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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Keto vs paleo??? Have you ever tried it?

    For me Paleo is boring AF and too limiting, there is no way in hell I am giving up cheese for anyone or anything and I don't even it often, maybe 2 or 3 times a week but still. If you don't stick with it, you will pack on pounds just like people pack on pounds not sticking to Keto. It doesn't matter what diet anyone follows, what matters is that you like it enough that you can stick to it long term. I feel like everyone is looking for some magic diet and there isn't one. You have to find a way to eat, hopefully not a "diet" that you like and can stick to, it might not be any known plan. You just need to find something that you can stick to and maintain a calorie deficit or calories at maintenance level without feeling deprived.
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    A good problem, but . . .

    Most US women are 12-18. Once you get to 8/10 the world is your oyster. It kind of makes me excited to hit a 6. I have so many choices on clearance now, and at stores like Ross and TJ Maxx etc. Being a 12 was a real pain, that is a super popular size. Blazer are worth having tailored depending. Once you get weight stable. it is worth shopping at Nordstrom and having a Nordstrom card, credit or debit because you can earn points for free alternations, and their alternations are affordable even without using points. I have some $500 St John pants I am going to have tailored in the fall, but I wouldn't waste money tailoring anything below a $200 price tag, it isn't built to last anyway and the cuts and fabrics are not really conducive to tailoring because of inferior construction.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    A good problem, but . . .

    My opinion from my personal experience. Selling clothes on ebay is a waste of time now. Clothes are so cheap there is no market for used clothes. I bas so many peoplr buy things and never pay. The only things that sold well was Outerwear. Don't waste your time. Pants, just say no to pants. They show loses the abaolute fastest. I have basically zero pants. You didn't say what tou body shape is. I'm an hourglass sometimes an inverted triangle (my hips cant decide if they are going to keep some fat or not, it goes up and down). Dresses and skirts are the most bang for your buck. Sheath dresses, fit and flare and bodycon dresses can last you a couple sizes. You can find Calvin Klein dresses at Ross and TJ Maxx for $39. Get 1 or 2 good blazers. I buy pencil skirts. You can find cheap stretch pencil skirts at Forever 21. Add a nice blouse and a blazer, work attire. You can find cheap shell tops everywhere. I do not buy a lot at once. I just shop often. Like you are noticing 1 to 2 pounds can make all the difference and your body adjusts and redistributes fat. It is too easu for the slightest change to make things not fit. The blazers should last you a couple sizes. They are fitted items, get everything else with stretch and buy it a little tight. There is no saving money on quality undergarments and honestly this is the place you don't want to sacrifice quality. Foubdation garments make the outfit/the look. They are everything they make or break your figure. Also if you are bigger than a D, you can't get a decent bra for less than $50 anyway. Just watch for sales and don't buy too much. 2 bras so you dont wear the same bra everyday. Ignore the sales people and buy that band tight. Subscription sites are a ripoff and all of them have ugly frumpy clothes. You can spend less on clothes bargain shopping and being smart. NY&Co alwsys has ridiculous sales, get on the mailing list. Same for banana republic, j crew and the gap. If you wear a small or a medium, the world is your oyster. Once you are below a 10 you have more options on the clearance rack. I am still not wardrobe building most of my clothes are cheap $40 or less. Lots less than 20. I won't be wardrobe building until after skin removal surgery. Good luck, it is a learning process. Thredup is a massive rip off. I hope they go out of business soon
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    How do you start the process?

    I went to a seminar also. I paid $250 consultation paperwork fee and my co-pay for seeing a specialist. That was it. I had already met my out of pocket and I paid nothing else.
  5. There are 2 in mine also. I stated what I did. Just because things are allowed doesn't mean that everyone eats them. I was allowed oatmeal but I never had it because I do not like it. I do not like yogurt or cottage cheese so I don't eat them. Same thing with crackers and toast, they are on my list I never had them. I just stuck with liquids because I didn't like the pressure from more solid foods. It is a pretty short time period. I was more interested in healing well than eating food.
  6. I never ate food during the liquids stage because it was the liquids stage. I only had liquids. 3 protein shakes a day plus broth. 2 ounces is what they suggest because your nerves are not reconnected and by the time you think you are full, you have already over ate. I wouldn't eat more than 2 ounces at a time until week 3 or 4, but everyone is different.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Best Apps for tracking food & exercise?

    I use LoseIt. I saw some people on IG that use Baritastic it looks pretty cool. Honestly the best thing to do it download several and try them all then decide on what you like. They all do the same thing, just differently so it is personal preference.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Afraid to stretch my stomach

    You can't stretch a properly formed sleeve, so if you have a good Dr you don't have to worry about a stretched sleeve. Most people on 600 lb life have RNY and those pouches can stretch and some times people also make another stomach at the top of their intestines. The people on 600 pounds life don't have stretched stomach. They graze and eat sliders all day. You can watch them from the very beginning eating trash. They are sever food addicts and will do anything to eat, even ignoring their surgery and restriction. If you weigh and measure your food and eat your proper portions you never have to worry about over eating or stretching anything.
  9. OutsideMatchInside


    I have a salad alone, by itself usually with no protein. Just baby spinach greens. It is one of my favorite snacks.
  10. OutsideMatchInside


    Spanx as expensive and complete crap. There are lots of low cost options. You can buy shapewear at Target and Walmart. I get shapewear on ebay, at Ross, and the outlet stores. I rarely pay more than $20, usually around $30. I have a few pricer pieces but I don't even wear them anymore. The more I lose and the longer I am weight stable ish , the less my skin is an issue. I don't have to wear sleepwear now but I like it under short dresses and skirts just for security. Wearing loose clothes when you have loose skin is probably the most uncomfortable thing you can possibly do. If you really have loose skin it will just flop around and be painful. Tight, structured clothes work the best. Cheap stretchy clothes are pretty much the worst.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Not eating enough...

    If you say you aren't eating enough but you don't tell us how much is not enough, how can anyone help you or offer you any advice?
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Not eating enough...

    At 5 weeks you are still swollen and healing so it seems like you will never be able to eat much. As you heal and time progresses, that changes. You really shouldn't be eating rice this early with your sleeve, you are not healed. Do you track your food? you would know if you are eating enough if you are tracking your food. Do you drink protein shakes? It is pretty hard to get enough calories in the first 3 months without protein shakes.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    BMI is just at 40

    That doesn't sound right. If you are 40 or higher when you start, and you have been 40 for some years. That is what they look for. Many people lose weight on their pre-op.
  14. @lsubabe33 Give up the protein shakes and eat real protein. Your body burns more calories when processing real food. You are also fuller for longer. Do you weigh all your food and track it? You posted very vague things about what you eat in a day. What are your macros like daily? What is your protein goal? Do you hit it every day? Why doesn't you Dr do surgery anymore? Do you think it is possible your sleeve was done incorrectly.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Weighing food

    It depends on how I have the nutrition tracked in my app. Some things are tracked pre-cooked weight and some are tracked cooked. I was weighing before cooking and after cooking for a while to get an idea, but I just pick one now.
  16. In younger pre-menopausal women, Metformin can definitely cause hair loss. I took 1000 for my diabetes and it made my hair shed more. Not drastically but it thinned my hair out.
  17. There is a huge range on iron though. The one on zinc is even smaller. If you are near the bottom of either you might want to supplement more. Also I would try going to a dermatologist. I take spironolactone for my skin, but I know that they give to people with PCOS to help with hair loss. I don't have PCOS or PCOS issues but it is a drug that Derms give to women experiencing hair loss.
  18. Honestly, the right program will know how to get you approved. I chose the program I chose because they had a streamlined system and know how to work with insurance. If your program can't get you approved, choose a different one.
  19. What are your Iron and Zinc levels? Low iron and low zinc will make you hair shed like crazy, especially low iron.
  20. OutsideMatchInside


    It is not a forever thing at all. I drink normally at 2 years. I can guzzle with the best of them. I was drinking normally at year 1 also. Just less than I am now. At 6 months I could take normal size drinks, just not as much capacity.
  21. OutsideMatchInside


    The sleeve isn't RNY. Once you are healed at 6 months, you basically control your weight loss with your calories. You can stop your weight loss, keep it going, maintain it all based on your calories. There is very little chance of being malnourished with the sleeve. I have lot a of weight and I don't look gaunt or malnourished. Mainly because I eat, a normal level of calories always over 1200, I exceed my protein goals and I eat fat. Keeping your nutrition up and taking your vitamins is the best way to lose weight and still look and be healthy while going it.
  22. You might as well learn early. If you talk enough people don't notice that you aren't eating. I think a lot of times WLS patients are more self conscious about what they are doing. Other people, well other people with manners, are not going to pay you much attention. It is also a lot easier when you get smaller, because people don't expect you to eat as much. Sit with everyone else take a couple bites and tell everyone you had a protein shake before the meal (I really suggest you do this), and that you are under doctors care to lose weight because of your knees.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    What do I need to buy and have in the house on day one post op?

    @purplebutterflyjen You need protein shakes and powder at home. Do not buy too much. I am still randomly throwing away protein that I purchased pre-op. I finally tossed the rest of my unjury, it was expired. Broth in various flavors is good. Unflavored protein powder to add to the broth is also really good. Premier protein ready made shakes are nice to have on hand if you are too tired to make a shake. Syntrax nectar is nice because it is thin. Really though buy as little as possible. Just a few days or anything because one you should be up and moving around and able to go to the store and you might not tolerate some things and you might not like some things. Pineapple juice is straight sugar do not drink that crap. It is 24g of straight sugar per 6 ounces, yes even unsweetened. Pineapple is pretty much the worst fruit you can have as far as sugar content and having it in a juice without any fiber is ridiculous. If you want Bromelain then take the pills but you don't need it.
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    Intermittent Fasting

  25. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm drinking water but not urinating??

    Well it is 100 degrees here and I am retaining water. My urine is light in color as always. The more weight I lost the less I urinate because my bladder has so much more room, it holds a lot more. I urinate for what seems like forever now. Also not diabetic anymore either, far fewer bathroom trips period.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
