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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Julezie

  1. Hi all! I has surgery June 6th. It hasn't been easy but definitely worth it. I've lost total of

    32lbs. Still trying to figure out how to eat properly without getting sick and getting all my

    nutrients in. I've been doing light exercises but hope to get to a proper class or the gym. Good luck everyone!

    I had my surgery June 16th and I am struggling with the same things. Some days are better than others. Its hard to eat slow at work when I am so busy.

  2. Hi June Friends! I had the Sleeve on Tuesday the 16th and in general am feeling good. I am not saying that it is easy when my family is BBQing outside or having pizza and caesar salad! I am finding some peace in staying out of the kitchen, not going to the grocery store etc. I have zofran for nausea, oxycodone for pain, omprizole for acid, and will take ursodial in another week for keeping gall stones away. I don't take the pain or nausea pills very often...ocassionally I overdo and then they come in handy. My main reason to do the surgery was to relieve stress on my feet and ankles as I am pretty immobilized...I am impressed that I am moving better and almost without thinking about it...like a normal person! I started at 244 when I checked into hospital...and came home weighing 254 due to IV's...I am now 230 and feeling like the worst is behind me. The incisions are pretty well healed and I am hoping to be able to get in the pool soon...not sure how healed I have to be! Would love to chat with anyone else who is on my timetable or has advice. I go to two different hospital support groups and had the surgery in Portland Or.

    I had my surgery on the 16th also. It was originally scheduled on the 23rd but there was a cancellation and I got bumped up. I am struggling to get in my Protein and Water but each day gets better. I usually have pain when I wake up in the morning and at the end of the day. I still struggle with a general feeling of being uncomfortable and I'm still trying to figure out my body's signals. I do a good job of moving around and walking. I would consider today a good day 60+ grams of protein and 1.5 liter of water. I definitely need a support group.

  3. I'm about a month away from my medical clearance and after reading these posts, I'm having serious second doubts. Would you honestly recommend this surgery?

    We all have had or are going to have the sleeve done. I start my pre-op diet tomorrow and have my surgery June 23rd. I am super nervous but I am even more determined. I've weighed the pros and cons of this process and what to expect. For me, I recommend this surgery for myself and you have to make the same decision for your self.

  4. Hi all,

    I can't tell you how much this forum has helped answer my questions, calm my nerves, and encouraged me to pursue WLS. I've been lurking for several months as I jump through all the pre-surgery hoops, but just found out yesterday that my insurance approved the surgery and I'm scheduled for 6/23/15!

    My stats:

    Age: 35

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'6"

    HW: 256

    CW: 242 (BMI 39)

    GW: 145

    I'm ecstatic, but suddenly it's all getting real and I'm a little overwhelmed. I think that, because my BMI is on the low-end of the scale (wavering between 39 and 40), I'm now questioning if I should take such a drastic step to lose weight. I mean, I have a boyfriend who loves me as I am, I'm pretty functional, and sometimes even feel attractive. But then I remember that my weight has been on a steady upward trajectory for my whole life, despite frantic efforts to stop it, and nothing else has worked. My last physical showed that I suddenly have pre-diabetes and high cholesterol, I found out I have sleep apnea, and my joints hurt like I'm 80 years old. I don't want to live like this anymore, much less face what is likely to come in the future if I don't do the surgery. I want to be free to shop in normal stores (not plus sized or hope that a store carries XXL or even more). I want to be active and enjoy this phase in my life. I want to feel attractive and free, instead of the constant nagging voice in my head - "stick out your chin so you don't get double/triple chin while you're talking," "cross your legs differently so the person in front of you doesn't get a full slab of cellulite in their vision," "pull down your shirt to cover your pooch," "pull up your pants to hide your muffin top," "you're the fattest person in this room," "don't stoop, you look bigger," "DELETE ALL TAGGED PICTURES ON FB THAT AREN'T FLATTERING OR FROM YOUR APPROVED CAMERA ANGLE!" It's exhausting and I'm ready to focus on life and actually living instead. I'm excited to start yoga, and try surfing (renting a wetsuit might be possible soon! and without getting mistaken for an injured sea lion!), and not stress every single day about what I can possibly wear that will be flattering.

    So, wish me luck, everyone! I leave for Cambodia for 10 days tomorrow for a research trip, so I'm trying to get my head in that game right now, but as soon as I'm back, it's liquid diet and prep time! Eek!!

    Keep in touch we have the same surgery date!


    I identify so much with your story.

    We have about the same BMI and I was just struggling to accept that I really need this surgery and that is the best choice for me right now.

    I just hope I do not change my mind again before the surgery.

    By the way, my surgery is only two days after yours. :)

    Have a nice trip!

    I went through a super emotional phase too when I decided to sign to the process and I am concerned where my emotions will take me after I have my surgery. Having lost 62 lbs (with help from weight watchers and phentermine) and gained back 78lbs in a matter of 2-3 years is discouraging. I knew I needed to do something about my weight that would be longer lasting. Keep in touch we all have the similar surgery dates! I'm going June 23rd.

  5. I'm June 24th. My preop diet isn't too bad. It says "a high Protein, low carbohydrate diet, consuming no more than 1000 calories per day." I'm allowed to even use Lean Cuisines and stuff! I only have to start liquids at 3pm the day before surgery. :)

    I'm getting really excited! I've told my husband, my mom, and a few friends. I don't think I'll ever tell my dad. He's so judgmental.

    Another sleeve sister! i'm June 23rd. Do we have the same dad? My dad wanted me to lose wieght and I only see him every two years or so he lives on the west coast. I don't think I can tell him either. It would be hard to explain to him. His way of telling me to lose weight was to not eat american food only korean food.< /p>

  6. work2Bskinny I have told my Husband and my inlaws( (we are super close! !)

    I am really close with my inlaws and love them so much, but for some odd reason I am so nervous to tell them and I'm not sure why or how to go about telling them. I guess I don't want them to judge me or think of me differently.

  7. June 8 is my big day, and I am a mixed bag of emotions. Just out of curiosity, besides talking about it on here, who have you told about your choice?

    I have told other nurses at work, my family and a few choice friends.

    I am scheduled for June 15. I'm excited but nervous. I have told no one. My family is not supportive of the surgery. I have been planning on this for a few years, now.

    I haven't told my inlaws and I'm not sure if I will or not yet... Bil I hope you have some people who will support you.

  8. Just curious!! When I finally got my date I was sooooo excited but, as it gets closer I'm getting really nervous!! I have to have an EGD on Friday!! Then start the 2 week pre op diet on June 15th!! I've been reading all of these threads and some make me even more nervous!! Most make me even more excited!! I'm just a huge ball of emotions!! Lol

    June 30th! Nothing left to do but pre-op testing.

    I start my preop diet June 9 and get my sleeve June 23rd. You both are not far behind me!

    I had my egd in Feb. Don't sweat that it is a cinch! Plus you get pictures ;) <===weird nurse

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