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AJ cowgirl

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Posts posted by AJ cowgirl

  1. Btw. Your ability to eat and enjoy your favorite comfort foods will return.. beware it's like a bad relationship! I snook some dark chocolate into my ninja for vanilla Protein shakes with ice and coffee. (Like Starbucks) they were great, until I didn't make one and hit the drive-thru.... Lol. Best and worst choice of my life. We are human. I owned it! Enjoyed it and haven't done it again in 10 weeks. I think there are so many rules things get hard and confusing.

    We are going to make mistakes, I am a medical social worker at a hospital and had my surgery there in front of all peers! Talk about pressure... Take it easy on yourself. You will succeed and actually forget about the struggles you are having today in a few short weeks....

  2. I did not feel excited. I mean right till the day of.

    I was apprehensive and struggled with WTF am I going to do to myself??? I work in a hospital as a social worker and see many folks return to the ED after surgery ... Generally for dehydration. My coworkers who are RNs did clinically psych me out too as we have a large bariatric program where I work. In the end my inner social worker came through and how my life would be better, and longer by dumping the weight. The 2 week liq diet also showed me the way.. (Shrinking Scale) and I did go through with the surgery as planned...

    I wasn't scared for me, but for those I love... I have always been the caregiver and placed others in front of myself. I really thought I couldn't be "happy" about the surgery as some may have taken it the wrong way. I also I didn't know how to be...excited. As a bigger person I have always just settled for whatever came my way. Now, I don't regret having surgery at all. (I'm 8weeks post op) I did have some weird dreams after surgery that had to do with replaying my past life and missed opportunities (regrets) cause I felt too big, but it all has gone away. I'm loosing about 8-10 a month now.

    FYI- I do have some food morning at times as I love to cook. And if I taste while cooking -- I'm too full to eat the end result. I'm mad at myself at times for waiting so long to have surgery... I'm 45 yrs old. That's about it.

  3. VSG June 16, today I am 8 weeks. SW 277. Day of 250 today 221. So 29 lbs since sgx. I have had some major stalls. One- not eating enough. two- not enough fats. I was a purest. Three - working too much (6 days a week)

    And now--- I think my Protein shakes were making me stall... I've been using a good product. 160 cal, 25 grams, 2 grams of sugar and fat. Made with Water. But I skipped a few shakes and had a 4 lb weight loss. I still feel strong, and eat about 40-50 of natural Protein (fish and lentils)

    Has this happened to anyone?

  4. Number one! Enjoy yourself at school. Stay prepared, as in buy a good backpack and chiller kits. Prepare for the impromptu study sessions with new friends (pizza, potato chips and Starbucks) can creep up on you. Humus and jicama slices can be cool! Sounds like you are starting a great journey! Also most schools have two things.. Clubs and Activities... You will meet other friends who prob have had sgx or struggle enjoy your time. Also find a place on campus to study away from the food hall... It always smells sooo good.

  5. I am a medical MSW. I have about 50 patients a day ED and Observation Unit (social work drama). I had VSG and went back to work in two weeks. I prob would have done better with 3 only because I walk walk walk around a 700 bed hospital all day long and the energy vampires put me in bed each night by 630! I work 5x 8s. I am pool so I had no paid-time off. I guess you will have to gage yourself. Perhaps you could do two weeks off if you could switch with a pal to nights? If you are on medsurge or tele I would talk 3. Oncology or ?? Maybe less. I don't lift patients like RNs do... But as medical people we do help each other out. Have you spoke to you manager about your goals... And why this is important to you? Perhaps you can do some project work for the department, ACLS or other trainings while getting better.

  6. I told everyone except for one of my siblings, it's kind of funny that I really wanted just feel like I can do a reveal for him. He's been the sibling that is always been a highly critical bully to me all of my life. I think part of my issue is I want to make sure that I lose the weight and I'm not one of those statistic people that fail VSG. My InterVoice always tells me if I don't do well it'll just be another level of criticism from him. So I can understand both ways and I'm "OK"with him actually finding out from other people I just didn't want to be the one to directly say. I would much rather see him at the holidays when I'm a lot thinner and act like it's no big deal and not even mention the word surgery if it doesn't come up. If it does, but I might say that it's none of his business. Because then I'm sure all eyes will be on my plate at Christmas dinner

  7. Glad I found this post! I've been getting a little bluesy to you about the weight loss. At my one-month follow-up my doctor kind of made me feel like crap. I didn't walk for about a week because I was having some horrible female issues. I heard him tell the dietitian through the closed door,that I was being noncompliant and I was falling off the wagon. I had a large amount of weight loss in the beginning I went from 277 to 250 during the liquid phase. My first two weeks I went from 250 to 236 at my one-month appointment I only lost 6 pounds after that. I am now 6 weeks out and I weigh 225. I've been stuck here for about a week I'm walking a mile to 2 miles in the morning, I've been going to the gym each night. And I'm back to weighing every bit of my food. And just drinking plain Water. Sometimes I don't think the doctors realize how much they emotionally hurt you when they are critical about the weight-loss post surgery, I can understand that they want you to do well but when they're highly critical of somebody who's been living in liquid it just doesn't seem kind.

  8. Yesterday after being in the gym for a month and a half and increasing my weights rapidly and strengthening, I thought it was time to hit the leg day, I noticed and remembered quickly part of the reason for my gastric, as I was doing squat machine my left knee be an to "crackle and pop" it was my arthritis, scarring, and permanently torn ACL telling me to chill out, I know I need that surgery next but the knees thingy scares me to death, lots of pain and rehab, and always a chance it could continue to hurt, I would suggest investing in knee braces, good ones

    . Thanks - but I'd need them for knees shoulders and toes. Lol.. Will do!

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