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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by LisaS73

  1. Check out pinterest too! That is literally what I am doing right now, searching low carb, low fat thanksgiving recipes. You can even put gastric in your search to be more specific and you will find recipes for every stage of eating you are in! I will be up all night doing this now! ;-/

  2. I was sleeved 8/27 and was 315 the day of surgery and today i weigh 285. I have had two stalls already but dr and nut keep saying i am doing great. I am a little reluctant to try new foods as most aren't agreeing with me so i still mostly stick to 3 protien shakes a day, one triple zero greek yogurt, a banana or grapes (to help with constipation), and lemon Water. Otherwise, i just graze whatever the family is having or whatever i cook them, but like i said most of it isn't agreeing. I usually have a shake with them at the table while they eat. And if you are still having periods, dont forget bloating and water weght from that is a factor. That was actually the culprit of my first "stall". And my nutritionist told me if i feel like I've overeaten or eaten badly, i can always do a reset and go back to liquids for a day or two. Sometimes that can also kickstart a stall back in gear. Good luck and don't be too hard on yourself! :)

  3. I think my restriction is just that tortilla chips are too hard to process, and I assumed they would be a no no like any chips would be even after I am on regular foods again. As far as soft tortillas, I was told no soft bread of any kind, I can't remember for how long, because of the risk of a bread ball forming and blocking my pouch. I guess I should ask again when I see the nutritionist tomorrow!

    I think tortilla is either your doctors preference or a personal one.. My doctor allows tortillas starting on my week 3. Hopefully I tolerate it ok...

  4. Booo. :( Well, I was just thinking that there probably isn't any dip that would be worth taking up precious food space anyway. I was just hoping someone had found some kind of low carb melba toast or whole grain cracker or something. I guess tortillas are forever on the no no list? Because I am dying for salsa but have no idea how I will eat it from now on. I always told myself preop that tortillas and salsa was a good for me snack...

    Yep a fork is about it I think. I did the same about 1 month post op at a July 4 gathering.

  5. I am about 6 weeks post op. I have a family function today and was asked to make dip. No biggie, found lots of good recipes that are good for me. One problem....what can I eat this dip with? I am pretty much convinced I will just have to use a fork lol. Is there no kind of whole grain whole wheat cracker or toast I can have? I know, vegetables, but I am still not supposed to have raw yet and not a lot of veggies go with different dips....ugh.

    Any suggestions??

  6. Thanks so much again ladies! I am going for a walk after lunch. I sat outside this morning with my Decaf tea and yogurt and you were right @@Inner Surfer Girl, the fresh air and sunshine helps. I haven't tried driving anywhere yet since being off the major pain meds and I'm starting to get a little cabin fever so I am just going to get out of the house today, even if just to the park down the road to walk because it's so beautiful. I will not give up or give in!! My good friend and mentor tells me being unhealthy and overweight is hard, getting through this process and getting my life back is hard. Every day you just have to pick your hard!

  7. I am 12 days post op and didn't really feel like I turned the corner back to "normal" feeling until about 8-9 days. Now I barely feel a thing. Don't forget that you can count any liquids (protein drinks, Jello, ect), not just Water. That helped me reached my fluids goal. And were you not sent home with something for nausea? Fatigue is normal, you are not taking in food (energy) and your body is just trying to recover. sleep as much as you can, move around when you're not asleep. Right now I am just battling hating the liquid diet and the emotional rollercoaster. So I promise, it gets better! Just hang in there!! :)

  8. Oh my gosh, I can't wait to try dreamsicle!! :) Thanks so much for the suggestion!!

    Set them aside and try again in a few days.

    I had my surgery on Tuesday Sept 1. I went home on Wednesday. My surgeon is fine including Protein shakes in the stage one post-op diet, so I tried that. UGH, no. No no no. Felt thick and gross in my mouth, the smell bothered me, I kept thinking maybe the shake had gone bad.

    So, I went back to just Syntrax nectar flavors. Two days later, Friday, I tried again. A *little* better, tasted okay. The next day, a shake again made me queasy, so I set it aside, went back to nectar.

    Today, I'm having a PP chocolate, with almost no problems. Now, I'm gonna be honest, today, the flavor isn't there -- my taste buds have shifted from day to day -- but the shake doesn't feel too thick, and the flavor isn't gross -- it's just not very chocolatey tasting to me.

    My point is that your taste buds and experience of stuff will change every few days. If something isn't working, don't force it. Set it aside. Come back in a couple of days. And practically speaking with shakes, I like adding flavors using Mio drops or Torani sugar free syrups. Orange/Tangerine Mio + vanilla PP shake = Creamsicle flavor. :-)

  9. Thanks ladies, it's good to know I am not just losing my mind! I had not heard of hormones fluctuating with fast loss before. I think I am also going to call the pre op counselor tomorrow and schedule an appt. Maybe he an give me some suggestions to cope until I can start really exercising. Till then I am just gonna walk my neighborhood every time I feel an episode coming on.

    It's just so hard to deal with the food. I thought I wouldn't have this problem after surgery. And my family tries to be so accommodating. They don't ever eat in front of me unless I tell them it's ok, but one second is it and the next I turn into the Tasmanian devil about it. I am pretty sure I will never touch Jello for the rest of my life when this liquid diet is over!!

  10. Ok, I just need to vent here. I feel like I have completely screwed myself and I'm scared to death.

    I am 11 days post op. My surgery was the worst. Spent three days in the hospital because of nausea, fever, horrible pain, reflux and stomach spasms. Had to suffer an upper gi before I left (no leaks thank god!). Didn't feel like a semi-normal human until 3-4 more days after being home. Last night was the first night I slept laying in my bed. Needless to say, it has been way worse than I ever thought it would be. I really wanted to be the one who felt awesome and went home the next day and it turned out to be the complete opposite! I am really wondering why the hell I did this to myself!

    Starting week 2, I tried to start pureed meat (like baby food consistency) and mashed potatoes, both hurt and gave me diarrhea. Since day 7, I am so sick of being on liquids (was on liquids two weeks pre op and now until this Thurs) that I keep finding myself taking tiny bites at foods I am making for the kids. Just tiny bits of veggie straws and 3 little grapes while I was making the kids lunches for tomorrow. And a few nights ago my husband made the kids alfredo and I wanted a bite so bad that I took a bite, chewed it up, and spit it in the trash. And then I felt so disgusted with myself!

    I went shopping with the hubby and kids a couple days and they got jack in the box and ate it in the car with me, I was totally fine, brought my shake with me and it didn't bother me. But they left the food trash in the car and when we came back out of the store and opened the car door and the SMELL hit me, I totally freaked and was yelling throw the bags out! roll the windows down! turn the fan on!! like a complete maniac because the smell was so strong I almost threw up! Didn't bother me at all when I sat in the car with them when they ate it! And I made a complete embarrassing scene in the parking lot of hobby lobby.

    I thought I was so prepared and informed and had my food totally under control pre op (lost 20 lbs and followed diet to the T) and now I feel like a total failure!! Nothing I ate today has hurt me or come back up, and I chewed each bite like 100 times, but I am still scared to death that I am ruining this!

    On a good note, for the first time in a decade of being diabetic with high blood pressure, acid reflux, and high cholesterol, I am actually off every single med except my Vitamins and physically I feel fantastic! But emotionally, I am literally losing my mind! I have cried all day long today, for no particular reason. I can only guess its because after being off all the meds, I feel like I have come out of a prescription fog, which is fantastic, and now I feel everything, good and bad, and I can't run to food when I don't like it anymore. I just have to sit here and feel everything. And I feel like all my emotions are on extreme exaggerated overdrive like I am pregnant and just had a baby or something! Completely out of control!

    Please someone tell me that this is all normal and I haven't made the worst mistake of my life! Not that I can do anything about it now, but I hope the little cheats I have made haven't ruined anything for me... :(

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