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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LisaS73

  1. Thanks ladies, it's good to know I am not just losing my mind! I had not heard of hormones fluctuating with fast loss before. I think I am also going to call the pre op counselor tomorrow and schedule an appt. Maybe he an give me some suggestions to cope until I can start really exercising. Till then I am just gonna walk my neighborhood every time I feel an episode coming on. It's just so hard to deal with the food. I thought I wouldn't have this problem after surgery. And my family tries to be so accommodating. They don't ever eat in front of me unless I tell them it's ok, but one second is it and the next I turn into the Tasmanian devil about it. I am pretty sure I will never touch Jello for the rest of my life when this liquid diet is over!!
  2. Day 11 post op - COMPLETE BASKET CASE!

    1. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Maybe we can help you if you can be more specific. What's the problem ?

    2. LisaS73


      Thanks Pink, I've been officially talked off the ledge lol. I was not aware of the hormonal, emotional upheaval that can sometimes happen after surgery. I feel a little less crazy now! :)

    3. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Hey, im a 57 year old woman, post menopausal, but not entirely retired from "emotional pissyness ." I get it. Really. I never had hormonal upheaval after surgery, but I could still write a book on it. Sigh.... thank God my husbands the mellow type. Sigh.......

  3. LisaS73


  4. LisaS73

    My Texas Sleevers

    Oh I see, I'm sorry Good luck with your surgery, I am sure you'll do great!
  5. LisaS73

    Low energy from pre op diet

    I got some powerade zero today and going to see if that helps. I know I can't possibly be dehydrated. I have never ingested this much liquid in my life! lol
  6. LisaS73

    My Texas Sleevers

    @@LauriTX75, what is pcos?
  7. LisaS73 why would you wanna reschedule your surgery??Not my surgery lol, I never reschedule with my psychologist after my required two visit. I just din't think it would be all that helpful. But after ready everyone's experiences, I think maybe I should go see him again. He didn't say I had to, but said I was welcome to if I thought I needed to. Sorry I didn't make that very clear!
  8. Y'all ladies are encouraging me to reshedule my appt.
  9. Angela I cannot do that. Here is a sample of what I had all day yesterday (c=calories, g=Protein grams, sf=sugar free): Day 3 Cup sf Jello – 20c 20 oz Water w/splash of lemon juice Protein Drink (1 scoop powder/4 oz skim milk/4 oz ice) 170c 24g chicken broth (2 bullion cubes in boiling water) 10c Cup sf jello 20c 20 oz water w/splash of lemon juice Black decaf chai tea Sf popsicle 15c Protein Bar 200c 19g (435c so far) Beef broth (2 bullion cubes in boiling water) 10c Protein drink (1 scoop powder/4 oz skim milk/4 oz ice) 170c 24g 20 oz water w/splash of lemon juice SF popsicle 15c Protein bar 200c 19g Chicken broth (2 bullion cubes in boiling water) 10c 20 oz water w/splash of lemon juice SF jello 20c (860c, 86 total) Black decaf chai tea I am on Day 3 of this now, since Monday and I am already down 6 lbs. Last week starting Monday until this past Sunday, I tried to ease my way into this diet by doing shake, bar, shake, bar, then east sensible dinner plus all my water. I actually gained 4 lbs last week. I never feel hungry because I am literally drinking or eating popsicles, jello or protein bar every minute that I am awake.
  10. So my surgery is not scheduled yet. I have two more appts this month and hopefully will have my final appt with the surgeon this month on the 29th where if everything is finally completed, I will be just waiting for insurance approval (nerve racking). Last month the surgeon was happy that I hadn't gained any weight (but I have only lost a pound in two months). She said I wasn't required to start the liver shriking diet until two weeks before surgery, but I could really start whenever I wanted because the more weight loss I have before surgery the easier the surgery and recovery and it will jump start my weight loss after surgery. So I talked to my nutritionist about easing my way into the liquid diet by doing Protein shakes and bars during the day (two of each), drinking all my Water and still having a sensible dinner. She said that would be fine. Except doing this for a week, I GAINED 4 lbs!! Did I mention that I have a requirement by insurance to have no net gain preop?? Needless to say, I freaked out! Plus, I was turning into some crazy lunatic waiting on the ONE meal I got to eat a day! So today I have started the all liquid diet and I will just do this until surgery. It seems to be easier on me to just stay away from any food all together at this point. I was given a list of approved liquids including broth, Protein drinks, unlimited water with lemon juice and decaf black tea, sugar free Jello and popsicles and veg juice. However, tonight I started looking at the calories and realized that just having liquids all day I have already consumed over 600 calories!! Is there a calorie limit to this liver shrinking diet?? I guess I just assumed I could have unlimited amounts of liquid since I could not eat!
  11. Thanks so much for sharing this, you just made my day!! Congrats!!
  12. Lord that must have been torturous!
  13. Today I did two bars, cuz I just really need to chew something and they are sooooo sweet. :-/ But on a good note, after only doing my liquid diet for 3 days, I lost 5 lbs! That all I gained plus 1!! So I am back on the "motivated" swing! But thanks for the advice, I am going right now to check the bar label.
  14. LisaS73

    Low energy from pre op diet

    I am on day 3 of my liquid diet and I could literally sleep all day! I have not started my exercise routine either. But I have lost 5 lbs already so I am not complaining!! I do however have a huge headache most of the day but I haven't figured out if it's diet related or sinus issues. It's not caffeine withdrawal, I gave that up about a month ago.
  15. Can you not request a new one? Or find one on your own?
  16. Scarlep, just try to stay positive. It won't help you to worry about things you can't control. I would just focus on what you can control. Things will work out the way they need to. I have no doubt you will get there, just don't give up! Hugs! Lisa
  17. The link for the website didn't work?
  18. If you don't mind me asking, how much did y'all lose doing this liquid diet? I am hoping to lose at least 35 before surgery but wasn't sure if that was realistic or not.
  19. Congrats girl!! What an accomplishment!!
  20. Thanks ladies. I didn't necessarily think 600 was bad per say (and I also didn't realize this is the end of the day and I probably won't add any more calories tonight, just Water and tea...), I guess I was freaking out how little I consumed added up to so much. Plus, I am a little more worried than normal probably after I gained 4lbs last week. Has anyone else had trouble with gaining weight on the Protein diet? I was doing two shakes and two bars and now I will only be doing three shakes so I thought maybe I was just doing too much? I will have 72 grams of protein a day now and I am only required to have 60.
  21. LisaS73

    My sense of smelllllll!

    Oh my God. I already had an over exaggerated sense of smell to begin with but I know exactly what you mean. I haven't started full liquid until today. Last week I was doing liquid all day and then still letting myself have dinner until I was required to go full liquid two weeks before surgery (which hasn't been scheduled yet but may be the first week of August). So over the weekend my husband made some buttered air popcorn, after I fell asleep from having a melt down about how I was pretty sure I was going to starve to death, tears included, and the smell WOKE ME FROM MY SLEEP!! I literally lost my mind. My husband felt so bad, he thought it was ok since I was asleep, he immediately took the popcorn outside and threw it in the trash receptacle. I have seriously never wanted to crawl inside a trash can and eat popcorn before until this day!! Because of this, I decided to start the liquid diet today instead of waiting for my date. My surgeon is not requiring me to, just said I could start whenever I wanted because the more I lose before, the easier surgery will be and will just start my weight loss afterwards. So far so good. I think having that one meal a day was making me a crazy lunatic waiting to get to eat that one blessed meal a day lol. Today has been easier I think, thinking I can have none of it (as I am typing the family is eating chicken broccoli alfredo which smells like they cooked it inside of my nose and I haven't tried to attack any of it !). So when cooking occurs, I will head to my desk to do homework or come to this God send of a group for support, or exercise, and will definitely shut my door and light a good smelly candle that smells like the beach!!
  22. I was worried my psychologist wasn't going to approve me either. I know I am depressed with my weight. I was so nervous how I was going to not sound crazy in this appointment so I didn't impede my own progress! I had to see him twice and at the second appt he told me I was welcome to continue to see him so I made another appt but I had to cancel it (a month ago) and haven't rescheduled since. But my last visit to my surgeon she said nothing about it except that I had finished that requirement. I'm still nervous that she sees that I went and that she doesn't actually read the results but sends them off for approval with insurance and I may still be denied. It's crazy to think if you are depressed from being unhealthy and overweight that they would not allow you to do the one thing that will help you the most. I wish you the best, and I am keeping my fingers crossed for myself as well. :-/
  23. LisaS73

    My Texas Sleevers

    Orange Texas! Would like to find a local support group!

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