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Everything posted by pr_pitbullgrl

  1. pr_pitbullgrl

    Surgery day!

    sorry i been slackin friends. i have literally taken months off from working out. my weight is still fluctuating between 145-140. i'm eating mostly all keto tho i've been having some carbs lately. my weight isn't being affected more than that 3 or 4lbs. i decided to start weight training today. gonna go hard and see what i can do. i literally have no ass right now and it's really bugging me so i need to get going on that big time. so that's my main focus. hope you all are doing great! xo
  2. pr_pitbullgrl

    I hate food ....

    Is anyone else going thru this? I've hated food for a few days. Like literally nothing sounds appetizing at all. I hate it all! So for dinner I bought two different sandwiches from Wendy's protein style. I took two bites of each and then ick. I literally don't want anything. Barely ate today [emoji45][emoji45]
  3. pr_pitbullgrl

    I hate food ....

    @@suzieq3050 its a weird thing. i go thru days where i eat and eat and eat and i don't feel satisfied. then i go thru days where i don't even want to go thru the trouble of eating at all. smh. now i'm starting to lose weight for no reason. like literally im eating a lot and even eating carbs but i'm down 2lbs today. oh well. can't complain overall tho. im happy i just wish it made more sense that's all.
  4. pr_pitbullgrl

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    i posted a regret post around 3 months out as well. even 6 months out i think i posted one. now - 10 months out. i'm golden. not just my weight/size but also how and what i can eat is all good now. all i'm saying is, it takes time. so i hope, for your sake, that is the case as well. but you're right. it ISN'T the right decision for everyone. But you are still very early on in your recovery. hoping for the best for you. xo
  5. pr_pitbullgrl

    Transformation Tuesday

    Holy shit man. I've never done a side view transformation Tuesday. Ewww! lol. Yes I need to get my ass back and work on my FUPA but imma stop complaining now. Lol
  6. @@Djmohr i eat too fast ALL THE TIME. then i get sick and don't end up eating enough but I don't mind it cuz it reminds me not to pig out really lol. I hear ya on that.
  7. @ ditto. im pretty much full keto but now that i can eat some carbs i have to realllly watch it.
  8. @@Djmohr OMG seriously! it's a day by day thing. even now 10 months out I'm like HEY! i can eat rice today or whatever. whereas yesterday no way i could lol. you are too right.
  9. i eat eggs like they're going out of style lol.
  10. Ooh she's right. I don't know y I thought u were six months out not six weeks. She's right I couldn't eat steak for a long time.
  11. @@Seastars i eat fruit but just not at night and i would go full fat on your cheeses and everything tbh. this is what worked for me. have bacon and steaks and all that. just to get it moving again. you'll find what works for you i'm sure you're on the right track! keep it up
  12. @@Seastars increase your fat. this helped me TREMENDOUSLY. make sure all your carbs are from veggies. no rice, potatoes, Pasta etc. i never even counted anything (im not recommending you stop counting) but eat Protein protein protein, veggie carbs and NO SUGAR. increase fat.
  13. @@jenn1 thank you! actually just providing me with the term 'bariathlete" has already opened doors for me. now i can start to research it specifically. thanks!
  14. pr_pitbullgrl

    Transformation Tuesday

    Hi. Thanks! I'm 5'3.
  15. pr_pitbullgrl

    I hate food ....

    Nah I'm at goal already. I'm ten months out. Just sometimes I get totally off food like for days on end. U have to force it down. [emoji37]
  16. pr_pitbullgrl

    Transformation Tuesday

    i guess this is my last post for a while cuz i'm not losing any more weight for now. imma stay at 145 for a while and see how that goes. i weigh myself every day just to make sure i stay on track. still pretty much keto 100%.
  17. pr_pitbullgrl

    Surgery day!

    Go girl!
  18. so im 10 months post op. kinda at goal (ish) might go a little lower. i work in a place with 2000 people. every single day i have to hear something about my weight. you look great! or OMG you're so skinny (not in a good way). or you're wasting away! etc etc. is it bad that i just don't want to talk about it anymore??? i'm just over it. the journey is long and hard and now i just want to move on and "BE" without having to think or talk about my weight or body anymore. i just want this to be the existing 'me' and not have to be reminded every single second of every minute of every hour. am i gonna have to quit my job so i can go somewhere where people just see this me as the regular me they've met and will know moving forward? when does the journey become something in my past that gets to stay there? i feel like im not even getting to be THIS me cuz the old me is on my back still. end rant
  19. Seriously. I hear you on this. If one more person tells me I look too skinny I'm going to lose my shit SMH. I'm 5 foot 3 and 148 pounds because I recently gained 3 pounds and I'm still getting these bullshit comments. Don't people realize it's rude to say someone looks too skinny just like it is to say someone looks too fat? Especially a person that used to be fat and then tell them that now they look too fucking skinny!! [emoji35][emoji35][emoji35][emoji35]
  20. pr_pitbullgrl

    Surgery day!

    Is this the end? i'm not sure. i hit a size 6 and that was my goal. so am i done? i doubt it. it's a lifelong thing i think. it's been a long 9 months but so worth it. still 100% (well 90%) keto on my diet. i'm going to try to start toning hardcore now.
  21. pr_pitbullgrl

    semi before and after

    From the album: Before - gross

    already feeling pretty good in this before pix about 2 months after surgery.
  22. pr_pitbullgrl

    Before - gross

    5'3 232lbs. ew.
  23. pr_pitbullgrl

    Transformation Tuesday

    jeez. you know thing is i was already feeling pretty good in this before pic. but you know what every stage had it's own triumphs right? so yeah i felt good when i hit 199 and then 180 and then 160 and now 145. At all stages we have made sacrifices and accomplished something so even tho i think OMG what a pig i was in that pic. that's not a fair thing to say. every stage had it's victories!
  24. as you know i've been having a running commentary on this "too skinny" thing. at first when people started saying that shit to me, i was like screw you. im not too skinny you're just used to seeing me fat! but that was at 160, 150 etc. but today i took a pic and **I** actually felt like i looked too skinny. and i don't know why cuz i felt amazing all weekend. now i know clothes make a diff and i'm wearing sized 10 pants today cuz clothes are expensive tho i wear a size 7/8. to that end i kept thinking once i get to size 6 im done that's wear i wanna be. and someone said to me umm you need to order that size 6 cuz i think you're there you just don't have the clothes. so i did today. i ordered the size 6 slack and i'll report back on the 14th if they fit or what. size is so weird. weight is so weird. at 145, and 5'3 my bmi is actually still in the "over weight" range!! by point four. smh. it says i'd have to weigh 141 to be "normal" smh. #thestruggleisreal #fatbrain

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