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Posts posted by arealsweety

  1. hhhaaaa hhhhaaaaa what a laugh,,, where do you get your facts, surely you just grab them from thin air. p.s. hows the weather in Tijuana. since you work for the local (so called) surgeons, many here are aware that you schill post over and over its ,,,OBVIOUS,,,,HULLOOO

    Johnny, sweetness, the weather in Tijuana is probably the same as it is here in San Diego. I am gainfully employed on the American side of the border and not by any of the surgeons. Where did I get my numbers? I asked the doctor. It's really easy. This is how I did it. Looked on the website, got the number, dialed, asked the question, got the answer.

  2. The fact of the matter is reputation is EVERYTHING , and like someone else said I would NEVER go to a surgeon who has a " questionable " reputation .

    This doctor has just that. Before you start questioning those who are saying "negative' things about this or any doctor . Do your homework about the negative threads they are talking about .

    Dont just dismiss them . The "alleged" threads are not "Alleged" they are all OVER this board and others . Just open your eyes and find them .


    I didn't say the threads were alleged I said that the source was alleged.

  3. I would also ask myself why a surgeon would resort to loading a talk forum with claims about how good he was for one single patient (the purported author of the post), his cuteness, niceness, likability, etc. Wouldn't a reputable doctor not need that kind of advertising to build a good practice?

    Where did you see this alleged "loading" that he allegedly did?


    Look, until you've been his patient, I don't think you have a right to determine his skill level. Unless you've spoken to ALL his patients, not just the ones with complications, I don't think you have a right to determine his skill level.

    Sitting on a message board reading stories does not qualify you to make such a determination, IN MY OPINION


    Been there, done that, LOVE him. Thank you.

    That is also my OPINION.

    Been there, done that, was there yesterday for a followup appontment.

  5. "You made yourself clear. Are we suppose to take your word for it that these things you saw with your own eyes ? "

    A witness is a witness whether people believe them or not.

    "Sorry but maybe its me your last statement makes NO SENSE to me and ive sat here and read it for 5 mintues. People DO get very defensive about their docs and rightly so . however just because a statement is negative does NOT MEAN Its NOT TRUE !!! "

    Just because a statment is positive does not mean it is not true.

    "You have to understand , maybe this is something you do not know yet from being on here. There are coordinators that work for doctors that come on here and pose as fake patients, there are doctors that pose as patients and bash other doctors . So saying something like " i have seen it with my own eyes " honestly does not hold a lot of weight for someone who is fairly new to this site . "

    I do understand quite well and am well aware of what goes on here. I have seen these people just as you have. And I would also give new people on this site some credit for being able to reason for themselves.

    "That is not a dig at you im just trying to make you understand how others see it . "

    No problem. My view is not one sided and is not uninformed. I have my experiences and others have theirs. We will just have to agree to disagree.

  6. Again those are not statistics !!!

    That technically is also hearsay .

    statistics - definition of statistics by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

    You cant say you have statistics based on what "You have heard from patients you know ' THAT is not statistics. Statistics and first hand info are 2 different things if you want to get technical !

    hearsay: Definition, Synonyms and Much More from Answers.com

    If you went into court and said " I heard from this patient that Dr H said blah blah " They would not let you repeat it its hearsay "

    Just trying to clarify . What Wasa is talking about are actual statistics ! #'s based on the amount of complications . Your arguing with her that she does not have that info because its NEGATIVE , But you do not have info either to back up your positive statements .

    Just trying to see things both ways. People cant sit here and get defensive because they hear something negative and automatically say " THAT"S NOT TRUE " because THEY had a good experience with a doc.


    Apparently I'm not making myself clear. Someone made statements in a statitistical vein. I asked for those statistics. My positive statements are things I have witnessed with my own eyes, so they are not heresay. And someone can not get ultra negative when they hear something positive and automatically say "That's not true" because they heard of people having a bad experience with a doctor.

  7. No, unfortunately I haven't met up with all the patients that he made mistakes on. So I can't give you accurate numbers.

    Or, you can talk to ANY of the more popular bariatric surgeons in Mexico and ask them how many of Dr. Huacuz patients they have had to operate on to fix bands, remove bands due to infection, etc.

    Now, do you have stats to defend your claims? I mean something other than Dr. Huacuz' word for it. We already know how reliable that is.

    I asked for statistics and first hand information, not hearsay. I did not make claims. I stated what had happened to me and what I had witnessed with my own two eyes and heard with my own two ears. Yes, I DO know how realiable Dr. Huacuz is and how he has kept his word to me and those I know who have gone to him.

  8. Just to piggyback on Wasa's post...

    I am fat, I have been fat my whole life (as far back as I can remember). Being fat I have many friends who are also overweight...

    I cannot possibly think of TWENTY friends, let alone twenty acquiantances that I know who I could send to get the band!!!!


    I too have been fat all my life and since I have a HUGE (literally) family (72 first cousins) most of whom are over weight it is entirely possible for someone to refer 20 people. I also have at least 30 friends/associates who are in the morbid obese range. Yes, I hang out with other fat chicks in social situations (bowling, dancing, picnics, karaoke). When they saw my results they wanted to know who did my work, where it was done and who did it. Up until that time only my closest friends knew about my surgery. I have been happy to refer all who ask to Dr. Huacuz. You see just because I was huge did not mean I was a shrinking violet, devoid of self respect or friendless.


  9. Its a good idea to do research on docs before making a choice. Do not just take one or 4 peoples word on it. Do your OWN research and make your OWN choice.

    Please ya'll Make an INTELLIGENT choice when having surgery , RESEARCH and do not believe EVERYTHING you read !!



    I agree. Do your own research and make an intelligent choice. There will always be someone who is not happy with a doctor. There are many more then 4 people who are happy with Dr. Huacuz. I'm glad I did my OWN research and VERY happy I picked Dr. Huacuz.

    I am more than happy to help.


  10. arealsweety

    You can't imagine how happy I am to read your post. I am having the wings removed by Dr. Huacuz on Feb 25. Eyes done too. I have been a little worried about the surgery, but I was banded by Dr. Huacuz also and it was also a good experience. That is why I am going back to him. Cost is a factor of course, but it is also good to know that I am in such good hands. Would love to know more about your friends experience on the wing removal.

    She did'n't have to be picked up at the airport because I did that. I just made sure she was at the clinic when she was supposed to be. Surgery was uneventful (besides her family and friends calling me every few minutes). She said that she had minimal pain and when she got back to Georgia her brother helped her do some things around the house even though she could really could have taken care of them herself. She was pleasantly surprised to hear from Dr. Huacuz several times and to know he was asking about her healing. Her family and friends are so happy with her results that they are now considering getting their "wings and things" done with Dr. Huacuz.


  11. I agree with finding good after care. Make sure you have someone who will do your fills if you had your sugery in Mexico.

    Dr. Huacuz was also did my band 7-07 and I had a great experience. I thought his care before, during and after my band placement was great. Of course I was a little nervouse going to another country and being far away form my family but if I had it to do agian I would definatley go back Dr. Huacuz.

    I was never nervous going to another country since Tijuana is just across the border from San Diego (home). There are creeps, idiots and weirdos in every big city, so I am just a careful there as I am in San Diego or Los Angeles or Frankfurt, Germany. When it is time for my full body lift and breast augmentation (the only part of me I wanted to keep is leaving FAST) I will go to Dr.Huacuz.

    Dr,. Huacuz took care of removing the "bat wings" from my friend after she lost 208# and she looks great! She lives in Georgia and after returning home she went to a wound specialist for evaluation. He said that it was the best work he had seen in a LONG time! She can't wait till tank top season. I can't wait until its my turn!

  12. Oh my goodness.... like Antonio Banderas??!!! I already have a band but would not think twice to have a fill there, just to be able to see that handsome man ... ;) (jk)

    I am planning on having a mastopexy with Dr. Huacuz, probably in about 6 months. He has responded to all of my questions promptly- what an incredible doctor!


    When I am finally at goal I will be having my full body lift and breast augmentation done at his clinic. And yes, he is always prompt in his responses.

    A friend of mind recently had the excess skin removed from her arms after losing 208#. When she went back to Georgia a wound specialist who saw her said that was one of the best jobs he had ever seen. She is healing well and can't wait until tank top season. I look forward to my turn!

    My arms are what keep me from getting into the size blouse that fits he rest of my body. By the time my arms are small enough to get into the sleeves, the rest of the blouse will be way too big. Oh well....life hapens and we all have our issues.


  13. If any of you are being banded by Dr. Huacuz and will not have a support person with you or just want a visitor, let me know and I will come pay you a visit. I am only a short hop, skip and jump across the border in San Diego. Let me know by private mail and I will give you my contact information.


    Dr. Huacuz - Tijuana, Mexico

    Nov. 3, 2005

    -100# "only" another 80# to go. :clap2:

  14. I was banded by Dr. Huacuz in November 2005 and his follow up was and still IS excellent! If I have a question or a problem of any sort he answers promply. If I need a fill I hear from him immediately. He or his secretary Norma, reach out to gauge my progress. I can't say enough about the excellent care I have had from Dr. Huacuz. :clap2:

    Sweety (a VERY satisfied patient) :whoo:

  15. Linda, Dr. Huacuz is my surgeon also and since I live in San Diego he does my follow-ups and fills. Since San Diego has been on fire for the past few days, I have been contacted by his clinic asking if I am okay. What other doctor would do that? Hey, let me know when you will have your surgery and I'll be happy to drop in and visit the day after. I will probably be in Tijuana doing my shopping near the clinic so it's very close.


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