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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by LAG4ahealthierme

  1. @Imag are you not able to sleep lying down because of hernia repair? Was it hiatal hernia? I had one repaired also when I had sleeve done 12 days ago. I didn't have any restrictions after I came home, I stayed in hospital for 2 nights due to not being able to get/keep fluids down. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    The doctor didn't give me any restrictions, I am just having trouble sleeping. I tried to sleep in bed last night and that was horrible. I am back in the recliner tonight hoping for some rest. I did have the hiatal hernia repair as well as sleeve. I'm not sure where my discomfort is coming from. But for someone who used to have no trouble sleeping this is driving me crazy!

    My surgery was on 9/8 as well and included hernia repair. Still not able to sleep, waves of exhaustion bring me to a screeching standstill. I was beginning to wonder if this not sleeping issue was somehow related to all of the Vitamins my doctor has me taking and 3-4 hours of sleep was part of my 'new-norm'. Glad to know I am not the only one going crazy over this!

  2. I was sleeved on 9/8 - just 5 days post op:

    With the exception of never ending nausea on Day 2 post-op, I am surprised to have experienced very little pain. Morphine drip day one, tylenol 3 day 2 and that's been it.

    Kind of nice to not be hungry and not thinking about when and what my next meal will be.

    Very difficult to sip, sip, sip - I'm close, but still not getting in all of the liquids I should be.

    Still cannot get comfortable enough to sleep for more than two hours, yet I am exhausted.

    Because I do not want to be off of work any longer than necessary, I never thought I would be setting so many alarms/timers to keep me on track:

    1. Get up

    2. Sip, sip, Sip

    3. Sip, Sip, Sip

    4. Morning protien-

    5. Shower/get dressed

    6. Walk, walk, walk

    7. Sip, Sip, Sip

    8. Nap, Nap, Nap

    9. Sip, Sip, Sip

    etcetera, etcetera, etcetera

  3. Just about 24 hours till surgery! I can't believe I am at the end of the Pre-op diet! I even skipped a shake or two because I just could not drink anything more at that time. The ketosis mouth is the worst! I am doing all that I can to stay positive because I am a big baby when it comes to pain. Praying to God that I will be able to handle anything and all that comes my way. One of my biggest and probably most irrational fears is that I will have a coughing or a sneezing jag after surgery and cause a leak. Goofy I know, but can't get that thought out of my head....I am so ready for it to be Wednesday!

  4. Day 3 of my pre-op diet. Not too bad. I have a dull headache, but I'm guessing that could be from no caffeine. Most difficult for me is downing all of the Vitamins my doctor requires. Can't imagine how I'll get them down post-op, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Right now I am focused, motivated and excited! Following this thread has been a big help in keeping me there! We Will Do This!

  5. I just found out I was approved by my insurance on Tuesday. So, started the liquid diet Thursday since Wednesday was my 60th birthday. This is day 2 of liquids only and I have a killer headache. I'm sure it's just detoxing but it hurts! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. My surgery date is 9-2-15.

    Welcome ExcitedNana - just so happens I am a Nana who recently turned 60. My surgery date is Sept 8 and I am very excited! Not looking forward to the pre-op diet, but I will get through it! Wishing you the best!

  6. im only in pre- op does anyone have any recomendations to get towards my 10,000 step goal that my nut set for me

    How hard is walking for you? Is it like super pain, a little pain, or no problem at all? For me, when I started, I could only stand on my feet for like 10 mins before the pain got too bad so I did laps around the kitchen island pushing my desk chair in case it hurt too much and then sat down and rested and got up and pushed it more. When it got easier I started going outside and walking a couple houses down and then back and then the next day aim for another house or a stop sign or whatever to get to til I could do it around the block. My first time around the block I said to myself ok, it's the same distance to walk back as it is to keep going and if I keep going the way home is downhill...keep going it is. I'm up to 2.5 miles now although that last 1/2 is a beast lately! Maybe because I added in a 30 minute floor stretch/resistance band workout to the day 5x a wk.

    Though I really don't have any great insights for reaching those 10000 steps, I struggle with it myself, I just wanted to say congratulations @@Sajijoma! What an awesome job you are doing. Such a great example of how far you can go once you take that first 'baby step'. I am inspired and very proud of you :)

  7. I originally researched and thought I wanted the band (seemed less invasive with a quicker recovery period). Though my surgeon offers both, he presents more cons with the band and claims that the band is on the way out. My insurance company will cover only 1 wls in my lifetime and I am not willing to take the risks that the band poses - slipping, erosion. The more I continue to read, research, and log on to this sight, the more convinced I am that the permanence of the sleeve is the best option for me. I am looking forward to being sleeved on September 8.

  8. Apparently it takes months once you see the surgeon for my insurance. Looks like I won't be Sept or Oct. Sigh. So disappointing.

    it will happen

    Thanks. The nurse told me months. It's a wait and see game at this point. I have all my evaluation scheduled for this month, which is what she said takes months, so... maybe early October for me? This is such a roller coaster.

    Another test in patience (as if we haven't had enough, right?) I had all of my evals scheduled in the first part of May in honest hopes of having my surgery in July - My surgery was finally scheduled last week for September. I've learned that you can do all that is humanly possible to move the process along and it still won't happen until the doctor's office get all of their surgical clearance reports to your surgeon. The waiting can be frustrating, but it did give me time to do MORE WLS research and MORE honest soul searching to know, without a doubt, that I am on the right path. Hang in there!

  9. Thanks for sharing all of your pix - You guys look great! Although I do have this part of me that is much more private, I have this camera shy mindset that is so deeply ingrained, It doesn't occur to me to have my picture taken for anything. Perhaps I will work on that ;)

  10. I'm sure I will think of others as I continue my journey, but what has always bugged me is that throughout all of my weight loss attempts over the years, the well-meaning people that I love the most in this world have always wanted to feed me, "You're doing so good on your diet, let's go to Olive Garden. One decent meal won't hurt you" blah blah blah. Now my well-intentioned loved ones want to take me out on a tour of all of my favorite places to eat, which they all are my favorite, for my last meals :/ I have no desire to go and they just don't get it. They think I'm being ungrateful in not accepting their invites to eat. Yes, they are all within their normal weight ranges and have never struggled with obesity or food issues.

  11. Welcome @peanutbutterlady. I too am new to this. I just got my surgery date this morning - September 8. Though my husband is supportive, I wish he was half as excited as I am right now. I am blessed with one best friend who is very supportive and another who like yours is NO WAY!!!!

    Be true to yourself and don't be afraid to reach out to folks on this forum. The people on this site really do care, are genuine and sincere. I am excited for all who are making this journey because they want to better themselves through healthier living. Best wishes to you and let me know if I can be of any help and further support to you.

  12. Hello All!!! I, like Housecalls, am a newbie. Just found out that all of my pre-surgical clearances are approved - YEAH! I expect my surgery date to be set for 4-6 weeks from now. I found this site while researching all that I could find on WLS and am so glad that I did. I am still lost in many of the threads and not sure of where I am, but I am learning, laughing, and appreciate all of the positive energy I'm finding along the way. I joined the VIPs because I am a better person when I can see where I'm going-otherwise I tend to get too caught up in where I've been and get stuck. Your successes help keep me focused - thank you....

    Anyway, I am forever young at heart - just turned 60

    Female, married to a great guy, (my polar opposite in many, many ways), for almost 25 years. I have 6 grown kids and 7 of the best grandkids ever ranging in ages 3 - 10!

    Originally from Chicago, IL and currently live in the SW burbs. I am not all that fond of Illinois - climate is hot or cold and the State of the State if embarrassing. My husband and I were all set to move on until grandbabies entered the picture. We are hangin on to our property out west because I am not ready to let go of that dream.

    I am so ready to move forward through this journey and am counting on your support. My husband is awesome and behind me 100%, but does not relate to obesity and food issues....

    I would love to 'chat' with Housecalls and anyone else who needs a heart to listen and/or can be a buffer to my misperceptions, misunderstandings, and goofy ramblings :)

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