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Posts posted by Reneekam

  1. I am so excited! I had the DS on April 27, 2016 with a starting weight of 267 at 5'2" tall. Today I weigh 198! I don't think I've been under 200 lbs in over 27 years!

    My highest ever weight was 320. I just had to share my excitement! I just turned 49 a few weeks ago and I'm wishing I would have done this years ago.

    It is wonderful to bypass the plus size section of the store and actually shop the non plus women's section!

    I've been diagnosed type 2 diabetic since 2003 and since I was discharged from the hospital I have been off all diabetes meds (Metformin, Amaryl and Victoza), off blood pressure meds and off cholesterol meds. My last A1C was 5.5 and before surgery was 9.7. Cholesterol before surgery was 168 and now is 125. My blood pressure is normal. My 3 month labs were great. I'll be having 6 month labs next month.

    I told my surgeon even if I didn't lose any weight just having the improved health and labs was definitely worth it!

    The best part of this journey is going through it with my new husband. He started at 397 lbs and had the DS January 25th. He's lost 140lbs so far and his labs are great as well. We were married in June of this year. It does make meal planning much easier with both of us with the same eating plan. We both feel we've been given a new lease on life and haven't felt this good since our early 20's!

    If you're just starting your journey, congratulations on your decision to improve your health and your life!


  2. Didn't really need anything other than my clothes to go home. You could bring an iPad or phone with you as Rex hospital has wifi. You might want your own personal care items like toothbrush, toothpaste, hair comb or brush etc. I just wore the hospital gown and they give you an extra one to where like a robe for when you're walking the halls.

  3. I'm happy to say surgery went well and I just had my 1st post op appointment and things are going well. I'm still in need of pain meds as I can only sleep part of the night before waking up with some amount of pain. I go back to the doctor in 3 weeks to see if he'll clear me to go back to work. I'm doing well on getting the fluids and Protein the doctors expect at this point, although some liquids go down easier than others. I get some cramping with liquids at times and some random cramping.

    I did have the worst gas pressure pains in my chest in the recovery room and the 1st night in the hospital was the toughest. I did walk as much as possible in the hospital and and getting walking in at home when I'm not needing a nap.

    My weight is a few pounds above where I was the day of surgery. I know I was pumped up with a lot of fluids in the hospital as my blood pressure was running low. I'm eager to see the weight loss come, and I know it will in time as my body adjusts.

    Thank you everyone for the support!


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