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Posts posted by goblue9280

  1. Had gastric bypass and I had worries about my pouch size. I've only just now started to recognize a full feeling at almost 3 months out. I was eating fish/chicken by 4 weeks out and not feeling full on a 2.5 ounce portion size. However, I stuck to measuring out my food and never tried to push it. Even today I don't know how much I can eat before getting sick, as I've never made myself sick. I know I can eat 3/4 cup and will start to feel full.

    So yeah, with a bigger pouch size for DS, you may never experience an overwhelming full feeling. The key (to echo others) is to stick to your plan... eventually your stomach will heal and your head will get in line and you'll start to recognize new feelings of being satiated.

  2. @@winklie Love reading your posts, brotha! Keep that positive attitude going. Who knows what will happen in two years, but I damn sure would put my money on someone with your attitude being at goal weight in 2+ years.

    For me, my focus right now is getting my sh*& together with regards to diet. I'm a firm believer in health being 90% what you put in your body and 10% working out. My bariatric surgeon has gone full in on promoting a vegan (or as much vegan as you can handle) diet as the best way to achieve and maintain goal weight for both WLS patients and the general population. My hope is that I can lay the foundation now during my honeymoon phase for the diet that will carry me on to my goal weight and the next 45+ years of my life.

  3. Placed an order Black Friday weekend, but they sent me the wrong Multivitamins... I have been waiting since then for the right ones to be sent. Just got the shipping confirmation Tuesday. So it will be nearly 4 weeks from my initial order before I finally get the correct Multivitamins (assuming they are the correct ones this time.)

    I think I'll stick to getting them from my doc from now on as the prices are similar.

  4. My experience was very similar. Surgery around noon or so, and I was released the next day around noon from the hospital. The first 2 days at home were tough. Lots of gas pain in my abdomen and across my back/shoulders. A couple of my probe sites hurt, and my abdomen muscles were painful/sore... felt like I was kicked in the stomach a dozen times. I took pain pills for the first two days at home, and slept tons. By about day 3 home, I was feeling almost back to normal. By about day 5, I felt better than I had in months as my diabetes and blood pressure were under control.

    You're doing it right... focus on hydration first, Protein second and walking third. Those are the three keys to healing during the first week. Good luck and congrats!

  5. Echo @@Inner Surfer Girl... I switched over to Premier Protein shakes right after surgery and haven't looked back. I only buy the chocolate now as I find the strawberry and vanilla flavors too sweet for my tastes.

    As @@Gigs525 said, how far out are you, and what are you allowed to eat? The sooner you can start getting the majority of your Protein from real food, the better. If meat/tuna/dairy don't work for you, try to get protein from Beans and cooked, soft vegetables (if you're NUT plan allows.) You can get upwards of 10g protein from 1/2 cup of refried Beans. I also found soy based patties tolerable at a month out... for example, you get 10g of protein from a single morning star Breakfast sausage patty for only 80 calories. For Breakfast, I was eating one of those with a 1/4 cup of scrambled egg beaters (with a little shedded cheese) at 1 month out... 16g+ of protein and only 120 calories or so. Of course your plan may not allow those foods at 1 month.

  6. Any of you fellas (vets or newbs) doing or completed a couch to 5k program? I have this NSV goal of running a 5k with my two older kids. My 8th grade daughter does cross-country/track and my 6 grade son will likely do both as well when he is in 7th grade next year. I'm currently at 335lbs, and usually don't have much problem walking 2+ miles at an 18 min/mile rate. Curious if any of you guys started a C25K program at a similar size... all tips are welcome.

  7. October 1st surgery and I have not started lifting yet. I was on a 10 pound lifting restriction until 6 weeks out, and my surgeon/nut advised me not to start lifting anything until 2 months out. I've been sticking with walking as my source of exercise for the time being... but have my bike aired up and ready to go. Also have an elliptical and weight bench with a set of adjustable dumbbells (up to 50lbs) at home. I plan to start strength training soon as I feel I have the energy now.

  8. My insurance and surgeon did not require a diet... of course my insurance also had a $5000 bariatric deductible, so that helps weed out those that aren't serious.

    My surgeon did require me to do a 2-week preop liquid diet where most all of my calories came from 4-5 Protein shakes per day. I lost around 20lbs in those 2-weeks... well technically mine was an 11-day diet due to being on travel the first couple days.

  9. Absolutely! I was a complete a$$.hole leading up to my surgery. Morning of surgery I was an emotional wreck. Being wheeled down to the operating room and then having my wife turning to go to the waiting room was the worst. I was laying on the table before receiving anesthesia contemplating whether to halt the surgery because I was so scared. However, over 2 months out and I have zero regrets. I'm feeling the best I have in a decade or more... both physically and mentally.

    All I can say is do your best to work through the emotional rollercoaster, as the pay off is worth it in the end!

  10. I just crossed the 2-month post-op mark and while I concede it might just be the honeymoon phase talking, I feel like I'm finally finding some emotional and mental stability. The past few years I've been a mess at times: Moody, socially anxious, angry... but I've (and family) noticed lately that I'm in a better mood with more patience. Just curious if others have experienced similar changes and if you found them to be temporary or permanent?

  11. Congrats on the surgery date! You'll do great on the liquid diet. I can't be much help on what to make... my 2-week pre-op diet consisted of 3 Protein shakes per day, broth and sugar free popsicles, so not very festive.

    My one bit of advice, when things get stressful, just remind yourself why you're on the liquid diet: #1 get your body ready for surgery and most importantly #2 get your head ready for the post-op diet.

  12. I feel like I have the energy to start lifting weights 3 days a week. I have a weight bench at home and a set of powerblock adjustable dumbbells that go from 5-50lbs each. I've been poking around online for a beginner dumbbell workout.

    I'm worried about being able to build muscle due to the caloric restriction. I've asked my Doc/NUT and have not received much feedback. Online resources regarding building muscle after gastric bypass are scarce. Furthermore, my Doc actually encourages adapting a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle... which further complicates things if I go that route. Currently I'm eating meat, and getting around 80g of Protein a day.

    Have they mentioned a rationale for pushing a vegetarian lifestyle? I've never heard of such a thing.

    Sent from my SM-T357T using Tapatalk

    Well, my bariatric surgeon (Garth Davis) has become a big vegan advocate as a means to curtail the obesity epidemic in this country. He became a vegan a few years back, saw health benefits and has since looked into deeply and feels it's the best diet. He has a book that just came out called Proteinaholic which (my understanding is as I have not read it) goes into detail about the science behind us eating too much Protein and instead moving to a plant based diet.

    That being said, he is not pushy about it with his patients. His dad is also a bariatric surgeon at the same practice. The handouts they give and the nutrition class are not vegan/plant based but rather focus on eating protein first (getting 70-80g per day.) In fact when you walk in the front door, they have an entire storefront of Bariatric Advantage protein powders and Meal Replacements. I don't recall seeing a single vegan Protein powder in there. I eat meat/dairy everyday, but not every meal. I always have a premier Protein shake per day as well (30g.)

    I'm not entirely sure how to get in 70-80g of protein per day on my restrictive diet of 3-4 small meals of 1/2 cup if I were to go vegan. It might be doable when I'm up to 1 cup of food per meal, but not right now. I've asked my NUT that exact question, but did not get much of an answer. I'm going in for my 2 month followup next week, so I'll be sure to ask. Based on his book, I'm guessing his response is that down the road when I'm maintaining, I won't need that much protein. Again though, I wonder how I could possibly build muscle on a caloric restricted vegan diet with little protein... doesn't seem scientifically possible. I've visited his Facebook page, and he often posts links about vegan fitness buffs and bodybuilders... but I suspect many of them became vegan well after the muscles.

  13. I feel like I have the energy to start lifting weights 3 days a week. I have a weight bench at home and a set of powerblock adjustable dumbbells that go from 5-50lbs each. I've been poking around online for a beginner dumbbell workout.

    I'm worried about being able to build muscle due to the caloric restriction. I've asked my Doc/NUT and have not received much feedback. Online resources regarding building muscle after gastric bypass are scarce. Furthermore, my Doc actually encourages adapting a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle... which further complicates things if I go that route. Currently I'm eating meat, and getting around 80g of Protein a day.

  14. Damn dude, you're looking awesome. Very inspiring!

    How long after surgery did you start hitting the gym? I'm two months out today, my NUT wanted me to wait at least until then to start lifting any weights. All I've done so far is walking, but I'm starting to feel a lot more energetic like I can up my effort.

    Pic on the right was January 2015. The one on the left was this afternoon.

  15. How much Water do you get in each day? Are you taking/consuming anything that acts as a diuretic? Have you noticed any change in your BM's when you have increeased/decreased your Water consumption?

    For me, Constipation usually happens when I'm low on water for a day or two in a row. When I get in plenty of water I have no issues. When constipated, I usually take one miralax and bump up my water consumption... that usually gets me back to normal within 24hrs.

  16. I am about 2 months out (Oct. 1st) and I've been sticking to 1/2 cup mostly. Lately I've been going a tad over 1/2 cup. I'm sure I could also eat 3/4 cup no problem. According to my doc/nut I'm suppose to work up to between 3/4 and 1 cup by the time I'm 6 months out. I've never experienced an "I can't eat another bite" feeling. I just make sure to limit myself. Generally I eat 3 small meals a day and have one premier Protein drink. Sometimes when I'm up early and go to bed late, I have a 4th small meal in the late evening. I've never dumped, and have been introucing lots of new foods (fruits and veggies) in the past couple weeks while still making sure to get in my daily Protein goal.

    My opinion, you are perfectly normal. There is so much variation between patients, thus there is no standard/normal experience. I've had the same worries (i.e. could my pouch be too big) but the way I see it, it is better than the alternative of never being able to eat and constantly dumping.

  17. Grew up in Michigan but have been in TX the past 8 years. I have always been way too hot... sweating constantly which makes me anxious and causes me to sweat more... endless cycle. One of the first thing I noticed post-op is how cold I felt, and how much less I was sweating. Was up in Chicago a couple weeks ago, temps were around 50 and I was miserable. Had a hooded sweatshirt on with a fleece jacket and gloves, but still freezing.

    On the positive side, it will be nice to get outside during the summer again. I've avoided the outdoors the from April thru September the past few years due to the heat/sweating/anxiety.

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