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Posts posted by mimic86

  1. I agree with Dawn42 smith, I heard that when people have to appeal it often goes through, it's just the insurance company putting you through hoops. I can MORE than understand your disappointment, just try to keep your head up, if you review the boards you will see you are not the only one out there that had to go through these obstacles and it worked out well for them as it will for you. Again I'm sorry you're going through this :-/

  2. @@Babbs thank you sooooo much for that!!! I've been stressing so much about this! That really eases my mind and makes me feel a lot better...wow thank you!....@@svasquez I am in the same boat as you, I had my surgery 8/18/2015 and I got weighed at the doctors office 8/28/2015 and I was 18 pounds down which I was excited about (That included my 2 day pre op diet). Now it has been 11 days and I have not lost an additional pound even though I'm meeting my Protein and Water requirements and I have been working out some (like 30 min walks etc). I've been so stressed about this but that information from Babbs makes me feel sooooo much better!!!

  3. Hello all,

    I had my surgery on 8/18/2015 and everything went well. My pain wasn't too bad and it was managed well by pain meds, I originally was supposed to go home the 20th but because I was doing so well they let me go home the 19th. I've been able to get all of my Fluid and 60 grams of Protein in every day since last week. My problem is my food addiction. I knew I had one before the surgery but it's still so bad after the surgery. I don't have a physical hunger anymore but I have an appetite out of this world. The smell, sight, look even talk of food makes me want to eat whatever it is. I have been having a really hard time with this. Even the day of surgery my dad came in my room with some food and it smelled so good. It's crazy. If I"m around my friends and they're eating it really hard for me. They try not to eat in front of me but of course if I am spending a lot of time with them, they get hungry. I have a friends big 30th bday party this weekend and I'm dreading it because I know she's going to have tons of food and alcohol while I sip on my Protein shake but I have to go, this is a big day for her. Just in general I feel like if food is going to be in the equation I have to take myself out because I can't handle. I can bearly handle it when food isn't around let alone when it is. Even today, I took a walk on my lunch break. Of course there are nothing but fast food places and restaurants everywhere and it just made me crave everything I passed or smelled. It's insane. I know I have a real problem. I've lost 18 pounds so far which I'm happy about but my happiness is somewhat clouded by my missing food. I'm on full liquids so I just drink my Protein shakes (which I don't care for but I drink because I know that I need them) and drink my Water. Next week is soft foods which I'm excited about but still I'm really struggling. This is rough...

  4. Hello,

    I have my surgery tomorrow and prior to last week I felt very good about it. Now I'm getting anxious and super nervous and at times even second guessing my decision sad.png . I think it's just nerves, but still I keep stressing. I didn't have to do a 2 week liquid diet, just a 2 day (one day full liquid-yesterday and one day clear liquid-today) and that has been SUCH a struggle for me!!! I'm concerned that I only have a two day diet and I'm struggling, what if I had the 2 week diet? I'm nervous that if I'm stuggling this much now, what's going to happen after surgery? Am I not ready??

    What about old habits? So many people regain and though I believe (and pray) that I will change my eating habits and my way of thinking and relationship with food, but doesn't everyone go into this thinking that way? Obesity has been a life long struggle for me, so what if I get to my goal, get comfortable and revert back to my old eating habits? I'm especially worried now that I am struggling with this 2 day diet.

    I'm also starting to stress about Vitamins, taking them 5 times a day and spacing them out properly, I'm worried what if I don't stick to it like I'm supposed to?

    I'm sure it's just surgery jitters but I'm really stressing. Any comments or advice?? Does it get better or worse after surgery? Thanks in advance.

  5. Update! I got my surgery date!!! The coodinator called me that day, asked me to fax my paperwork, then she had to get a hold of the psychological office because they had not sent my clearance. I contacted them again and on Wednesday the scheduler called me and gave me a date!!! I'm August 18th!!! So soon! I'm excited but also nervous!

  6. I had finished all of my clearances except pulmonary (he wanted me to use my CPAP for a couple of days and tell him how I did with it). I got the call this morning that I was cleared by him. I called to bariatric surgeon's office and the coodinator told me she would go through my file and call me later today. I have some paperwork, from my PCP that I know I need to submit, I don't know if she will have me make an appointment or if she will let me fax them. I am anxiously waiting for her call!!! I'm hoping that the insurance approval goes smoothly and doesn't take long and that my surgery can be scheduled soon (I'm trying to have it done before more fall semester of school startes 8/27/15, if possible). Either way I'm excited about the progress and hope things go well, I'll post updates!!!

  7. Update... I messaged my bariatric group and they said it all depends on what my pulmonary doctor says. I messaged my pulmonary group and they said the doctor will clear me once I have my CPAP and start using it (yay!) and I have to bring it with me to surgery of course. I had my titration study last week, the CPAP equipment company has contacted me today about my insurance information, they said once that gets cleared ( 3-9 business days-sometimes sooner) they can set up for equipment pick up and the class to use it. I'm very excited. I'm hoping everything works out in time. I am trying to have my surgery the week of August 13th (ish) because I start classes August 27th and I don't want to miss any school. Thanks for all of your feed back!

  8. Thanks for the reply! Same here I've felt that I've had it for years but I was a little hesitant to sleep with the mask and I also thought that I would lose weight and it would go away. That night sleeping with the mask, wasn't bad, the worst part was all of the wires and so forth so I don't feel to concerned about the actual CPAP. 2 weeks isn't bad, I hope my surgeon doesn't require more than that. I am trying to have the surgery before my school semester in the fall so I don't have to miss school.

  9. Hello!,

    I met with my bariatric surgeon 6/18/2015 and I am doing all of my clearances now. I have done mosts of them, I still have my EGD Monday. I met with the pulmonolgist last week and he sent more for a sleep study (He wanted to test me for sleep apnea, which I personally thought that I had anyways. I did a home sleep study which diagnosed me with sleep apnea and I did a CPAP titration study two nights ago. I am scheduled to call the sleep physician next week for results and what I assume is setting up getting a CPAP. I also meet with my pulmonologist next week. My question is, I have heard some people say that the surgeon just wants you to start using the CPAP before your surgery and bring it with you, but I also have heard some say that some sugeons want you to wear it for a set amount of time prior to the surgery. I know it depends on the surgeon but just the get a general idea, if anyone who has been through this experience or know someone who has could share it with me it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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