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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bensmum1109

  1. Bensmum1109

    First weigh-in post-op

    Hello all- I just weighed myself for the first time since I was banded (9/16) and I have lost 8 pounds!! I'm realistic- I know the first week is kind of a bonus because I really didn't feel like eating (or should I say drinking) anything for the first 3 or 4 days after the surgery. But I still feel like I made the right decision and I am on my way to a healthier life. Only 13 pounds until I am under the dreaded 200 mark. If my tummy didn't still hurt so much I would go out right now and run around the block Have a wonderful day, everyone!!
  2. Bensmum1109

    Quick & easy recipes.........

    Jessiebear, you should write a cookbook!! These recipes sound wonderful and they are making me hungry Here is one: Sweet Potato Corn Soup 1 16 oz can cut Sweet Potatoes, drained and rinsed 1 8 oz can Sweet Corn 1 8 oz can concentrated chicken broth plus 1 can Water 1/2 cup skim milk 2 tsp brown sugar Lawry Seasoned Salt and fresh black pepper to taste Heat sweet potatoes in broth until very soft. Add all other ingredients. Cool slightly then puree (fully if you are still on liquids, leave some small chunks if you are on mushies) Garnish with a little finely grated cheddar. My husband grilled a chicken breast, cubed it and added it to his soup and he said it was delicious!!
  3. Bensmum1109

    Whey protein vs. Soy protein

    I have been using Carb Solutions French Vanilla (my husband accidentally mixed it with skim milk the first time and I felt like I was drinking cake batter), and a whey protein called Body Fortress (chocolate). We got the Body Fortress at Wal-Mart for $11.97 for a 2 pound canister, which is about 30 servings. It has 20g of protein per serving and it is EXCELLENT!!!! Tastes just like chocolate milk :-)
  4. Bensmum1109

    I cried

    What a beautiful story. Congratulations!
  5. Bensmum1109

    Help losing large amount of hair

    The first thing you should do is call your doctor!! But I will tell you that my doctor told me that if I did not take my daily Calcium and Vitamin supplements and get 60-70 grams of Protein every day that my hair would fall out. Please make sure you are doing all these things, but even if you are call your doctor. Good luck!
  6. Bensmum1109

    please help me

    Hi there- I have one of the best doctors in the world for this type of surgery, and he does not put his patients on liquids until the day before surgery. I am not sure why this is necessary, but I am sure your doctor has a reason. Try the chicken, try the egg whites, be creative (I am 8 days post-op and would kill for either right now!)!! I have been having trouble the last few days with post-op liquids only, and I have made some of the most amazing Soups to try to get past my hunger. It is working. I take canned veggies of all kinds- carrots, peas, corn, sweet potatoes, broccoli, etc, and cook them with veggie or chicken broth, season them heavily with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and the PUREE THE CRAP OUT OF THEM. My best one yet was carrots, corn, chicken broth, lots of pepper, and then some skim milk to make it creamy. pureed and THINNED. I find it ironic that it took this surgery for me to really discover how amazing simple foods can taste!! Good luck to you!
  7. My doctor likes us to be on liquids for TWO weeks post-op, which by reading the boards seems conservative. Well, last night I was starving and decided to have about 2 oz. of mashed potatoes thinned with milk and margarine. It was heaven. I did feel a little fuller than usual last night and I noticed the gurgling thing with my Water, but otherwise I was OK. However, I feel like it satisfied me for a while. I think I can go a few more days on liquids now!
  8. Bensmum1109

    Happy Birthday Iluvharleys :)

    Happy Birthday!!
  9. Bensmum1109

    Surgery Date For October

    Congrats, Christina!!!
  10. I have only told my husband and parents. I wasn't even going to tell my parents, and scheduled my surgery to occur when they were going to be in Italy for three weeks. My Mom is the only member of my family that doesn't have a weight problem, and she is incredibly judgemental of those of us who do. That being said, we are very close, and they spend a lot of time in our home. So in the end I decided to tell them, and they were SHOCKINGLY supportive!! But what about everyone else? I work in an industry where image is important and people love to gossip. I am surrounded by perfect, disciplined people who judge everyone and everything (yes, it can be incredibly annoying, but I am really good at what I do and it enables my husband to be a stay at home dad). I have to eat out socially 4-5 times a week, and I needed to figure out how I was going to explain a surgery and a week of recovery. Finally I decided to tell people that I had an intestinal problem that would require surgery, and that during my recovery I was going to have to be on a liquid diet for a month (mostly true, I do have an intestinal problem that my weight loss and diet will correct, it's just not really what the surgery was for). Since intestinal stuff is GROSS I have not been questioned any further. I figure the initial weight loss is explained by the liquid diet, and subsequent weight loss will be inspired by the diet I will have to continue to stave off any more intestinal problems. People have so many prejudices and are so judgemental of others it sucks. It's a shame that any of us have to hide this or make up stories, but in the end I think it will be a little bit of justice for all of us to get the weight off and have those judgemental people look at us with a little bit of envy, right? Go, LapBanders!!
  11. Bensmum1109

    Post Op Medications??

    Yes, but I think you and I have the same doctors, right? LAPSF?
  12. Bensmum1109

    Post Op Medications??

    Hi all- My doctors have me on so many different meds and Vitamins that my head is spinning!! I just wanted to see if most of you have the same instructions. I understand the Multivitamins and Calcium for life. I am on 2 Centrum chewables and 3 Extra Strength Tums until I get to solids when I will probably switch to Viactiv for the calcium. I am also on Pepcid AC for 3-6 months, Atigall for 3-6 months, and I have Reglan for my little bouts with nausea (hasn't been too bad). I am also currently on liquid Vicodin- 7 days post-op and I am stretching it as much as I can before I take every dose (I am at 6-7 hours between doses now). Does this seem like a lot?? I feel like a walking pharmacy :-)
  13. Bensmum1109

    Tomorrow is the big day!!!

    Good luck Keri and Bridget!! You both will be in my prayers today!!
  14. Bensmum1109

    September Bandsters??

    Hi Lynn- They did not give me an incentive spirometer, but my mother got one when she broke her leg and had to have surgery. She actually stayed with us during her recovery and my husband believes she left it here. He is going to look for it. Thanks for the advice!!
  15. Bensmum1109

    Help me find a reward!!

    Congrats on meeting your first goal!! All of these rewards sound divine :-), but your biggest reward is your weight loss. Great job!
  16. Bensmum1109

    Need Answer

    It sounds like your port. I don't feel mine but I am still very swollen and sore all over. If it continues to bother you, you should definitely talk to your doctor about it.
  17. Bensmum1109

    Feeling Let Down: My first post

    I agree, don't give up!! Finance or borrow against your 401K if you have to. You can get filled locally and I hear there are some really good surgeons in Mexico. Good luck!
  18. Bensmum1109

    I did it! Banded 9/16

    That's definitely too soon. You won't have a fill until 6 weeks or so. But going on your cruise will be good practice for you to eat slowly and chew, chew, chew!! Let me know what Dr. Jossart says about numbing you before your fill. If he doesn't give you a battle I will just have him do it,
  19. Bensmum1109

    I did it! Banded 9/16

    Hi all- I finally did it. Had my surgery on Friday morning. Although the surgery went very well, I have felt like hell the last few days. Lots of gas pain, and when I walk around I feel very short of breath. Is this normal? Otherwise, I am very excited to be on the path to a healthier life! Heather Dr. John Feng Banded 9/16/2005
  20. Bensmum1109

    I did it! Banded 9/16

    Yes, it was Dr. Feng from LAPSF. The gas pains are almost gone now, but I am still very sore. I am drinking decaf tea, Water, Protein drinks (have only been able to do 2 or 3 oz at a time), broth and thin Soup. My husband found a Fat free pea soup that he thins with skim milk for me (no lumps) and it has been heavenly. I also have no restriction, but I just feel full after a few oz of the protein or the soup. Have you spoken with Dr. Jossart yet about your fills?? I am a little needle phobic and Dr. Feng says he does not numb his patients first. He swears it is really no big deal, but I am freaked out about it!! I even got a lidocaine shot for my IV last week, and it was the best IV I have ever had!! Should I insist,do you think?
  21. Bensmum1109

    Scared Out Of My Freakin' Mind

    It's perfectly normal to worry, and I am sorry that your boyfriend and family aren't more supportive (boy, is your boyfriend going to be sorry when you are all slim and sexy :-) There are really wonderful, supportive people on these boards who will get you through this. They have helped me tremendously! I told my colleaugues that I had an intestinal resection, which explains the surgery, time off, and to a degree the weight loss. No one has inquired any further for details and I don't think they will!! The surgery is truly NO BIG DEAL, I promise!! You go to sleep, you wake up, and it's done. You will feel like crap for a few days and then you are on your way!! Best of luck to you- you will do great!!
  22. Bensmum1109

    I did it! Banded 9/16

    Thanks for the advice, Jessiebear! I will make sure I do these exercises.
  23. Bensmum1109

    Tomorrow(9-19-05) Is The Day!!!

    Good Luck, Vanesa! I had my surgery Friday. It will be worth a few days of discomfort, believe me!
  24. Bensmum1109

    Sept 2005 bandsters post here!!

    Hi!! September 16, 2005 here. Feel a bit like I have been hit by a bus, but I am feeling better by the hour. Heather
  25. Bensmum1109

    September Bandsters??

    Hi Sparkle!! Just had my surgery Friday! I feel like hell :-( but I know it will get better. Did you feel short of breath at first when you walked around?? I realy freaked my husband out last night, had a brief period where I felt like I couldn't breathe at all after Icame back to bed from the bathroom. He though he was going to have to go to the store and buy me some diapers :-) I feel a little better today, though. Heather

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
