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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by notforthefaint

  1. call, ask to speak to your surgeon directly or his nurse, chances are he/she may not know that you haven't been scheduled yet, give them a time frame to get you a date and threaten to cancel, that should get their attention.
  2. how do you like it? which flavor?
  3. I think your story probably resonates with everyone on here. It certainly does with me. I was always the chubby kid, then the overweight teen, then overweight in my 20's and so on and I have gone up and down so many times. Worked my @$$ off but the weight always came back. I am going to be 45 this year, I am a divorced single mom of a 10 year old boy who is my reason and my motivation. He is my "why". My family history blows, they are all dead (parents) my mom had a heart attack, stroke and diabetes (morbid obsese) by the time I was 24 she was in a nursing home and my "mom" was gone, my dad had a heart attack and then another that killed him by the time I was 25. Grandmother (overweight) died of a massive heart attack by the time I was 4. So the odds ain't in my favor. Like I told my surgeon, I don't have any co-morbidities "yet", but if I stay this way I will. I'd like to see my son graduate and be around for a lot more of his life than my parents were. You are not alone in this. I have felt for forever that my outside doesn't match my insides. When I see photos of myself I almost don't connect that the person in the picture is me. I wish you well in your journey, stick with us, you'll be just fine.
  4. great info! thanks for sharing!
  5. I don't know about the rest of you but I just had a moment where I realized that next 4th of July I will be nearly half my size. It made me *SMILE* Happy 4th everyone!!
  6. I am interested in the unflavored and what all I can put it in! hahaha
  7. which flavor? I was going to try the bariatric advantage ones, they've gotten good reviews. I will keep you posted.
  8. a spreadsheet is actually a good idea lol sorry to hear about your husband, sending healing vibrations your way. and hopefully you'll get scheduled soon!
  9. my psych appt was only 20-25 min long, what could they possibly talk to u for 3 hrs about, that's long, u only have 4 months of nutritional visit lucky you, I have 6 & don't have to do a sleep apnea test or that endo test, I think it's called endoscopymy psych appoinment was like 2 1/2 hrs long What did you do? Was it more talking or filling out questionnaires? My pysch eval is Tues. just wondering what to expect... Did you know before you left if he/she cleared you? mine is this coming Saturday, I told the receptionist that I needed a pych evaluation for surgery, did I need a longer or different appt? (this is my psych dr, not a referral) and she said I should be fine with the hour. My surgeons office gave me a letter/info sheet that lists all the things that need to be listed in the eval for the insurance company. I will keep you posted!
  10. I was thinking about vloging too but I don't know I did just buy a notebook so I could just write down my feelings and thoughts so I can keep my mind free you know? I wish I knew more people around my way who were having it done so we could go on the journey together I wish I knew more people close to me too but that is what I love about this site! It is a great resource! I was also considering vlogging but still not sure, I admire the ones that are vlogging now and it is great to experience their journeys, I am just unsure if it's for me. and at what point do you start vlogging? @@Crystal Leigh you mentioned the surgery date being a start date, I like that idea. I could start now when I only have my edg and pre-op appointments left? I will have to mull it over, I do like the idea of keeping a journal too.
  11. I emailed info@BariatricChoice.com and they sent me a link to order free samples. thanks for the tip! doing the same now!
  12. ok, I have to say I am shocked, I usually use the app to access this topic, I had no clue it had gotten to 19 pages! You guys are the best! I really do love hearing about everyone's experiences. Speaking of...let's talk Vitamins and supplements! I met my NUT today, LOVED her! She recommended Bariatric Advantage vitamins and chew-able Calcium, I have to admit I am afraid to try them. lol ok! I am jumping in and ordering them! Wish me luck!
  13. Crystal Leigh my birthday is Oct 1st too!!!Ahhhh no way!!!! I never find anyone with the same birthday as me!! It's pretty rare lol!! That's awesome!! I only have one friend who was born on Oct 1st!
  14. Crystal Leigh my birthday is Oct 1st too!!!
  15. also I just ran a google search for nut free, a site called vitscost came up, let's you search by everything from sugar free, nut free and more!
  16. gracenotperfection how did you get the samples?
  17. tomorrow is my nutritionist appointment, any questions you guys can think of that I should ask?
  18. shortylynx2 that can't be fun! Hang in there!
  19. notforthefaint

    Any South Florida Sleevers!

    ssfbelle you aren't far from me at all!
  20. Shortylynx2 thankfully the sex is phenomenal, but he's still being a jerk for now. lol
  21. notforthefaint

    Any South Florida Sleevers!

    ssfbelle where in Palm Beach County? I am in Palm Beach Gardens!
  22. hi everyone! checking in to let you know where I am at. I had my 2nd appointment on Tuesday, it went well, my surgeon is wonderful (made me stand up and give him a hug! I have never had a Dr. ask for a hug). I also saw my primary, I scheduled my edg and my nutritionist appointment. My psych evaluation is in July. My next surgeons appointment is my last one (July 28th). Where has the time gone? Moving so fast and yet so slow. September will be here before I know it. I really wish my boyfriend was more supportive and understood what this means to me but that isn't working out so well at the moment. However, it isn't stopping me or changing my mind. Just makes it awkward. Thanks for listening!
  23. just checking in with everyone! I had my first boot camp session yesterday (first time in about 4 years, let's just say that I am sore), today is my 2nd appointment with my surgeon and my 1st appointment with my new primary (I need his sign off for insurance approval). I am anxious to see how it goes today. Hope everyone is doing great! I will check in later!
  24. notforthefaint

    Any South Florida Sleevers!

    When I met him I went with my ex-husband (he'd had a bypass and out-ate his surgery as Dr. Wizman put it). He would have been my first thought honestly but he wasn't listed in-network for my insurance. I am however ecstatic with my surgeon Dr. Radecke up in Sebastian. We hit it off immediately. My next appointment is this coming Tuesday and I am already chomping at the bit!!! I want to know what's next??

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
