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Posts posted by Katy2051

  1. Thank you for your responses. Found out it was due to an incompetent cervix. I know I still hurt from losing my baby, but now I feel better for knowing. And I have to make sure my health is in good shape to move on and prepare myself for everything I have to do to carry a baby to full term. Again, thank you for all the support.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. Just under two weeks ago I went into early labor. My baby was alive for a few minutes, but he wasn't far enough along or developed to save. I was only a few days shy of being 21 weeks with my first baby.

    To preface this, I had the gastric sleeve surgery so I would be able to get pregnant. So when we found out I was expecting, my husband, me and my family were ecstatic. We were so excited. My pregnancy was completely normal. I was eating healthy, taking my Vitamins, going to my appointments.... even the doctor didn't see this coming. I never would have thought I would become one of those women.

    Then, we went through this tragedy. My husband and family are doing amazing at taking care of me and trying to take my mind off of it. But I don't even have the energy to care about my health. My eating has gone to s**t, much less my exercise.

    I guess what I am getting at, does anyone have suggestions or help on how to refocus. To care about my health and body instead of being betrayed by it...

    I'm sorry for the sad and not so much WLS related post.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I was elated. Then... the worry of gaining to much weight set in. Now, I'm worried since I haven't gained weight, instead I have lost a few pounds. Has anyone else had this problem? What did you do?

    Surgery date/weight: 7.22.15 - 209lbs

    + Pregnancy test/weight: 8.16.16 - 140lbs

    Current weeks/weight: 19 weeks - 11.26.16 - 135lbs

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. Wow! My first post. I've been one of those "trolls" that would just read posts since I was way to shy to say a thing. Sorry guys!

    But today I think I have finally gotten the courage to be proud. So here it is....

    A few years before even considering the sleeve I had bought this beautiful white Marilyn Monroe inspired swimsuit in a size 8 for inspiration. I had hoped it would help me stay focused and on track to gaining what I thought would be the "perfect" me. Well... it sat in the closet for three years collecting dust. While I collected more lbs. Not what I had forseen. Then.... my doctor told me that I had PCOS. My husband and I learned that we might not have kids if I didn't lose the weight. That through me into a wake up call. I had to find something. So I came here... to this place. Looking for other people who understood. I decided to take the leap. My husband and parents were behind me 100%. I did it. I had the sleeve surgery. What an incredible choice to change my life!

    Now.... back to that swim suit. I found that dusty swimsuit and thought oh no... there is no way. I still had/have that "I'm still way to big" mentality. But instead of just hiding it again, I decided to grit my teeth and try it anyways. It finally fit after three years of being in my closet. The wash of pride and relief came over me. (Hopefully I added the picture right)

    I thought this swimsuit was what I needed to inspire me. It wasn't. My family and future children are. This swimsuit was just a sign that I am on the way and did the right thing for myself.

    (Thank you for reading my random thoughts and story.)

    Sent from my SM-G925V using the BariatricPal App


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