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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Ktprimo reacted to sleevenv in June 30th Sleevers?   
    @@bnm4 I am definitely eating more. I get in 800 calories a day. I get the shakes and feel horrible if I don't. I'm still mostly on liquids with cottage cheese and yogurt added in. To get my Protein up, I add Unjury unflavored protein to almost everything. I have good muscle mass and hair I want to keep! I can start more puréed foods, I've just been kind of disinterested in going into the cooking mode yet. I eat some Soups, but they're really high in sodium. I wish I could pay someone to be my personal bariatric chef!
  2. Like
    Ktprimo reacted to bnm4 in June 30th Sleevers?   
    I've noticed that I'm eating a lot more this week - I mean not my old usual amount but more that I have the past two weeks. I'm still staying under 700 calories (which is still mind boggling to me! I would have been able to eat that in one meal hahaha!) but I'm trying to only weigh myself once a week so I don't get discouraged if I do stall
    But I'm in the same boat as you - my bmi wasn't crazy high so I was expecting to lose very fast but I'm very pleasantly surprised!! Yay for the sleeve!
  3. Like
    Ktprimo reacted to sleevenv in June 30th Sleevers?   
    No week three stall for me! Woo hoo. I got it in week two! Down 15 pounds (from my beginning weight of 200) on post op day 17! I thought at a starting BMI of 33.3, that I'd only lose 10 pounds a month. So to lose 15 by this point, I am so thrilled!
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    Ktprimo reacted to barbado in June 30th Sleevers?   
    Ktprimo... I think it's odd that people already have judgements on how things are going to be.. hell we just started this process I'm still over 300 pounds.. I feel better and weight is pouring off me but my friends are my friends.. if they don't like the new me then to hell with them. This has everything to do with my long term health and being around for my family.. plus most of my friends are fit and support me 100%.. as for the heavy friends, I'm hoping to be an inspiration and I personally didn't tell them about my surgery.. I want them to see the results and hopefully they will consider it..
    Just be yourself, it took courage to do what we did and if you find confidence and improved health than hooray!
  5. Like
    Ktprimo got a reaction from Vsg_lma in June 30th Sleevers?   
    Thanks. You have a point. It still just seems so odd to me that she's making such a big deal out of it like I'll never talk to her again. We are grown women with totally separate lives already. I own two companies that I manage myself and already hardly see her or any of my friends for that matter. She's single with three kids and I'm married with one. I don't go out partying because I'm too old for that crap and she's single so she goes out to find a man. Our lives are so different but we still make it a point to visit at least once every month to two months. I have no clue why weight loss would suddenly change that. I can still join her for dinner once a month, I just can't eat a whole lot. And my weight loss would never change the fact that I'm there for her every time she has a crisis or just needs to talk. Basically weight loss won't change my heart and how much I care about her or the fact that we've been best friends through thick and thin since we were 5 years old.
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    Ktprimo got a reaction from Remix in June 30th Sleevers?   
    Yea...I know...it's ridiculous. My own mother is even jealous and very rude when she talks to me about it. None of them wanted me to have it. All tried to talk me out of it this time and had succeeded at talking me out of it for the last 10 years. I ignored them this time and didn't tell them until I had it scheduled. Well...none of them called or texted or came by to check in on me once this past week. I've been fat my whole life. Fatter than everyone of my friends and family members. If it were about my health and the risks I could understand their anger as concern but they didn't show up and weren't there for me so that tells me it's just jealousy. My husband says they don't want me to be skinny while they stay fat and miserable and they certainly don't want me to be smaller than them. Who knows...I just know I'm moving on and finding new friends and well as far as my mom...she's never been a normal mother and it's not like I'm losing something great if she never talks to me again.
    (Yes, I probably need therapy but having this surgery has been a huge breakthrough for me. I am finally doing something for myself which is huge and I'm not alone because my husband, daughter and siblings are super supportive. So if this surgery shows me who my real friends are then it's helping me with more than just my health and weight.) I'll be ok.
  7. Like
    Ktprimo got a reaction from Vsg_lma in June 30th Sleevers?   
    Thanks. You have a point. It still just seems so odd to me that she's making such a big deal out of it like I'll never talk to her again. We are grown women with totally separate lives already. I own two companies that I manage myself and already hardly see her or any of my friends for that matter. She's single with three kids and I'm married with one. I don't go out partying because I'm too old for that crap and she's single so she goes out to find a man. Our lives are so different but we still make it a point to visit at least once every month to two months. I have no clue why weight loss would suddenly change that. I can still join her for dinner once a month, I just can't eat a whole lot. And my weight loss would never change the fact that I'm there for her every time she has a crisis or just needs to talk. Basically weight loss won't change my heart and how much I care about her or the fact that we've been best friends through thick and thin since we were 5 years old.
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    Ktprimo reacted to sleevenv in June 30th Sleevers?   
    Ok then. She's just jealous! Lol. People. Gotta love them!
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    Ktprimo got a reaction from bnm4 in June 30th Sleevers?   
    Have to tell you all about my recent discussion with my best friend of nearly 30 years. Again she decided to tell me that she wishes I hadn't done it because now I'll have a bunch of skinny friends and won't want to talk to her anymore. And that I'm going to change my personality so much she won't even want to be around me.
    I have been so confused by her insane ideas about how I'm going to change. I tried to reassure her that my appearance will change but I'll still be the same person on the inside. And that if I do change my personality at all, I would only be a little more confident and outgoing though I don't think that will happen because I've been shy and insecure my entire life.
    I had a discussion about it with my husband and he said she's basically warning me that she is going to change when I lose weight and that she isn't going to like me being thin while she stays fat so I will have to find new friends. Then it dawned on me- if she brings this up again I'm going to flip it on her and ask her "if you had the surgery and I didn't, would you stop being my friend just because you lost weight? Would you change so much that I wouldn't be able to stand you anyway?" Don't know if it will help but I suppose it's worth a shot.
    I am so sick of everyone acting like I had a chunk of my brain removed instead of my stomach!
    I'm so sick of the rude comments they mask with their "concern" for my well being. Like my mother who is pissed off I did this because she says it's ridiculous to starve yourself to lose weight instead of doing it the "right way" like she has and going to a clinic for b-12 shots and meetings with a dietician. (Though I've done that and much more than that and failed my whole life at losing the weight long-term)
    I just needed to vent. I wish the people in my life could realize that if they can't truly be happy for me and supportive and respect my choice then we don't need to discuss this at all.
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    Ktprimo got a reaction from KeepCalm in "BFF" Went MIA...Jealousy?   
    I didn't lose my friend due to weight loss, I lost her because she doesn't want me to lose the weight. Her self-image and ego have always been fed by the fact that she has always been considered the "pretty one" and has even self-proclaimed this on one occasion where I now regret not ending the friendship and saving myself from her huge ego then. Recently, upon learning of my plans for surgery, she actually stated very clearly that she "doesn't think we can be friends if I am thinner and prettier than her." A 30 year friendship down the drain because I've just realized I've ignored for a very long time that she is extremely shallow. Not all women are this way. Only shallow, inconsiderate, narcissistic people (both men & women) are like this. This is occasionally the same reaction you would get from jealous, self-loathing, needy people. Both types are not good friends.
    I have come to terms with the loss of the old me. The old me is not this brave and strong. I have just begun my journey but I am determined to lose the weight that has dragged me down for years and I intend to lose all of the bad friends who dragged me down too.
    I keep reminding myself that "Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive and kind people is also a healthy habit." And this whole journey to finding the new me is all about creating and maintaining healthy habits for the rest of my life.
    Oh...and one last thing...take her comment and cold shoulder as a compliment. You are now the "pretty one" and that's not such a bad thing either.
  11. Like
    Ktprimo reacted to bnm4 in June 30th Sleevers?   
    Happy two weeks post op!! How much weight/how many inches is everyone down?
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    Ktprimo reacted to barbado in June 30th Sleevers?   
    Two weeks post op today.
  13. Like
    Ktprimo reacted to barbado in June 30th Sleevers?   
    Welcome katgio52.... everyone questions it right after surgery. Hell I even broke down once and I'm not an emotional person.. I'm two weeks out tomorrow and I can honestly say I never thought I would have felt this good just 13 days after.. I feel better than normal, because my normal sucked..
    Ktprimo congrats on the swimming and you gave perfect advise..
    I'll find out Thursday when I do my 2 weeks checkup. Really 16 days but the only one counting is me because I want Beans and eggs..lol
  14. Like
    Ktprimo reacted to sleevenv in June 30th Sleevers?   
    Welcome @katgio52. I certainly felt that way the first five days! Hang in there. It only gets better.
  15. Like
    Ktprimo reacted to insideout629 in June 30th Sleevers?   
    Today is my 2 week post op (June 29) and I am now cleared to swim and eat mushies and I am so glad to be able to get Protein from other sources than shakes BUT I have felt guilty all day every time I put something in my mouth thinking I am overdoing it.
    Here is what I had all day: A banana for Breakfast, 1 egg scrambled with moz cheese and mushrooms for lunch and 1/2 hamburger patty for dinner (no roll) plus Water in between meals. I'm down 25.5 since my pre-op diet (15.5 since surgery). My husband thinks I'm crazy and says I'm doing great. I'm guessing I will get used to eating real food and that guilty feeling will go away.
  16. Like
    Ktprimo reacted to sleevenv in June 30th Sleevers?   
    My Protein Drinks have even less carbs. It's the Soups and Beans. I add Protein Powder, but carbs are still there. Along with those from yogurt. I'm cutting back on yogurt and only using zero carb Greek with a sprinkle of SF Jello powder. I was also eating puréed potato Soup. That's a lot of carbs too. Puréed stuff is where carbs are coming in, so I guess I've got to suck it up and start to puree chicken with Protein broth. Sounds horrid!
    I'm at gym for second time and feel almost 90%! My doctor said I was good to go, just watch stomach crunches and heavy weights for another two weeks. @@Ktprimo, I hope you're cleared to swim! MFP won't let you "save" if you're under 1000 calories, but it does track you. Change your goals to 1000 calories per day (it's the lowest it will allow). I also upgraded the app to premium so it tracks the macronutrients. It's $50 for a year for the upgrade. Good luck!
  17. Like
    Ktprimo reacted to sleevenv in June 30th Sleevers?   
    How's everyone doing? We are just about two weeks post op! My third week stall happened week two. Boo hoo. I hope it doesn't continue. I've learned that I eat way too many carbs from My Fitness Pal! I'm getting in 79-90 grams of Protein (primarily from Unjury, Nutrimed beverages and Greek yogurt), but my carbs from Soups and refried Beans are almost the same number of grams. It's hard to believe that eating only 600-700 calories per day--even if 40% of them are carbs)--can yield no weight loss. I've not even started the puréed foods because it'll be harder to get in protein. HW 200 SW 198.6 CW 188.8, but I was 190 six days out. I really do need to stop weighing myself.
  18. Like
    Ktprimo reacted to bnm4 in June 30th Sleevers?   
    This is just a post surgery victory: but I can finally sleep on my side!!!
  19. Like
    Ktprimo got a reaction from bnm4 in June 30th Sleevers?   
    Lol. You call it stubborn but I call it sweet. You are a very good husband and father. Being concerned that you are inconveniencing them while you suffer in silence shows how much you love them. Even more reason to be proud of yourself.
  20. Like
    Ktprimo reacted to barbado in June 30th Sleevers?   
    I would but I don't want to inconvenience my wife and two boys.. I'm stubborn. My issue is my issue.. sometimes it sucks being Irish.. lol
  21. Like
    Ktprimo reacted to barbado in June 30th Sleevers?   
    That's an awesome story.. I feel ur pain.i woke up this morning to a house infused with freshly cooked bacon.. I thought to myself are u kidding me? I had to go outside. Some smells are just too much right now. Especially knowing that I still have three more weeks before I can have soft foods. 6 weeks total of liquids and purees when it's all said and done.. for some reason I didn't realize it would be this long. ..lol
  22. Like
    Ktprimo got a reaction from FocusOnMeNow in Food funeral...   
    No major pre-op diet for me. Just liquids the day before. I quit smoking two weeks ago. I was going to schedule the surgery for August 4th and give myself time to get past the cigarette cravings and enjoy my vacation but surprisingly ended up scheduling for June 30th. So I go to pre-op on the 23rd, NYC on vacation from the 25th-29th then surgery on the 30th.
    I've had a few "food funerals". A close friend who had the surgery recommended I don't skip it. She said it was part of the process she didn't regret. She doesn't miss any of it now but enjoyed those last buffet meals and carb indulgences.
    Kind of weird to treat myself to foods I've avoided for a long time even tho it's not like I was losing any weight while avoiding them.
    Part of me feels really guilty indulging when my goal is to give them up for good and lose weight.
    I am determined to enjoy every one of my Favorite Cajun comfort foods including gumbo and shrimp stew next week and of course my final crawfish boil today where I am determined to eat until I can't eat anymore. Lmao. (I know that sounds awful but this is why I'm fat and part of this food funeral is also helping me to say goodbye to my "glutton, binge-eating, food-comforted" personality too.)
    This process has helped me to learn just how disgusted I am with this side of me. And just how eager I am to change and become a better, healthier person.
    I love food...but I love my daughter and my husband even more.
    So I'm mourning the loss of who I've been with these little food funerals and on June 29th as I begin my liquid diet- I will Celebrate by raising my first glass to toast who I will become and the years I will have with them that weren't possible before.
  23. Like
    Ktprimo got a reaction from bnm4 in June 30th Sleevers?   
    I'm did pretty good today. Managed to drink a whole shake this morning and got 30g of Protein in early. Worked in my office for a while, Cleaned house, Did some shopping and then cooked dinner for my family. I can finally bend again too. Going to see Garth Brooks tomorrow night in NOLA. Praying if I drink 2 Protein Shakes tomorrow I'll be able to handle the long walks and standing in line to get in. I know I'll be exhausted but It's so worth it for Garth. Lol
  24. Like
    Ktprimo reacted to barbado in June 30th Sleevers?   
    I love NOLA.. enjoy the show. I saw him years ago in San Antonio.. he did 6 straight shows at the Alamodome.. it was awesome
  25. Like
    Ktprimo reacted to sleevenv in June 30th Sleevers?   
    @@Ktprimo Jealous!

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