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Posts posted by goblue9280

  1. W5D1 completed... felt like the first four weeks were heavy on the cardio training, and these next four weeks will enter the mental training phase. By that I mean knowing you will be running the same thing three days in a week is a little less mentally daunting then knowing you will be increasing your running distances each day from here on out. Physically, I can handle the running as long as I'm focused on my pace and breathing... mental training engage!

  2. W4D1 done! Feels good as I was anxious... 5 min runs, 16 total mins running, shorter walk intervals... but it was easier than I anticipated. Got into a good groove/pace where I could still breathe well. Turned around at the midpoint and made it all the way back home so ran both halves at a similar pace... now baby steps until W5D3!

  3. Finished week 3 this morning. Proud of myself since I did days 2 and 3 while on vacation in Michigan. Will do W4D1 here as well on Monday. Today I jogged through the final 3 minute walk, so actually did a 6 minute jog and felt good afterwards. Definitely starting to get a handle of how to pace myself... sure there are bug physical hurdles to overcome, but the mental aspect of it is just as important. I applaud the C25k program for being geared to getting you over those mental blocks.

    Love the suggested W5 and W6 modification... I'll see how W5D1 goes and decide if I need to modify.

  4. Finished W3D1 last night... found it surprisingly easier than weeks 1 or 2. I think there were two reasons:

    1. Starting to figure out my pace.

    2. First two weeks I did all of the running on a track, so I believe I was trying to run faster than I should since I had this goal in mind of doing 1/2 lap in 60 seconds and 3/4 in 90 seconds. Last night my daughter took me to the trail they run for cross country, which goes through the woods... not being able to see very far in front of you (like on a track) I think causes you to slow down just a bit.

    Here's my trainer and I after week 1:


  5. As I guy, I don't think my expectation would be for the girl to bring up any physical "faults" (probably not the right word) she thinks she has... in fact I'd probably find it a bit off-putting that she brought it up as I'd be thinking "does she really think I'm that shallow?"

    That being said it's going to come down to the type of guy you're dating... by the time you get to the point of taking off your clothes, I'm guessing you'll know whether it's a narcissistic douche that may have an issue with it... in which case you probably shouldn't be taking off your clothes anyway, lol.

  6. I started the C25k program last week... I'm using the timed interval app from zenlabs. Running M, W, Fri... so I have W2D2 tonight. My 14 year old (cross country running) daughter has been coming out with me and acting as my trainer, lol... makes sure I'm staying hydrated in this ridiculous Texas heat.

    So far so good... no issues with muscle or joint soreness/pain/etc. I know that will likely change as the running intervals ramp up. My main issue right now is learning how to properly breath. I'm now aware that I have no rhythm to my breathing, so need to get that straightened out. Probably need to slow my pace a bit on the runs to get my breathing in order. Hoping to be able to run my first 5k on my surgi-versary (Oct 1st.)

  7. Yes I had the ugly taste also!!

    Thank you all I don't feel so bad now that I'm not the only one lol.

    Ketosis breath... nasty stuff.

    How are you doing on the Bariatric Advantage Protein powder? I had a tough time with that stuff... could not get a handle on the taste/smell. Bought two bags from the clinic, only made it through 3/4 of a bag of chocolate. Ended up switching over to the Premier Protein ready to drink shakes post-op.

  8. I'm 9 months post op and just recently had my first carbonated beverage... a half a beer after playing my first hockey game in 15 years. No issues with it, but have zero plans to make it a regular thing since drinking calories is not my thing. Obviously calories aren't a concern with Coke Zero, but I'd be worried about the acidity and gas that close to surgery.

  9. Let me know if you ladies have any specific questions. I don't know how the other docs are, but Garth is very big on recommending a vegan diet. It can be a bit difficult at times since probably 99% of the WLS docs out there push a high Protein (from meat/dairy) diet. there is a good WLS vegetarian group on Facebook that I'd recommend jointing if you are going that route... you can ask anything on there and get good feedback quickly.

  10. Getting there. About 5 years ago, I bought a rigid Redline D440 (29er). I recently started rtding it again, but only really on pavement. I swapped the tires for some Schwalbe Big Apple's (quick rolling pavement tires.) Using it as a commuter... been riding to work 1-2 times per week.

    What I'd like to do is now get a hardtail for Houston trail riding. With how flat it is around here, full suspension is probably a bit of overkill... thus my reasoning for a hardtail. A few bikes I'm looking into include the Kona Honzo or maybe a Specialized Crave.

  11. food funerals are a normal, natural step down the WLS road. I went on quite the bender before my 2-week preop diet... all my favorite fast food places, bbq but the big one was a dozen Cajun wings and cheese fries from wing stop.

    Don't think of it like "the last time in my life I have..." because it very likely will not be the last time. It might be a year or more before you have some of those things, but WLS is a tool to help you achieve lifelong healthy habits.

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