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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by jennylew

  1. Anyone have a similar story? Had my husband rush me to the ER on Saturday because I thought I was having a heart attack. Just out of the blue I had severe chest pain right below my xiphoid process/sternum with shortness of breath. (I was on FaceBook and drinking a cup of coffee.) It lasted about an hour then just vanished as quickly as it came on. All of my tests and EKG were normal, so the ER discharged me and sent me on my merry way. I called my surgeon and he thinks it sounds like a possible "internal hernia." I questioned rather he thought it might be gall stones, but he said I didn't have any of the classic symptoms. Going on Monday for "laparoscopic exploratory surgery" and whatever they find, they will repair it while they're in there. Anyone have a similar experience? If so, what did they end up finding? P.s. I am 5 months out RNY revision from Lap Band.
  2. Hi all. I am 3 1/2 months post op. I revised from Lapband to Gastric Bypass. I can't call my Surgeon's office until Monday, but was hoping someone may be able to relate. For the past couple of days whenever I eat solids I am getting a little bit of pain and discomfort in my pouch area. This is a new thing and sort came from out of the blue. Any ideas what it might be? Jen
  3. Just wanted to share a story about today's experience, (I am 6 weeks post op.) This morning at breakfast i had a plum and less than 5 mins. after my first few bites, it got stuck and it came back up. At lunch I had a Dannon Light & Fit Cherry Greek Yogurt. Even though i tried to chew the cherries, they must have gotten stuck because nothing else would go down, and I ended up spitting up the yogurt. I have eaten other things today and they went down fine so I know it had to be the skin. I guess I can't eat anything with skins yet. Thanks for listening.
  4. jennylew

    20 months out and having major pain

    Hi ANgelinn! Did you ever find out what was causing this unusual pain? Just curious. Jen
  5. Hi All! I am 2 months post-op and having a difficult time getting in my Protein. I don't know about you, but the thought of Protein shakes makes me nauseous and frankly, I am burnt out on them. At the same time, I know they are a great way to get in a bunch of much needed protein. I whipped this up tonight and it is very delicious and filling. Not to mention I can't taste the Protein powder in it. Please enjoy! pumpkin Pie Protein Shake: 1 cup 1% milk 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder 1/2 c. pumpkin 1/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice 1 tsp/ cinnamon 2 graham cracker sheets 1 cup ice Directions: Blend and enjoy!
  6. Hi all. I am 7 weeks post-op. Worried I'm not getting in enough protein. I am really having a tough time eating any meat and Greek yogurts are way too thick so they get stuck. I have no appetite and I have to literally make myself eat and drink all day, (It's kind of surreal ) I am lucky if I can get 60-70 grams of protein a day. Is this normal for 7 weeks? I have an appt. with my nutritionist on Wednesday and we will review my food journals. Just wanted to see where everyone else was at with getting in enough of their protein.
  7. My surgeon gave me the ok to eat anything now. I have been craving popcorn like crazy. Not the real bad stuff at the theaters, but just some air popped with a little butter and salt. How soon after surgery until any of you attempted it, and how well did it go down? Just curious. Kind of afraid to try it.
  8. jennylew

    Anyone else backed up?

    I have struggled with this problem since my cardiologist put me on a pill for my afib 6 years ago. Add Lap Band surgery and then revision to RNY, and I was doomed. I take a dose of Miralax every morning in my hot liquid (usually hot tea) and I am regular sometimes twice a day. Simply a miracle. I swear by the stuff. I will probably be on it the rest of my life.
  9. After a few rough days of trying to keep down food and take my Vitamins, I finally found out that I had a stricture. Spent all day at the clinic and ER and they sedated me and used a balloon to dilate the area that was narrowed. Don't know any other details than that but when I follow up with my surgeon tomorrow he will fill me in more. I can't tell you all the relief I feel now that he has gone in and stretched out the stricture. I am worried that I will continue to get one though. As if it's going to narrow again or something. Has anyone else had it fixed and did it come back?
  10. Unlike you, I have been telling everyone. I know that haters are gonna hate and people will judge me, but I finally decided to just say "screw it." I have nothing to be ashamed of, and I am at the point where I really don't give a rat's ass what people think of me. Besides, I look at it this way, the more people hear about this wonderful technology we have, the less taboo it will become. I recently had a co-worker ask me all kinds of questions and said she has considered it because she suffers with her weight and is a diabetic. I told her to just do a lot of research and be prepared for a lifestyle change. WLS isn't for everyone, but if you go into it with an open mind and are willing to make sacrifices and change a few things, it's well worth it. Her response was "Well I'll just sit back and see how you do with it first. " LOL! People are funny. WLS is a very personal thing, but it's also very liberating to tell people. Just saying.
  11. So after a long day spent in the clinic and ER, I did end up having a tiny stricture. They put me to sleep, dilated it with a balloon, and voila! I can't tell you how much better I feel. I had my first small chef salad and one buffalo wing drumette for dinner and I thoroughly enjoy my first "real" meal. He said he wanted me to go ahead and eat a regular diet now, so I did. I chewed real good and real slow and had no problems at all. I feel a little tight in the morning, is that normal? i just dring some hot tea and that seems to help loosen things up a bit.
  12. After a few rough days of trying to keep down food and take my vitamins, I finally found out that I had a stricture. Spent all day at the clinic and ER and they sedated me and used a balloon to dilate the area that was narrowed. Don't know any other details than that but one I follow up with my surgeon tomorrow he will fill me in more. I can't tell you all the relief I feel now that he has gone in and stretched out the stricture. I am worried that I will continue to get one though. As if it's going to narrow again or something. Has anyone else had it fixed and did it come back?
  13. Hi All. I am 4 wks. post op. Just got the ok to advance to soft foods. I am still having trouble drinking let alone eating. Not sure what I am doing wrong but it feels like I always have something stuck and hurts for a few minutes. Should I be waiting so many seconds or minutes between sip and bites of food? I am a revised lap band patient so i am used to being able to drinking swigs of liquid. i am trying to take small sips, but it feels like it's just sitting down there and needs to come back up. I follow up with my surgeon Thursday, but could use some advice today.
  14. 3 weeks after surgery I had to go have a seroma opened up and drained where they removed my port. It has been a week and so far it doesn't look as if it's healing at all. I have to remove old gauze and repack it daily so that it can heal from the inside out. Has anyone ever had to deal with one of these, and if so, how long did it take to finally heal?
  15. Hi all. just wanted to share a few things that have been happening with me since my surgery on Aug. 3rd. I have progressed to soft foods, however, my body is only tolerating full liquids still. I have no appetite and have to force myself to eat and get liquids in due to nausea. Had to get in yesterday to see my surgeon. The incision where my port was removed was hard, tender, and red and felt like a baseball was under it. I was also carrying around a 101.7 degree fever and felt like I was dieing. Come to find out, my surgeon removed a few stitches and "gush." I had what he called a seroma. Basically like a large abscess only instead of pus, it's filled with Water. Harmless, except now it has to heal from the inside out which means I have to pack it with gauze every day and it's real gross! (Not to mention now I will even have to wait longer to enjoy my hot tub ) He put me on some low dose antibiotics for 5 days to help fight infection. Not sure if the nausea and loss of appetite is from the seroma, or the antibiotics, or both, but I feel like crap. Nothing sounds good and I gag when I drink Trying to hang in there. This journey is a sprint, not a marathon.
  16. jennylew

    Dumping and bananas

    I was having major cramping in my calves along with a fever, so I went to the ER to rule out Blood clots. Fortunately I didn't have any. Decided to take magnesium (with surgeon's permission) once a day and they went away. He seemed to think it was dehydration but said it wouldn't hurt to take the supplements. Might have been a fluke, but then again, it might have helped.
  17. So i am almost a week out from surgery. I have not made it a secret about my weight loss revision that I had on Aug. 3rd, and other than my parents (who lives across the country) who sent me flowers, no one has even asked me how I'm doing. No phone call, no PM on Facebook, not even a damn text. I dont want to sound selfish or even feel sorry for myself, but my feelings are a little hurt that not one of my friends or coworkers has even made an attempt to ask how I'm doing. Is weight loss surgery so "taboo" that people don't want to address it? I mean, I did after all have major surgery. I feel so alone right now.
  18. Completely burnt out on sweet things like SF Jell-o, puddings, Protein shakes, just anything sweet is giving me so much nausea and I'm taking nausea meds. What are some good cream Soups that won't make me dump. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
  19. jennylew

    1 day post op and in agony.

    Heating pad and/or ice was a life saver for me. As long as you aren't running a fever over 101 or throwing up, just lay down and rest but get up every hour on the hour so you don't get a blood clot in your leg. (Use your breathing thingy they gave you too to prevent pneumonia.) I had a scare the day after they released me and went straight to the ER. It was a false alarm but better safe than sorry. Use your Dr's emergency number even if you have to wake someone up on the middle of the night. The first 3 days were the worst for me. Finally quit taking the percocets due to uncontrollable nausea (even with the Zofran) and switched to Tylenol. You can do this. The worst is over and it will get easier each day. So sorry for your pain and discomfort.
  20. This is very personal for me, but also very real. Since about a week prior to my surgery date, and now (one week post op) I have had absolutely no desire for intimacy with my husband. Accept for a couple of kisses a day, I don't really even want him touching me. We have always had a great sex life, and I know that I am only a week out from surgery and not physically ready for that yet, but this is so unnatural and foreign to me. I understand that our bodies go through a significant change with our hormones, but will I get my libido back? He is being very patient with me but it's more ME having an issue with it. I feel like I am in a stranger's body. Has anyone else gone through this and does it get better and go back to the way things were before? All my husband had to do was look at me in that way and I would normally go week in the knees. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Thank you for all of your responses. I guess I always expect people to be like me. IF I know someone who has had a hospital visit I usually check in and see how they are doing or at least let them know that they are in my thoughts. My first go around was when I had the lapband put in and I didn't tell anyone except immediate family in fear of being judged. This go around, i am taking the bull by the horns and have no shame for what I have chosen to do with my life. I guess I just expected a little support from the people who I thought care about me. I'm sure they do care but it may be uncomfortable/awkward for them.
  22. Wow! Thanks for the breakdown, James. That is kind of how I saw it. Looks like I will need to get a pill crusher (Surgery is next Monday Aug. 3.) I appreciate your feedback.
  23. Can anyone please tell me what Vitamins they are taking and how they are taking them? For example, do you have to crush them or take them with other vitamins so they will get absorbed? I am really confused as far as what ones I will need to take for the rest of my life. I have asked my surgeon's office, but I'm curious to see what veterans out there are taking and their dosages. Thank you. JennyLew
  24. jennylew

    Pre-Op Liquid Diet

    I am on day one of my liquid diet. I am allowed 4 Protein shakes, and any sugar free Clear liquids. No caffeine and low sodium. I am only on day one and already I feel queasy, headache, and tired. I have been peeing ALL DAY and drinking all day long so I know I'm not dehydrated. I am so burnt out on artificial sweeteners and don't know how I'm going to make it 13 more days of this. Someone PLEASE tell me this gets easier.
  25. Hi all! August 3rd here. Having a lot of anxiety and not sleeping throughout the night. Lots of strange "surgery" dreams also. LOL! I'm so weird. I Don't start my pre-op diet for a couple of weeks yet, but I have to admit my eating habits have been terrible, I guess it's my way of saying goodbye to a lot of the foods I know that I won't be able to eat again (or at least not for a long time.) I am revising from the Lap Band so this isn't my first rodeo. I just want this band out and want to get through the recovery period. Already stocked up on my pre-op diet supplies (SF Jello, broth, Protein powder, tea.) If I remember correctly, that is one of the hardest things I ever had to do was the pre-op diet. Look forward to meeting some new friends on here. Feel free to introduce yourself. We are all in this together!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
