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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Loseweightin08

  1. I agree, if you worry, or get worked up, it seems to get tighter. I have done the same thing, you are so thirsty, you just start gulping and then are miserable. When this happend to me, my Dr. was out of town, so I just made sure to stick to liquids, and drink slowly, after a few days it did losen up in the afternoon, it was still tight in the morning, but I was okay with that. I would definately talk to your DR. and see what his advice is.

    Good Luck!

  2. Thank you for your kind words, and yes I did go out and buy a really cute dress:)

    As far as my sucess goes I really made sure to focus on my new life. I always think before I eat....am I really hungry or just bored. I watch my portion sizes, that was always one of my problems, I would eat too much. I do exercise, I don't love it, but know it has to be done, and once I am at the gym I don't mind it. I actually did not go out to eat until at least 6 months after surgery....I did not want to put myself in a situation where I may make poor choices....and even now I do not go out to eat often.....too easy to eat too many calories.

    Good Luck on your journey, I know you will do great!!

  3. As of this morning's weigh in, I passed my goal weight by 1 pound and according to the BMI charts I am NORMAL!! I cannot tell you how good I feel...it is just amazing. Of course I celebrated by going shopping:)

    Thanks for listening, I know I can come here and y'all understand!

  4. I agree....I am really tired of the Protein Shakes. I actually have been really bad about getting my Protein in everyday....but today I did pretty well. I have been considering an unfill, but like I said, I feel pretty good, so I am going to give it through the weekend and if I am still tight I will go in next week. I would say, if you are able to keep the food down, then you really shouldn't need an unfill. As you lose weight it will losen up (according to my Dr.)

    Keep us updated on how you are doing.

  5. Congratulations All!

    It is so great to hear all of your stories. I can relate to many of them. I too struggle with seeing myself in the mirror as "normal" my Dr. says it takes awhile for the brain to catch up with the image. But my co-workers are all very good at letting me know how "skinny" I am. It is so amazing to go into a regular store and pick up a size 10/12 and have it fit. One year ago I was wearing size 26 and 3X. I know that maintaining will not always be easy, but it is great to have so much support on these boards. Thanks all for listening and keep up the great work!

  6. I have been going though the same thing. My last fill was in October, but I have been going back and forth. One day I feel fine and then the next day I cannot eat all day. Finally in the evening I can eat a little bit. Anyway, I was having a lot of sinus/allergy problems and started taking Zyrtek and it seems to help. I was able to eat lunch and dinner today with no problems, and I actually feel hungry tonight. I was having a lot of Post Nasal Drip(I know TMI) but the allergy medicine seems to clear it up.....hopefully it continues to work.

  7. Hello,

    I think you will be very happy with your decision. I had my surgery on 1/14/2008. 1 year ago next week and I have lost 125 lbs. It is the best decision I have ever made. It is amazing how it changes your life. People actually call me skinny now. It is a life change and there will be times you miss the food. But from my experience the positive far outweighs the negative. Feel free to email me anytime.

    Good Luck!

  8. Michelle,

    It is possible....the same thing happens to me....when I get my fill, I am at 7.6 right now. When I first got to that I felt no restriction. Now, 3 weeks out, and I am super tight....sometimes it just takes awhile for it to kick in....Give it some time, and hopefully you will feel good restriction soon.

    Good Luck!

  9. Congrats on your sucess! I think it great that you get a hold of your weight now. I wish I had done it 10 years ago! I agree with Silvers a lot....my choices are so much better. I don't feel like I have to have that donut or cake like I used to. I also am satisfied with smaller portions and exercise, although I will never love it, I am not hating it:)

    Keep up the great work!

  10. I think you will be just fine. Sounds like the swelling just went down. I did not feel long term restriction until I had at least 6cc's. I still have days where I can't eat 2 bites and then the next day I feel like I could eat as much as I used to. I think it has a lot to do with hormones also. Call your Dr. anyway, just to be sure, but just remember to be patient, you will get there.

    Good Luck:)

  11. Thank you all for your kind words! It absolutely feels better than any food:)

    I notice a lot of you are newly banded...congratulations, I know you will do well. For those of you who wanted some meal favorites...here you go...I am actually pretty boring, but I will give you an idea.

    For Breakfast I always have a Protein shake, I mostly use unjury. I find that it taste the best...I get chocolate and mix with fat free milk and that is it. My Dr. is okay with it because I chose a low/carb, low fat/low calorie one....this way I make sure and get 28 grams of Protein in right away. That actually satisfies me until lunch (although when I was in the "Bandster Hell" time I was hungry) For lunch I either have a Yoplait Light Yogurt (my new favorite is the pineapple Upside Down Cake) which is 110 calories and then I will have either a Light string cheese or 100 calorie baked cheetoes...or else I may have a Soup at hand low sodium Soup. Then for dinner I have a few favorites....I make taco salad with ground turkey, low fat cheese and baked tostitos and low fat dressing. I also eat a lot of boneless grilled chicken. Lean steak, like sirloin or filet with a baked potato and salad. Ground Turkey Burgers I don't put it on a bun....If I go out, I try to get a sub sandwich with no cheese no mayo or I get grilled chicken. I do splurge once in awhile, but I just make sure and not overeat....we did wings the other night and I used to eat 12 and now I eat 4. I know pretty boring....but once you start getting a good fill, it is amazing how food just isn't that important anymore...I mean don't get me wrong I think I will always have an obsession with food, but I have learned to listen to my stomache and not my head. I don't know if any of you have experienced this, but I just don't crave things like I used....I think not drinking the Diet Pepsi has helped with that....I used alway want chips or popcorn or something salty with my soda and now the cravings are not there. Anyway, I hope this helps a bit...as you notice I really try not to snack and I try to stay at about 800 calories a day...before I got a good fill I was doing 1000 calories and losing. I do go to the gym at least 3-4 times a week...I will never love it, but it does get easier!

    40ismy year...Congrats to you!!! That is awesome...I see you did a 10k...that is amazing! Good for you.....You will be at 100 any day now:)

    Good luck to y'all and if you ever have any questions, I would love to answer them.

  12. I can't believe it....I got on the scale this morning I have now lost 100 lbs!!! I cannot believe how my life has changed in the last 9 months. The time has gone by so fast....this is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I was self pay and it was worth every penny to have my life back.

    Just know anyone who is struggling, it gets better and the weight will come off....you do have to work at it, but if you follow your doctor's orders and you exercise, you will succeed!!!

    Good Luck!

  13. Hello,

    I think there are a couple of things that could be causing your stall....Number 1 you are not getting enough calories or Protein in....your metabolism slows down and tries to store everything...Next you do need to exercise....I will never love exercise, but I know I have to do it....it will help boost your metabolism...I try to make it fun....I bought a polar heart rate monitor watch and it calculates my heart rate and how long I exercise, and how long I was in my heart rate zone and calories burnt...that really helps!

    Don't get discouraged, just try to eat right and start exercising even if you start with a walk around the block.

    Good Luck:)

  14. Hey there,

    I totally understand what you are saying....I use unjury chocolate and it is so good....no Protein smell, no Vitamin smell...just smells like chocolate....they actually advertise on this website.....it is so good that I had 2 co-workers who don't even have the band have me order them some because they liked it so much....if you mix it with 1 cup of fat free milk, it is 180 calories and 28 grams of protein!

    Hope that helps...good luck!

  15. Congrats everyone! It is so exciting to see such great results. I agree....everyone will lose at their own pace and I look at it this way....this is a life long comittment, so there is no hurry...

    Today, I wore my new pants.....size 14.....I cannot believe it, I can't even remember when I could last wear a 14....it just amazes me. However, I was wondering if anyone else has this issue....I still see myself as when I was at my heaviest.....I get compliments all the time from friends and co-workers saying they can really tell I have lost weight, and I know I have, but I don't know if I will ever be able to see my self as "normal" Does anyone else struggle with this?

    Keep up the great work:)

  16. Being 9 months out, I will tell you my experience. I did go through a period of missing my favorite foods. I thought I would die without my Diet Pepsi.....the funny thing is I really miss neither now. I can't explain why, but it must have to do with not having that starving feeling. I have tried diets all of my life and always craved food and would give in to temptation. Now, I just don't miss it. If there is something I want, I have it, but am satisfied with a couple bites instead of the whole plate. You will get there, just give it time:)

  17. Hey Hawki14,

    The reason I had my unfill is because I was too tight. A few days after my last fill I tried eating dinner and it got stuck. I then PB'D (where you throw up because it won't go down) several times over the next couple of days. My fills are included with the first year, so I don't pay any extra to have an unfill.

    BTW, I see you are from Iowa.....I grew up in the Iowa City area, love the fall but do not miss the winters at all:)

  18. I understand completely. I had to have an unfill about 10 days ago and have gained and lost the same 2 lbs during that time. Although I did not have to have a complete unfill, I know how you feel. Just hang in there and try and follow the rules. Drink lots of Water and exercise and watch your portions. I know the weight will start to come off again and the 22nd will be here before you know it.....I go back on the 23rd and can hopefully get a fill.

  19. Hey Patti,

    I know exactly how you feel. I was self-pay, so everything happened very fast! I went to the seminar at the beginning of December. Had the Dr.'s Consultation on December 28th and had surgery on January 14th! A few days before surgery I spent a lot of time on the boards, and started to question myself if I was making the right decision. I started to get really scared and second guess my decision. But, I can tell you it has been the best decision of my life. There will always be ups and downs, but I have committed to this and it works if you really want it and are willing to do the work!

    You will do great. I can't believe that my surgery was over 8 months ago. The time actually has gone very fast.

    Good Luck:)

  20. I understand how it can get frustrating, but you just have to be patient. I am going through the same tightness thing as you. It is definately a learning experience, but try not to get discouraged. I agree with Jack. 10 lbs down is better than gaining. One thing to remember is we have a band around our stomach, not our brain. My head still wants to eat many times, and I have to make sure and really listen to my body to see if I am really hungry. The other thing that has helped me is exercise. I don't love it and never will, but it does make a difference.

    Keep your head up, it will get better:)

    Good Luck!

  21. Thank you all for your kind words. For those of you who are just starting, good luck, I think you will be very happy with your decision. Just remember, don't rush it. The weight will come off, but you do have to commit to the new lifestyle. What really helps me, is I don't let myself get discouraged. If the scale goes up even though I done everything right, I don't Sabotage myself like I used to. I know this is a lifelong journey and I will have thoe days. If anyone has any questions, I would be happy to try and answer them.

    For those of you already on they journey, great job...your stats look great! Keep up the great work!

    Thanks again for the encouragement....and yes I think I will go shopping:)

  22. Congrats and welcome:) I felt the same way after my surgery. I had read that you can only drink very little, but for me I had no problems with drinking at all. Just remember not to gulp or drink too fast. It is good to keep walking. I did the same and never had even 1 gas pain.

    Good Luck with your journey and let me know if you have any questions. You will not believe how fast the time flies!

  23. Hey there,

    My doctor is the same way, he says that if you are losing you do not need a fill. But sound like you need one now. I would not be too agressive. You need to go slow. I also have a 10cc band. When I went from 6 to 7cc's something got stuck. I was miserable. Could not even keep my own saliva down. I had to get an unfill of 1cc. I then had to wait 1 month to get another fill and now he only gives me .5cc's at a time. Which really works, I do not want to get stuck like before. Just see what your Dr. thinks, they really do know best:)

    My Dr. always numbs me with Lydocaine first. There is a little sting but not bad....I never feel the needle when he is putting in a fill, I would not have a fill without a numbing agent.....just my opinion:) I hate needles!

    Anyway, hope that helped! Good luck, let us know how it goes.

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