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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Cielle92

  1. The reason I chose the Sleeve is because there is supposed to be a reduction in hunger. I am hungry just about all the time. I have been researching it for a couple weeks and some people have said their Dr said its excess acid production. Or Dyspepsia. My doctor's office only help was for me to snack between meals. I asked about acid over production and they had no idea. So I am back to the web looking for answers. I have seen that some patient's doctors have them take antacids like gaviscon through the day. I will post when I find out more...

  2. Don't worry about a scale because it is volume you need to worry about. I have a cheap single serve Hamilton beech blender that is good for Protein Shakes.

    Isopure vanilla or chocolate was the only powder I could stand. I changed up flavors by adding MIO to already blended shakes.

    Fair life milk has been my go to for shakes.

    In the beginning I bought small Rubbermaid containers to bring my lunch to work. They help you portion.

    Hope this helps!

  3. I also was sleeved on June 3rd. I got out the hospital on fri but I did the clear diet thurs -sat cuz I was still a bit nauseous on sat. Anyway Im to do soft liquids until next fri but I see my Nut on wed so maybe they will let me progress to purée's then since everything has been ok. Im just dying for a bowl of my home made oatmeal! As long as I can eat that I can do it for weeks! I unfortunately still have a drain in me so I am really restricted in the moving department. If it just drained I'd deal better, but it's constantly bleeding at the entry point so leaking thru my gauze is an all day event! Anyway I see my doc tmrw I pray he will remove it. Im glad Im not the only one who gets hunger sometimes. Anyone else had the drain for more then the 2-3 days?

  4. The big thing is to find a Protein Powder you like. The only one I can stand is Isopure. As much as I liked it before- I am already sick of Protein Shakes and I have only been on them 3 days. Make sure all the liquids and broth and Jello are purchased before surgery. I bought 1 oz tupperware containers on Amazon in order to take my lunch to work. Your Dr should give you all your prescriptions at your pre-op appt so they can be filled and ready. One thing I didn't think of was sleeping. One of my muscles was so bruised that laying down in bed was painful. So here I am in the recliner!

  5. Surgery was June 3rd. I am already sick of Protein shakes. And my stomach growls soon after them. The only thing that helped my hunger today was V8. It's going to be a long week.

    Remember, fluids are the most important thing for us right now (I was sleeved 6/2), but there are good ways to get Protein in without the shakes. Do you have any of the protein powders? I have two different powders: Isopure Zero Carb Vanilla - 25g protein per scoop, and GENEPRO tasteless powder, 30g protein per scoop. The GENEPRO is really spendy, so I use it sparingly - mostly using the Isopure. You can get them both through Amazon.

    Here are three of the things I've been eating:

    Super Milk Pudding: SF pudding (I like cheesecake flavor) make up with 2c skim milk and 2/3 c powdered skim milk. Makes 8 servings 1/4 c each. You can add a scoop of vanilla protein powder if you want to amp up the protein. Without the powder it's 3g of protein per 1/4 cup (which is a great amount, I've found). If I add the protein powder, it doubles the protein to 6g.

    Cream of Wheat or Cream of Rice: Cook cereal according to package directions. Dissolve 1 scoop protein powder in 1/4c milk. Stir into hot cereal. Mix in 1/8 t cinnamon and one MINI squeeze of Stevia (if that - I found it too sweet so next time I'm leaving out the Stevia altogether). This makes 2 servings 1/2 cup each. It slides right down and has 15g of protein in each of the 2 servings.

    Broth: Heat 1 c broth (homemade or canned low sodium) and mix in 1 scoop Genepro tasteless protein powder. 30g protein in the one cup.

    Anybody else have any good ideas / recipes for "full liquid" recipes? ???

    I have 3 flavors of isopure. I also have muscle milk. I am on liquids only so no pudding or cream of wheat (thanks tho, they will come in handy next week). I have gotten in all my required protein and all my fluids by 6 PM. I was hoping that Protein Shakes would fill me up for an hour or so but my stomach seems to pass them on as if they are Water. May have to call dietician on Monday.

  6. I just bought a Fitbit charge HR. I walk a lot at my job when college is in session, but during the summer I work at a desk. So my main use is to add activity to my regular day and to try and match my activity during the summer. It does motivate me to hit goals.

  7. "Did you ever meet an obese vegetarian and wonder ‘HUH?’… how’d they get obese if they are vegetarian? Same deal… its not the vegetables, its the other stuff… the carbs… the potatoes, bread, macaroni, rice, tortillas and sugar!" Quote from ProjectMe.

    I don't know who originally wrote this but vegetarians eat carbs and potatoes and bread and Pasta and sugar. What they don't eat is meat.

    Listen to your dietitian. They know what they are talking about

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
