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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bensmum1109

  1. Bensmum1109

    Almost There But I Am In Trouble!!!

    <p>Thanks for the reply. I have been taking Prilosec two and sometimes three times a day, and right now I can get liquids down. I have been staying away from the coffee which has made me pretty cranky. </p> <p> </p> <p>Today I had a container of yogurt which went down but caused discomfort for a few hours, and I just finished about 4 spoonfuls of mashed potatoes, and not only have the chest pain but back pain too. This SUCKS. I am taking Protein powder and soup in my suitcase for my trip. I can't wait to get home and get the rest of this saline out!!</p> <p> </p> <p>
  2. Bensmum1109

    Don't get discouraged!!

    I haven't been on for a while because I have been working 70 hour weeks and try to spend time with my husband and son when I am not working. But I just wanted to check in and let you all know that it has taken almost 18 months, but I am a size 10 now and only have 15 pounds left to lose! It has not been easy, I have had minor complications requiring a few unfills, and I still occasionally miss some of the foods I can no longer eat. But I would do this again in a heartbeat and I would pay 10 times as much if I had to. Don't let the occasional discomfort or weight plateaus get you down. It's a slow process and there is a lot to learn, but the band works if you take care of it- and yourself!!
  3. Bensmum1109

    I think My Surgeon Just Fired Me...

    Oh my God you have read my mind!! I am in Northern California and my surgeon left the practice that I was a patient of and has moved to a place that is really inconvenient for me. My original surgeons are pretty inconvenient to begin with, only 45 miles away but in San Francisco, which can often be a pain to travel to. There are band surgeons galore within 5-30 minutes and 2 to 30 miles of my house, including 3 right in my own town (Pleasanton). Even though I was operated on by a US surgeon, not one of them will take me as a patient. It's ridiculous and annoying. I don't understand what the big deal is. Geez, if I could get $300 for a 5 minute appointment to stick a needle in someone I would jump at the chance and that is pretty much I have needed my surgeons for in the last 18 months! All of that being said, please don't think you made the wrong decision. I don't know where you are, but hopefully you will find someone in your area that can take really good care of you and help you with this newest problem.
  4. Bensmum1109

    Feel like a bulimic...could use some help

    I have been going through the same thing, and isn't it ironic that even when you are throwing up all the time you don't lose weight??? I got really tight fromflying and stress a month ago, and have lost 2 pounds. Since my last adjustment in December up until a month ago, I lost 8 pounds. I have been under a lot of stress lately due to work. I am in the mortgage industry, which can be very lucrative but all you have to do right now is turn on the news and you will hear about how lenders are shutting down and investors aren't buying. When you are the sole source of income for your family it's scary and stressful, because we don't know how long this slump will last. I simply got sick of PBing and went in yesterday for an unfill to .5CCs. I still have restriction, but I can get some food down. Anyway, don't be discouraged, get a slight unfill so you can be comfortable until the stress eases a little. And if you PB and see anything tar-like or bloody, call your surgeon IMMEDIATELY.That could indicate a slip or torn esophagus. Luckily that did not happen to me, but it could have!!
  5. Bensmum1109

    Hair Loss/Wigs

    My hair got really thin too and I found these awesome extensions on Ebay. You can get them in natural or synthetic and they just clip in with a tiny clip. I don't go anywhere without them these days. I am attaching a link from the lady I bought them from. I actually told her about my band situation and she is thining about it herself (she is 100 pounds overweight, she said). Just copy and paste the link and then you can go to her other items for sale. http://cgi.ebay.com/Hair-U-Wear-Extensions-10-Piece-Wavy-Set-BROWNS_W0QQitemZ140081799501QQihZ004QQcategoryZ1277QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem
  6. Bensmum1109

    First Fill today. OW!

    That's exactly what happens. I can assure you that once you have the right fill, you will experience what we call the "golf ball"- which is the painful feeling you will get in your chest if you eat too much or don't chew well enough- and the dreaded PB- which is like vomiting but not quite as bad. You will learn to limit your portions!! Also, a good fill will make you feel fuller faster, as will the fact that YOU HAVE TO EAT SLOWLY. It really does work. I just ordered my first pair of jeans in a SIZE 8!!! It's been years since I have seen single digits!
  7. I wanted to share a few NSVs and some Disneyland eating tips. First of all, I ordered the cutest jeans for our trip to Disneyland (we go a LOT) on Disney Shopping and they were a size 12 ( I usually wear a 12 and size L these days). Washed them a brought them on the trip, and I was just swimming in them!! So I came home and most of my 12s and ALL of my 14s and up are going to the battered women's shelter in the next town. WOOHOO!! 2. I am a Sales Account Executive for a Mortgage Company. I have a young (well maybe not too young but at least 5 years younger than me), really cute loan officer that is one of my customers. I have noticed that even though he has been in the business for a long time he calls me, often with kind of a dumb question, every day. He finally said to me when I visited him the other day "I know you are married, but the real reason I call you so often is because I have a bit of a crush on you. You're gorgeous." I have not had anyone flirt with me like that since I met my husband! 3. When I went to Disneyland a few weeks ago, my five year old nephew said to me, "Aunt Heather you still have pretty big bubbas (boobs), but your butt is a lot smaller than before!" OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF BABES. Anyway, if you are at Disneyland and trying not to cheat, and you don't want to spend oodles of money, the best places in the park to eat are: Bengal Barbecue in Adventureland. Basically delicious grilled lean meat on a stick. Also in Adventureland if you want a treat Dole pineapple has a "whip" which is like pineapple sherbert. Just as delicious as ice cream with a lot less fat, sugar and calories. pizza Port in Tomorrowland has an excellent salad. Plaza Cafe off of Main Street has some good salads and lean pot roast. The New Orleans Cafe has lots of healthy selections. I ordered French Onion Soup in there with no cheese and the waitress looked at me like I was crazy, but it was still delicious! But if you are not brave, beware. They have a 3 cheese Monte Christo that looks like a heart attack on a plate. Of course my hubby had to have one and I almost had to go sit at a different table. They also have a lot of healthy snack stands now, which is great!!! You can buy fruit (they have big pineapple spears that taste like candy), a giant pickle, a veggie snack pack, or trail mix. For Breakfast if you are in any of the Disney hotels you can get really good yogurt and oatmeal. If you want to splurge, get a sausage or ham slice for some yummy Protein (just don't make a habit of it :-) In downtown Disney for the best selection of healthy Entrees try Rainforest Cafe or Catal (very pricey but good!)! Of course remember, if you are ever going to have a little cheat, that is a good time to do it because you are likely walking several miles a day. I lose weight every time we go! And I know that this post sounds a little like I am still food obsessed, but I am not. I am Disneyland obsessed, though :nervous
  8. If you have long hair, I have to tell you about these hair extensions I found on EBAY. They are so awesome and they come on tons of different colors and pieces ranging from 8" wide to just 1" (they come in sets with varying widths). You can use a few or a lot but it adds hair in all the right places. They attach with these tiny secure metal combs and they are like the ones the movie stars wear but they are a lot cheaper!!!! They are comfortable and fun. Plus you can buy them wavy or straight, and cut them if they are too long. I bought my own color and then a lighter one so I can make it look like I have chunky highlights! I love them and the synthetic set is around $50 and the human hair one is $110 (I have synthetic)!!! It really looks like I have full hair now. Hopefully the post won't be removed because I am not the seller. I'm just a happy customer! I think if you go onto Ebay and type in "Hair U Wear" as a keyword this woman's Ebay store will come up. If not, PM me and I will send you a link.
  9. Bensmum1109

    Hair Loss

    Hey Jewel, check out the thread I posted about the hair extensions I found on Ebay. This lady sells NIOXIN products as well.
  10. Here is an Ebay link to these extensions. http://cgi.ebay.com/Hair-U-Wear-Extensions-10-Piece-Set-Curly-or-Straight_W0QQitemZ140065123723QQihZ004QQcategoryZ1277QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem By the way, she sells Nioxin too!
  11. Bensmum1109

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    I have always lost weight slowly and steadily, and have only had a few plateaus. Usually when you plateau you should get a fill, but if you are too tight,as strange as it sounds, you will probably NOT lose weight. And you will be miserable. Remember, everyone is different!
  12. Bensmum1109

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    My BMI was 34.9 but I had lots of co-morbidities. I have not lost weight as quickly partly because I did not have as much to lose, but I have lost steadily and I am very happy with my results. If you only have 50 pounds to lose (I had 73 but I changed my goal weight to a very ambitious number), don't be disapointed if it takes a little longer. In the long run it is much healthier that way and probably more permanent!
  13. Bensmum1109

    Should I have a fill? Need advice!

    DON'T DO IT. If you have adequate restriction and particularly if you are going to be flying, you will probably get tighter from the flying. I recently went through an episode where I was too tight and it was a few weeks before I realized it. I went through a few weeks of severe reflux, pbs, and pain before I finally went in and had my fill removed (I'm stubborn and was afraid I would gain weight). I rested for two months with only .5CCs and I still lost 8 pounds anyway before my most recent fill. And my symptoms disappeared within 3 days of my unfill. If you are away from your doc and something like this happens to you, you will be in misery. There is no rule that says you have to get filled six weeks after surgery, and if you have some restriction you should wait to be safe.
  14. Bensmum1109

    Hair Loss

    Nioxin works pretty well. I use it, but I am still pretty thin (well, my hair, I mean) If you have long hair, I am going to start a thread about these hair extensions I found on EBAY. They are so awesome and they come on tons of different colors and pieces ranging from 8" wide to just 1" (they come in a set). You can use a few or a lot but it adds hair in all the right places. They attach with these tiny secure metal combs and they are like the ones the movie stars wear but they are a lot cheaper!!!! Plus you can buy them wavy or straight. I bought my own color and then a lighter one so I can make it look like I have chunky highlights! I love them and the most expensive set is $50!!! I will call the thread "Hair U Wear" because that is what they are called. Hopefully the post won't be removed because I am not the seller. I'm just a happy customer!
  15. Bensmum1109

    First Fill today. OW!

    I agree with Wheetsin! The Lido shot hurts worse. Without it, it really does not hurt, it just feels a little weird. Michelle turned me on to EMLA cream right before my first fill. I can't remember where I get it from but Google it and you will find it. It is topical numbing cream and you should lay down, feel for your port, and tape a square gauze bandage on the area with the inside of the gauze covered with EMLA. Do this at least an hour before. Then when the doctor puts the needle in for the fill it BARELY hurts and only for a second. The rest is a total piece of cake!!! The first time is always scary no matter what. But I think everyone will agree that 99% of us walk out of the first fill going "Is that all there is to it???"
  16. Bensmum1109

    First Fill today. OW!

    I am bumping this because Dr. Cirangle is my doc now that Dr. Feng has started his own practice. Dr. Cirangle has actually done all of my fills. I am a huge chicken and always beg for a little Lido first. I even use EMLA on the skin beforehand as well!!!! Yesterday Dr. C. said it was time to be a big girl and I have lost so much weight my port was very easy to find. He said "No Lido for you, young lady" and kindly waited for me to stop sweating and shivering with fear. Then he did it. It was NOTHING. A tiny pinch no worse than the pinch from the lido needle. It was weird feeling the needle inside of me for the first time and I felt it when he hit the back of my port, but it is totally NO BIG DEAL. If you are a chicken like me, I hope you read my post!
  17. I am with HarleyNana. Almost always drinking with my meal makes me sick. So I am really careful and rarely do it. Usually it is s few sips of ice water if I have eaten something spicy, and since I live in Northern California in the middle of SEVERAL wine countries I do occasionally sip a good wine with a good meal. But I never even finish a whole glass unless I have had half of it before I start to eat.
  18. Bensmum1109

    Looking for SF Bay Area-CA Good Docs

    For getting your band? In Pleasanton you can call Drs. Lee and Estahkri. They operate out of Valleycare. I used Dr. Feng at Laproscopic Associates of San Francisco. He is no longer with the practice but I see Dr. Cirangle there now. They have taken good care of me and their costs are really reasonable. If you go through them you would be operated on at California Pacific in San Francisco.
  19. Bensmum1109

    Lap Band and Flying

    Hi Eric- I always get tighter when I fly and the effect can last for a day or so.
  20. Bensmum1109

    Are there any beer drinkers out there??

    I am an avid beer drinker. I suggest you stir your beer with a straw or something to get some of the carbonation out (or do what I do- drink dark beer which is not as carbonated). And drink slowly. HOWEVER- I strongly recommend you DO NOT drink beer and eat food at the same time. I have tried it twice and it hurt like hell both times!
  21. Tricia, if you don't mind me asking, will the surgeon who did your conversion consider doing one on someone who is only bordering on a normal BMI range?? I am not considering it now but after my recent reflux hell of the last 4 weeks (I just had a major unfill) I might consider it down the road, especially if I slipped.
  22. Bensmum1109

    Too much fill? Can't decide

    Sue- you are too tight. I went through the same thing and eventually got horrible reflux that lasted for a few months on and off. I went to my surgeon yesterday and had 1CC of my fill taken out. It's just temporary, but he warned me that if I didn't stop irritating my esophagus it could lead to SERIOUS complications. I have has such relief in the last 24 hours!!! And I am happy to say I still have enough restriction that I don't think I will gain weight. At any rate after two or three weeks, if I haven't had any reflux or chest pain episodes, I can go back for another .5 CCs. If I haven't gained weight and am still losing I think I will wait, though.
  23. Bensmum1109

    Famous Bandsters?

    Here is my two cents about Star Jones: If you want to have WLS and keep it a secret, it is absolutely your perogative. Having WLS is can be an embarrassing thing to admit, and you also have a tendency to wonder what is being said behind your back by the people you have told. or whether they are judging you. BUT- if you are going to have WLS and you want to keep it a secret, DON'T WRITE A TELL-ALL BOOK WHICH CHRONICLES YOUR WEIGHT LOSS AND CONVENIENTLY OMIT THE SURGERY PART. That's why she pisses me off.
  24. Bensmum1109

    Am I the only one that eats like this?

    That's the way you are supposed to eat!!! Eating slowly really will help you feel full without overeating, and that's exactly what you want to happen. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks or says. You are doing the right thing and it will benefit you in the long run!
  25. Bensmum1109

    I need to start all over!

    Hi Terrilyn- I am sorry to hear about your struggles. I was also starting to get sick whenever I tried to eat the right foods and was reverting to soft food syndrome. Eventually I started to have HORRIBLE reflux, so painful that I had to sleep sitting up sometimes, and I was downing 2 Prevacid tablets, Maalox, and half a dozen Tums daily. I did lose some weight in the last month though, mainly because I was afraid to eat much. Yesterday I had enough. I called my surgeon and went in for an unfill. I now have .5 CCs in my band. And you know what? I could kick myself for having waited. I have comfortable restriction and the reflux is gone-just like that! I know I am going to have to use my brain a little more when it comes to willpower, but I think I am ready to do that. Have some of your fill taken out so that you CAN eat healthier hard Proteins. If you are going to start over start with a smaller fill!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
