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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. OutsideMatchInside

    Is there an alternate to popcorn craving?

  2. When I was on my liquid pre-op and post-op diet. All I watched was Fat Dr UK and documentaries about how terrible our food supply it. It helped keep my mind off food and focused on what I was doing.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Do it or don't do it!

    If you are doing it just to look good, or mainly to look good you are going to be miserable. If you do it for health you will be more satisfied.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Gained 2 pounds!

    You have to keep an honest account of what you are eating, even when you are eating poorly.
  5. OutsideMatchInside


    First you probably are being sensitive. Hormones post-op are a mofo. Is your best friend a plus sized woman? As far as your husband, so many things could be going on there. This is a bad time to jump to conclusions or make rash decisions. First he could just be trying to support you in your weight loss by taking you places Previously you might have made him feel like you didn't want to go places and he made excuses to make that okay He could be insecure and feel like he needs to court you now to keep you. Men are visual, he might just be enjoying the new you. I love when my dog gets groomed he is super cute but I love him when he isn't groomed. When he is freshly groomed I dress him more than when his hair is long. It has nothing to with loving him less or more, it just is. You should be happy your husband still wants you. There are lots of people that post here, lose weight, and their husbands don't want them, ignore them and abuse them.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Sex life after WLS

    It is going to vary by the person, their starting weight, how much they have lost, and how far they are from surgery. My whole vaginal/pelvic region is different after losing 1/2 my body weight. If you have a big belly now, one difference is you get a lot closer to someone when you have no belly. I was always high libido, that is unchanged.
  7. OutsideMatchInside

    Gained 2 pounds!

    First you aren't low carbing if you are eating chips. Not at all. You are naming off what you eat but leaving out the chips? what is your real food log like? If you keep eating chips you are going to keep gaining. Chips break down to nothing. I could easily eat a whole family size bag in one sitting if I wanted to. When you are low carbing you have basically no glycogen in your system. As soon as you eat carbs your liver starts filling up with glycogen again. Instant basically over night weight gain. Weigh your food, track your food. This is the easiest weight loss is ever going to be for you in your life. Work with your sleeve, not against it.
  8. OutsideMatchInside

    Body Figire

    I don't actually have some curves, I have a lot of curves. My waist to hip ratio is .74 and I wear a 34G/F. My friend had RNY several years ago, and decided to stop her weight loss at 255 before she decided she was fine at that point but at 5'3, she still qualified for surgery and was still morbidly obese. Fast forward she has gained back to 300. All because she wanted to keep some curves. Meanwhile I am cuvier than her because my waist is well defined. My breasts stick of far past my stomach. Pam Grier is probably the best classic hourglass I can think of. Her body was amazing in the 70s, and she had a face to match. Her measurements were 40 28 40. I am not quite there. I need to lose a couple inches of my waist and hips to get there but that is what being curvy at a healthy weight looks like. No one in their right mind would ever say that she isn't curvy. You can still easily be a brick house at a normal weight.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Body Figire

    When I told my friends I was having surgery to lose weight. They all congratulated me on taking control of my health and supported me in getting healthier. Not one person said some dumb ish about my shape or how I would look or losing my boobs. People that really love you want you to live, and be around to share this life with them.
  10. OutsideMatchInside

    Body Figire

    @QueenTiff Currently I am smaller than I have ever been. I am smaller than I was when I was a freshman in HS, partially because I am just smaller and also because I am about 2 inches taller. I had no idea what to expect when losing weight because I had never lost more than 30-50 pounds and had never dropped a size really. I went from a tight size 28, loose size 30 to a perfect size 10 in almost all brands of dress. Size 8 top, size 10 on the bottom. You don't have your information filled out so I have no idea where you are starting or how long you have been large. I really never imagined I would be shaped like this, but now I am built just like my aunts and I actually fit in with my family. Just lose the weight and see where you are. Work out if you want to, go hard if you want to, but don't fear losing weight thinking you are going to lose your femininity. Also being curvy and "looking good" is not going to save someone from metabolic disease, diabtetes, heart issues, skin issues, etc.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Looking for good chicken and fish recipes

    You could do that with Cod. Personally I hate baked Cod but grilled Cod I love... If you have a gas grill and a cast iron skillet you can grill fish fast an easy. I do this all the time and I am eating in less than 10 minutes start to finish. https://food52.com/recipes/58018-skillet-grilled-fish-tacos-with-cilantro-lime-crema By the way that recipe is really good, just skip the tortillas and sugar. I won't do boneless skinless chicken. It gets way too dry. Someone might have a good recipe to keep it moist. I guess you could cook it in tomato sauce (purchase it plain, seasoned by you) and sprinkle some cheese on top. This is my fav oven baked chicken wing recipe. Basically you cook the chicken slow at first which renders the fat and then when you turn the temp up it fries that fat making them crispy. The issue with wings is they are really hard to track. I put them in a bowl, weigh them, then put the bones back when I am done and subtract the weight of the bones to track them. Because it is such a pain, I don't eat them that often, but these are really delicious. http://www.recipetineats.com/truly-crispy-oven-baked-buffalo-wings-my-wings-cookbook/ I also suggest you invest in some really good spice mixes. This will allow you to season your food and create variety even if you are eating the same things. https://www.penzeys.com/ They have lots of sugar free spice mixes. Almost all the spice mixes in stores have sugar and other additives.
  12. OutsideMatchInside

    Body Figire

    People that say that ish are just haters. I went from an apple to an hourglass. I walk and do yoga. I do weights some of the time but not really. I have way more muscle mass than a person who was never obese because I was obese and my body had to adapt to carry it. I don't have to add muscle just maintain what I already have. The people that look like who did it and what for post-op either were bad bodied from jump and nothing was going to save them, or they ate the bare minimum protein and it shows. You can always see it all in their face. If you have a figure you will still have a figure. I had a big stomach that overshadowed my breasts, hips and butt. When I lost the stomach all of that was able to shine. And yes I lost all over, but I still am shapely. People can still be shapely and be smaller. All you have to do is be proportionate. None of this is to discourage you from working out or adding weights etc but losing weight should not equate a fear of losing your figure. Those are just things that people tell you to hold you back, project their own feelings on you, usually because they are afraid you will be smaller and more attractive than them. I am all for being body positive but this idea that obesity is curves is lunacy.
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    grits and sprouted grain bead

    I have had maybe 2 or 3 tablespoons of grits. I love them but they don't really have any nutritional value.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    Weighing yourself naked :)

    Sleep naked, weigh naked. Normal life. I would never weigh myself in clothes, because that would be too much of a variable.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    16 weeks Post Op and need help

    See your Surgeon ASAP.
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    Waist training- sweat belt

    This that put a lot of pressure on your sleeve will give you heartburn. I have to make sure my bras are are position properly and if I wear shapewear I have to be very careful in the amounts that I eat because any eating close to capacity hurts. The best thing about having weight loss surgery is don't have to use hogwarts tricks and potions to lose weight and shape up. This is like a regular diet, The weight comes off. I have a defined waist, no trainers used, and I don't even go to the gym. All I do is control my food.
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    I'm Miserable

    @moniwood28 Have you tried different temps of liquids? Cold things felt like daggers to me at first, I had to drink warm fluids and get my protein in with either room temp shakes or broth with protein powder. Different people have different levels of pain after having a tube down their throat. Mine was sore for 2 weeks, at least it didn't feel normal.
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Sex help!

    @Carissamarie92 I sent you a PM OP, but it corrects itself over time once your weight loss slows or stops.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    How much did you lose?

    @Sheralyn2017 I have it in my signature, but the first month I lost 20/21 pounds something like that. The next month I lost a lot was month 4 but most months I lost in the 10 pound range. That includes lots of stalls. I had a period every 2 weeks for over a year and that made me stall out every month all the time. So I would stall/gain, then drop 10 pounds. It was not an every day or every week loss but it added up over the long term.
  20. Well weighing yourself every day, even morning and night helps you learn more about weight flucuations and not put so much emphasis on the scale. I gain 5 pounds every month with my period, sometimes it is just 3 but usually it is 5. The only reason I know that is because I weigh myself every day and have for the past 2 years. When I see the scale go up the first thing I think about is if my period is due. I weigh more at night than in the morning. Right now it is the middle of summer, I am retaining small amounts of water, gain. Also if you weigh yourself every day, and you know you have been eating properly, you realize how ridiculous the scale can be. You don't lose every day or every week. Even if you aren't losing pounds you still might be losing inches or your body might just be resting. When I was losing I would stall a lot, a week or 2 at a time. Or bounce around between 2 pounds for weeks, then I would suddenly drop a lot. It isn't about losing all the time, it is about being consistent. If you are consistent with your food, the weight will come off. This is a life long thing, not a diet.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    What type of bra is recommended?

    @up4challenge First, you probably need to be measured and fitted properly. I started off a 50DD and I wear a 34F/G (depending on brand) now. All the sizes in between have not been uniform. At first I was not not losing evenly. Now I am just pretty much only losing band size and my cup is the same. Are you sure you are a 40 band? What are your above and below the band measurements? At your height and weight you might be a 38 or a 36 and instead of a DD need DDD. I am just guessing... I really like Soma bras, specifically Stunning Support, they can fit you and work with you and they have some with great lift and back smoothing. https://www.soma.com/store/category/stunning-support/cat8589275?CAWELAID=120218660001718742&CAPCID=92514671312&cadevice=c&agid=24207423872&catci=aud-297954731427:kwd-179058265472&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwevLBRCGARIsAKnAJvfEKf7eKOsPLgYHLMTRYcLQQBe8IJLi9p9UdNlLURrIfjBN8E9gLlEaAq9OEALw_wcB If you do not live in an area where you can go some place and be fitted then try using the guide here... https://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/wiki/beginners_guide Do all the measurements to the best of your ability and use the calculator to see where you are. As far as the pain, that incision I had near the bra line healed very well, I can't even see it now. I was able to wear bra comfortably after 2 weeks. I kept it covered with gauze until that time so it had cushion. Have you asked your Dr about it? Also a bra that fits better might solve the issue. Good luck
  22. OutsideMatchInside

    I feel normal and it scares me.

    @Mersh If you are healing well, that is how you are supposed to feel. I didn't take pain meds once I got home. On day 3 I drove myself and got my nails done. I was able to meet my protein goals the day after surgery. My Dr requires that you be able to down at least 1/2 a protein shake before you can be discharged. The people that are miserable and can't eat or are too lazy to try and eat dominate the boards. Those are the people that post the most and stand out the most. No one cares about the person that is healing well, has a high pain tolerance not being tempted by McDonalds and Pizza. There are a few guys that post here but not many. There are fewer every day just because this forum and the WLS community in general is not geared towards long term sleevers.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Just got discharged - AMA

    AMA is from Reddit, it means Ask Me Anything. https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/
  24. OutsideMatchInside

    I recommend vitamin IVs

    This is good but... You have to use your sleeve or it stays swollen. It is a kind of use it out lose it kind of thing. If I don't feel well or I am stressed and don't eat, my sleeve tightens like a drum and I am 2 years from surgery. The only way you get to the point that you can eat or drink more is by eating and drinking more. So don't depend on this IV infusions and stop trying as hard to get your fluids and nutrition in.
  25. I am not criticizing your choices at all. I don't think you should have to disclose your choices to your boss or your co-workers and if you worked some place with better protections, or if we had better protections in general in the US you wouldn't be in this position. You told a cover story to get time off and now you have to stick to it. Adding more layers to it, makes it more complicated and more likely that you will be detected. I completely understand why you said hernia not VSG but your boss and co-workers might not be as understanding, at least you don't think they would be or you would have told them in the beginning. No one should be in a situation where they have to be dishonest about taking a proactive stance on their health. Good luck OP.

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