  14. I am looking into NOVAMAR as it has come highly recommended by quite a few people on this site.

    The thing that I am wondering is the duration of your insurance.

    I will be in Mexico for 7 days, pre and post op.

    The coverage is still valid for up to 12 months post op. https://www.novamarinsurance.com.mx/insurance-services/travel/medical-tourism-insurance

    -Up to $160,000 USD coverage for up to 12 months after a complication occurs.
    -No deductible or coinsurance.
    -Direct payment to most hospitals in México and Argentina.
    -Higher coverage limits than other policies in the market.
    -Claim Process: Novamar Insurance Mexico and ACE Seguros make the claim process very simple for both patients and doctors.

    • ✔ Additional Medical Expenses
    • ✔ Additional Medical Consultations
    • ✔ Additional Travel Expenses
    • ✔ Additional Daily Hospital Room
    • ✔ Accommodation and Plane Ticket for non-scheduled visit to the Doctor up to 12 months later
    • ✔ Travel and accommodation daily expenses
    • ✔ Trip Cancellation
    • ✔ Trip Delay
    • ✔ Travel Liability
    • ✔ Accidental Death
    • ✔ Lost Baggage
    • ✔ Travel Assistance 24/7

  15. My friend went back to work after 9 days and she was as good as new. Zero issues.

    I personally am also taking 3 weeks off.

    My body has not dealt well with surgery in the past and I want to make sure I get adequate healing time.

    I never thought about taking a few extra weeks off to get use to the new eating lifestyle.

    That in its own is going to be a challenge especially going back to work where people heat up their delicious smelling lunches, office table is full of deserts and fruits brought in the ladies.

    I have applied for short term disability for 3 weeks with the option to extend

    Surgery is scheduled for September 10th..

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
