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Posts posted by goblue9280

  1. I say enjoy the attention and don't feel guilty about it. As you are keenly aware, physical/sexual attractiveness is often times the first thing a guy notices and can even trump emotional connection for the duration of a relationship. If you had no real emotional connection to any of the guys reaching out, then you are certainly smart to ignore their advances.

    Btw, how YOU doing? ;)

  2. Couldn't it be argued that all of us here suffer from some lack of accountability and irresponsibility? It's not like we woke up morbidly obese overnight. As we all know, obesity can be a vicious cycle that affects all areas of our lives... including employment and financial security.

    While I agree with you that for WLS surgery to be successful, one has to be fully committed... the way you put it came across similar to anti-WLS arguments we hear all the time, e.g. "you don't need WLS, you need more willpower" or "obesity is a laziness problem, you just need to stop being lazy." etc.

    ...being accountable, responsible, and in charge.

  3. @@Anna Nim has a bunch of good ideas. Just to add a bit of a ranking to what she laid out:

    1a. Temp job

    1b. Sell stuff on craigslist/ebay

    2. Real job but quit before surgery

    3. Boyfriend 2nd job

    4. Pawn stuff... not a great option as you likely will get pennies on the dollar and risk not getting items back if you can never come up with the money.




    98. Sell kidney on black market.

    99. pay day or title loan... seriously, avoid this option at all costs. Nothing will put you in financial ruin faster than a pay day loan.

  4. Width and length have completely changed for me... shoes that is. On the plus side, I can comfortably wear tons of shoes right now without having to worry about width. On the negative side, the shoes I want are usually tough to get and generally require ordering online before they sell out... which has resulted in me owning a couple pair of retro Jordan's (my 10 year old self always wanted) that are probably a full size too big. Thick socks it is!

  5. Fresh fruit is very healthy, and there is no reason why it shouldn't be in your diet once your doc/nut recommends... so lets put that to bed first.

    Fruit can be tough on some new pouches due to the sugar content (dumping)... also skin of some fruit can be difficult. As kristen pointed out, mashed fruit may be acceptable during the soft foods phase (it was for me.) Talk to your NUT about that.

    Early on, I did not put mashed fruit into smoothies, simply because it added so many calories for very little satiety. I tried very early on to focus on foods that kept me full for longer... and smoothies slide right thru... thus I only used them for Protein delivery if I was short for the day.

    Since then, I usually have a little fruit at every meal. I probably eat 1-2 apples a day and some berries. The Fiber content from all the fruits and veggies I enjoy is great for digestion... I have not suffered from Constipation since very early on.

  6. Interesting... I wonder what it is about the carrots that don't agree with you? I e been eating raw baby carrots since about 3 or 4 months out with no issues. I eat some on a daily basis. Most veggies have been fine for me... though I stayed away from fiberous ones (celery, asparagus) until I was around 6 months out.

    First thing I learned, everyone has a different path down the bypass journey.

  7. Not surprising, celery is a very fibrous vegetable and can be difficult to digest. I'd wait a big longer on celery, broccoli and asparagus due to this reason. Also maybe stay away from the skin and seeds of any fruits and veggies for now. Early on I did a lot of zucchini (seeded), some tomatoes and spinach as well. I often softened all of them by cooking though. As I progressed, I started trying some raw fruits and veggies... apples, carrots, berries, raw green Beans, etc. Once I got past 6 months I eat pretty much anything fruit/veggie related that I want without issue. I don't eat much celery, but it has not caused me any issues at this stage.

  8. I have some Vega sport Protein packets that I haven't tried yet in the cupboard... so I'm not much help. Nothing wrong with the Vega line... being vegan, they don't use whey derived protein (dairy) and instead rely on plant based protein for their shakes and bars. There's plenty of websites out there that will debate which protein is based... plant vs whey... Isolate va concentrate... pea versus soy versus hemp... in the end, just find one your stomach tolerates.

  9. You know, I've thought about this for awhile after reading so many struggle. I think more research needs to be done on the post-WLS nutrition plan, particularly looking at whether we really need all of the Protein. Now it's probably necessary right after surgery (and in your case BV since you are adding so much lean muscle mass), but I wonder at what point in the process does the "protein first" mentality need to end?

    I had major issues in this department for the first few weeks. My surgeon advocates for a mostly vegetarian/vegan diet, so once I got to solid foods it has been smooth sailing ever since. I eat very clean... lots of raw fruits and veggies at every meal so with all of the fiber I consume, it's no wonder I'm good.

  10. My eyes are still much bigger than my stomach, and I still catch myself picking out clothes in larger sizes only to have to make multiple trips to the fitting room when they are too big!


    I've had this happen more than once recently.

    2nd that... and I'm sick of buying clothes and they are too big before I wear them more than 2 or 3 times. What I've been doing lately is buying two pair of pants for cheap at Old Navy, 1 jeans and 1 khakis... then wear only them for a few weeks until I'm down a size or two.

  11. Well, if you're in yoga pants and have caught guys looking, then I think you have your answer. If you're still concerned, feel free to message me pictures in tight pants, I have no problem giving feedback. jk

    Well I've always had a large butt and it used to be not very attractive (to me at least) lol and it seems so disproportionate to the rest of me now. I'm not a guy so I don't know what they find attractive or not. I'd rather have a big butt than none at all so I guess I consider it a positive thing!

  12. Hopefully you won't have to have it long. I'm pretty confident I would have been on CPAP before surgery had I ever gone in for a sleep study. Since losing weight, I know I sleep much better as I wake up feeling great. My wife and kids have also all commented on my lack of snoring since the weight started coming off.

  13. I'm 35 and had gastric bypass. Started at 425 with diabetes, high cholesterol/triglycerides, high blood pressure... and probably sleep apnea though never tested. I just passed 6 months out and have lost around 150 pounds. Best decision I ever made. Daily life is 10 times easier. My surgeon had no reservations regarding doing surgery. I did the standard 2-week liquid pre-op diet that he prescribes to everyone. It was tough, but I stuck to it. Surgery was one morning, and I was released the next day around noon. Was off of pain meds within 2 days... and back at work (desk job) by day 6 post-op

    Weight came off quickly. I've never had any serious complications. Never had issues introducing new foods when my post-op diet allowed for a new phase. Only time I ever dumped was when I overate a little bit due to eating too fast.

    Energy is through the roof, I'm off of most of my meds, and will likely be off all after my next checkup. I sleep much better, and apparently hardly snore anymore. I've gotten back to doing things I haven't done in 10+ years, like assisting on the ice with my kids hockey practice. I no longer worry about stuff like "does that restaurant only have booths" or "I hope they don't have folding chairs at my kids school play." I've flown on an airplane again no needing an extender and with the arms down. I don't sweat the minute the temp rises above 65 deg F (in fact I'm cold all the time.) Sex is much better. I could go on and on. Only negative thus far has been my weight loss has started to slow at 6 months out... but I also am not putting much effort into working out, so once I kick that up, I'm sure it will improve.

  14. Good luck from another Garth Davis patient!

    The 2-week diet was tough... but doable. I hated the BA shakes, the smell was nauseating to me. I had a lot of trouble getting more than 3 of those down each day. I stopped using them after surgery, in fact I still have an unopened vanilla bag in my pantry I believe. First month after surgery, I used Premier Protein shakes to supplement. 6 months out, I don't use shakes anymore... but occasionally will have a Quest bar. I don't eat much meat/dairy anymore... maybe every other day I'll have some chicken or fish. Anyhow, good luck!

    I'm from Texas!

    The liquid diet gets better! As long as you muscle through the first couple of days, it quits being miserable. My Bariatric Advantage vegetable Soup has been the best thing. Being able to eat something savory with a spoon has mentally made it so much easier. Plus, I'm stuffed after a small bowl of it.

  15. My surgeon (Garth Davis) advocates a switch to vegan/vegetarian diet... or as close to it as you can do. He has a book out, Proteinaholic, and there are a bunch of good vegan/vegetarian recipes in it that I find WLS friendly. I'm not off meat/dairy 100%, but I'd say 90%+ of my daily caloric intake is plant based... and when I have meat, it's usually lean poultry or fish.

    Here's a recipe for quinoa with black Beans that I make often. I like to eat it plain with hot sauce, or as a salad topping... I imagine it'd be good in some sort of low carb wrap. If you eat dairy, you could up the Protein with some cheese or plain greek yogurt. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/49552/quinoa-and-black-beans/

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