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Imagine 1

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Posts posted by Imagine 1

  1. I wanted the sleeve initially. Had my surgery at a bariatric center of excellence and my surgeon told me that with my history of acid reflux Pre-surgery, he did not recommend the sleeve as it makes reflux worse. So he recommended the RNY. I had it done on 7/24/15. Immediately after the surgery, I was absolutely cured of acid reflux and heartburn. I've not had a single incidence since then. And Pre-surgery I had to take Previcid daily for over Five years. So glad I had the RNY! No problems and 153 pounds down. Best of luck!

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

  2. I love Vitamin Water Zero, lemon flavored. It tastes like real lemonade to me. I like the orange too. It was a great break from Water. I have a problem with aspartame and this is made with Stevia. I'm a year and a half out and 153 lbs down. I've been drinking it since I discovered it Twp weeks after surgery. You can expect many stalls but if you stick to the basics of the plan you will succeed. Oh and your taste buds go through all kinds of changes too. Hang in there. You have started a wonderful journey! ????

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

  3. You should still be on soft foods. You should be able to smash with a fork. Same rules about Protein first. At least 60-70 grams a day. 64 oz. of Water and take your Vitamins. Don't rush the breads and crackers and carbs. They slow weight loss. Don't try to cheat. We didn't go through all this to end up the same way as we began. You can do this! Surgery will give us that brand new healthy life we dreamed about, if we let it! ????

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

  4. I too have lost a crazy amount. I have slowed down on my weight loss even tho I think I need to lose around 20 lbs or so. I am at 172 now. Down from 329. I wear hats and scarves and have a wig and a hairpiece. I'm hoping it grows back. I'm 16 months out from a RNY. What are you using for the regrowth? My blood work is normal. I could do better with Protein and Vitamins but for the most part, I'm consistent. What is the name of the product/products that you are using??

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

  5. Hello! I worried about that too, Pre-surgery. I loved food and lots of it for my whole life. I started the process at 329, 318 on surgery date of 6/24/15. I was 61 years old.

    The wonderful thing I discovered after surgery was that I was no longer hungry. Before surgery, I never had an off switch. I could eat and eat and eat and never really felt full until I was I was uncomfortably stuffed. After surgery, I think I felt like people who are normal weight naturally. For the first time in my life my body had an off switch. I'm not gonna lie. There was a period of time that I call my mourning period where, emotionally, I missed my old friend. I loved my old friend, food. And when it was gone I felt angry and sad for a time but physically, I now had that off switch and achieved a feeling of fullness that I never had before. This learning period passed. Daily, I started feeling better emotionally and physically. Where as, food used to be my everything, now I was living a life not ruled by food. I felt like I was actually living my life like, "normal" people. As I lost the weight so quickly, I felt really good. Moving around and not getting winded was a great feeling! I no longer have high blood pressure or acid reflux. I love to walk now. I used to run out of breath walking from car into the house. I used to have to sit down to prep food for meals and take frequent breaks doing simple housework. Now, I move and breath with ease. Granted, I still have arthritis pain from a lifetime of carrying around an extra 180 pounds. That damage was done but I feel great. I have lost 150 lbs. over the last 16 months.

    I'm mindful of what I eat but I'm not obsessing. I developed habits of eating slowly, and enjoying flavors and what I am eating. I have this wonderful new tool that lets me know when I'm full. I don't crave sweets anymore. In fact because they make me sick, I have long given them up and I don't miss them anymore. I can eat pretty much anything but I don't eat the old daily standards of fast foods and processed foods on a regular basis. I like healthy foods. I enjoy my family and friends and food in a whole new way. Food is no longer the priority. If you will excuse the pun, food is no longer the elephant in the room .. I'm 62, 174 pounds and Life is good!

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

  6. Thanks for your insights! My Family Physician is a new one. With all the issues people are having with pain pills I don't want to be misunderstood. I am not drug seeking. I have always taken them responsibly. I just want to explain that they are not lasting as long as they used to and this I'm not making it up. I'm trying to get informed before my appointment. Thnx again and I welcome any other comment!

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

    Hello Imagine 1....I take Lortabs for chronic pain, I'm at about a year into them. PCP stated that I will most likely be on them for the rest of my life. I'm 50. Due to the Opioid Crisis in this country, it is always on the news. Though I take my pills precisely as prescribed, never doubling up, the press makes me feel like I'm an addict. A criminal addict! It feels awful. But just to be able to walk or stand for five minutes, I have to have the Lortabs. I'm almost ashamed.

    I am still in pain despite the pills, but I am afraid to ask for a higher dose or use another pain pill because I believe that one gets "used" to them and they feel like they don't work as well. I don't want to ask for, say, Oxycodone, because I feel I'll just get used to them too over time and then where do I go? My PCP says she may send me to a pain clinic, because she does not dispense anything over my current dose or a stronger pill. That's ok with me, but I don't know what a pain clinic does. I'm not addicted to pain pills, I never misuse, sell or share them. I am dependent on them. But as far as how well it controls or eases my pain, I think they work less now. The only thing I can think of is that my body is used to them and I don't get the benefits from them like I used to. But they still help, a little.

    I could only assume that I am becoming resistant to them. Does that help? I can only offer my experience and tell you you are not alone. Good luck with your new PCP, I hope they can help you. :)

    Thank you so much for your reply. That is exactly how I feel. I too, take them responsibly. I took them before my surgery and then I also had shoulder surgery a couple of months ago. I think that if my doctor would just prescribe One more per day I would be ok. I know I might have built up a tolerance but I would still not be taking that many and it is true that I am not absorbing the full amount since my bypass.

    I saw my doc this week and she started me on a non narcotic pill, Gabapentin. The generic form of neurontin. I read on internet that people are given it for epilepsy and seizures and for nerve pain from herpes. Yikes.. But I also read that Dr's prescribe for arthritis pain and back pain. The thing is, my pain is in joints and bone spurs are not really nerve related. So far it just makes me sleepy. She is still continuing the 3 Vicodin a day so at least I have something that works. Even if it is still not being absorbed efficiently.

    Is Lortab the liquid form of Vicodin? What dosage works for you? I too am going to be on pain meds forever. It honestly helps me function and enables me to live life in a more normal fashion. I am wondering if I need to see a pain specialist.

    Like you, I have taken them at the same amount for years and have only increased once and that's because of the shoulder surgery. If I was going to be an addict I would not have stayed at the same strength for so long and they would not be lasting me for the full month! Sorry, just venting. I'd appreciate staying in touch because it sounds like we have a similar problem. Thanks for lending an ear! I look forward to seeing how things work out for you.

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

  7. Thanks for your insights! My Family Physician is a new one. With all the issues people are having with pain pills I don't want to be misunderstood. I am not drug seeking. I have always taken them responsibly. I just want to explain that they are not lasting as long as they used to and this I'm not making it up. I'm trying to get informed before my appointment. Thnx again and I welcome any other comment!

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

  8. I would like to hear from those who have to take pain meds for chronic pain issues after RNY. I am 62 years old.

    I started to take pain pills for arthritis, bone spurs, compressed discs in my back and other problems several years before my surgery, which was one year ago. I never could take NSAIDS so they were never an option for me even before surgery. Now that I have lost 138 lbs. I do feel the difference on my joints but I still have chronic pain from all the years of obesity and genetic reasons.

    I have noticed a difference in the the effectiveness of the Norco's that I take. They wear off more quickly and I find myself taking another pill before the 8 hours goes by. I am prescribed 3, (7.5) a day as needed. I asked the surgeon's office about it and they told me that because my intestine is shorter, I may not be absorbing them fully. The nurse said I may want to talk to my family Doc. about trying liquid. But wouldn't that be absorbed in intestine too?

    I would like to hear from RNY'ers who have to take pain meds for chronic conditions. Have you noticed a difference in effectiveness?? Would it help to take them at lower dose more frequently?? Get a stronger dose? liquids? patch? Without any medication I have a hard time walking and moving around. There has to be others out there who have to take pain medication long term. I really would like your help. I plan on talking to my GP soon. ????.

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

  9. You mentioned that you had already met deductible. Have you been seeing doc for obesity related issues? I had been working with my family physician on weight loss for months before I started the process with the bariatric surgeon's office. In fact she had encouraged me to look into it. I mentioned to her that I was considering it. Because I had been seeing her for consecutive months, they let her fill out the paperwork for the five previous month's and that counted. That helped speed up the process. Good luck and hang in there.

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

  10. This will pass. You are in mourning for your old best friend, food. I called this my,. "The thrill is gone Phase.". I even got angry that I didn't enjoy food like I used to. Somewhere along the way you will get over it. I am one year out and, although there are still a lot of my old favs that I still don't have a taste for, I am over it. Once in a while I will get an urge and give in and when I do, I find that a bite or two is all I want. It still doesn't thrill me like it used to but I can eat a little and I'm no longer sad about it. I am starting to have issues with grazing but that's another post.

    Like I said, it's been a year and I had to learn a new way to live my life. Food is no longer my master. I am loving life in a whole new way. 136 lbs down.. My one year labs came back and everything is normal. I'm a happy camper! ????

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

  11. It's OK to feel the way you do. I had my surgery 11 months ago and I remember going through all kinds of emotions. I loved food and lots of it. That's what brought me to the need for the surgery. I found that I went through the similar stages of grief as if I lost a loved one. Anger, depression, ect. It helped me to read about the grieving process. I finally got to the point that food was not my reason for happiness. Things will get better. Follow the directions of your surgeon's office. Don't beat yourself up. A pity party is OK but don't dwell on it. Talk to a therapist if you have to. Get up and walk. Try some flavored Water. I liked Vitamin Water zero. The lemon flavored one tastes just like lemonade. You will be able to Celebrate food with family again. This was a holiday and that was probably rough. You won't always be on liquids. My surgery was last June. I have lost 134 lbs. And I went to my son's for a big BBQ yesterday with all the family. I had a rib, a deviled eggs, small portions of potato salad and baked Beans. I couldn't eat it all. It's not an everyday thing. The point is... I had a great time with family. I wasn't afraid of breaking a lawn chair. I could stand up in the kitchen to help cook the sides. Life After WLS is Good !!!

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

  12. Good luck ladies. On June 24, 2015 I had my bypass. I weighed in at 318. Here I am, 11 months later; down 126 lbs. I have been obese my whole life. Right now, I actually weigh less than I did in the eighth grade. I am 62 years old and feel better than I have in all of my adult life. It was a blessing for me and I am thankful for my new lease on life. I never thought I would be able to lose the weight. I'm glad I did this and wish you all the best. I would still like to lose about 50 pounds. I can't believe I am at the point where I can say I want to lose 50 pounds. Finally.. I am feeling that it is actually possible!

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

  13. I also had acid reflux and I followed my surgeon's advice and had an RNY the end of June 2015. I haven't had one instance of heartburn since surgery! I was 9 months out when I left for an extended stay in central Mexico. I stayed with my family. No fancy resort. I supplemented my Protein with Protein powder from GNC.I ate real food. Nothing processed. I ate what they ate for the most part. Beans, fresh veggies and fruits, yogurt and probably a few too many tortillas. Other than that. It wasn't hard. I watched the carbs, made sure I had enough Proteins and drank plenty of bottled Water. I had a wonderful time. I made sure I took all my Vitamins and meds in their original bottles, and took them in clear plastic baggies in my carry on bag. I was in Mexico for a little over a month and will be going back soon. I lost 13 lbs. while I was there. I ate great healthy natural foods in small portions. I did a lot of walking and sightseeing too. I enjoyed it like I never could have when I was 120 pounds heavier. And when I got back home.. I was in one-der-land!! YAY!!

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

  14. First, congratulations and welcome to the other side! I can relate to what you have described for the most part except the hot flashes or temperature fluctuations. Just listen to the doctor and watch it as a fever can forewarn of infection. Just remember your body has been through a traumatic experience. Take it slow and allow yourself to heal.

    Some things that I remember helped were using ice cube trays for strained cream of chicken Soup, broths and sugar free Jello. Two cubes are two ounces. I had two of those three times a day. I also logged everything including Water. I also wrote down the time that I would stop drinking Water and resumed drinking water allowing for 30 mins before and after my soup Jello and broth meals. Another important thing to remember is moving. Get up and walk around, even if it's around the house. While sitting or laying down I would flex my leg muscles, do arm lifts, ankle and foot circles ect.

    My taste buds were out of whack and nothing really tasted good but you just do what you have to do to nourish yourself and heal. I reminded myself of how long I waited for this to happen! You are finally on your way to your new you.

    I used gas-x strips for the bloaty ness ! That helped. I was home a couple days before my first BM. My surgeon sent me home with liquid colace which I had to take in milk. But it was a great help.

    Oh and sugar free Popsicles were and still are a staple as is Vitamin water zero, especially the lemonade. No Aspertame or aftertaste. They use stevia.

    It gets better everyday. Sip your Protein, sip your water and move your body and rest. Healing takes time.

    Six months out and 96 lbs down. Hang in there! ????

  15. I'm 5 and a half months out. I use benefiber and take Miralax several times a week. I was taking Iron up until a month ago and I know that it along with calcium citrate can cause some Constipation. I'm probably not eating enough Fiber except Beans. Really trying to focus on getting enough Protein in. By the time I eat that I don't have much room left for veggies and fruits. I'm still not eating bread and very little grains. I just got my labs back and everything was normal tho.

  16. I use Centrum chewables twice a day. Also use the Bariatric Advantage calcium citrate chews. But I let them dissolve. After surgery, before I left hospital, my surgeon gave me prescriptions for Iron, B-12, B-1, Vitamin C and calcium citrate with D. I didn't start the calcium chews til I ran out of the prescription Calcium citrate. They also gave me a sample schedule to use which was very helpful. The hospital gave me a pill crusher. My surgeon's office said not to worry about starting Vitamins for 14 days. They wanted me to just focus on drinking my fluids and Protein. I found it was easier for me to fill ice cube trays with broth and sugar free Jello. Two cubes was two ounces. I would have two ounces of broth or Jello three times a day and didn't drink liquids a half hour before or after my meals. I found this stage easy because I got into the routine. Every surgeon is different but I found a lot do recommend the two ounces three times a day. Oh. And sugar free Popsicles were great to break up monotony. They count as a liquid. Also really liked lemonade flavor of Vitamin Water zero for when you get tired of plain Water. It's made with stevia and works better for me as I am sensitive to Aspertame. It gives me headache.

    I wish you the best of luck !!! It has been a whole new learning experience and I am so happy I did it. I am 6 months out and 82 lbs down.

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