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Pre Op
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Posts posted by sugarbabe

  1. Hi i'm scheduled in for surgery on 10th august. My surgeon said that i only have to do a 2 week low fat diet pre op, feel a bit mixed about it to be honest, bit like im cheating, when most ppl say they usually have to do a liquid diet. I was gearing myself up to do it to be honest, and asked him if my liver really will shrink enough for it to be safe enough for surgery, his reponse was absolutley. So i think im going to follow what he says however im going to swap 1 meal a day with a Protein Shake. It cant hurt can it really and i need to get used to drinking them for after the op anyway. Anyway a big GOOD LUCK coming your way for all the august sleevers including myself. Lol .and also to everyone else yet to be sleeved. Exciting times !!!

  2. i know how your feeling. My husband's side of the family are kurdish so the culture is very similar to yours. When i told them i was having the surgery, they found it hard to understand why i would want to put myself through such a drastic descision to have surgery, they would tell me to just try and loose weight by excercise and diet. Well if i could i would have. I think because they were uneducated about this type of surgery and dont know of anyone else who had gone to these lengths to loose weight that they thought it was odd and yes perhaps that i was lazy. So basically i spent a lot if time, especially with my husband educating them about it and how i felt that i needed the extra help to loose the weight and that there are thousands of people that actually have the surgery and are successful. I showed them pictures of the surgery and peoples before and after pics , which all helped them to be a bit more supportive of me in my descision. You see i felt that it was important to tell them i was having the surgery done as food is a big part of the family life, there is always a house full of people round when it comes to dinner, its part of the culture. So they are big eaters and if they dont know about my surgery they may think that i am ungrateful or that i dont enjoy the food and the effrot they have put in to making it. So i thought it would it would be better to tell everyone about the journey i will be going through so then whoever wants to gossip about me can do but they will be eating their words when i look fabulous nex year. I also felt nervous telling them too, but through doing so i now feel its out in the open and that has made me more happy and confident in my descsion to do this to improve my quality of life. The way i see it is, this is my journey, i feel this is the right descsion for ME to take and whoever wants to be supportive of me is welcome, whoever doesnt can just sit back and watch the transformation. Hope this helps and good luck with everything. X

  3. Its totally up to you whether you are willing to stick rigidly to the plan or deviate from it and cheat. If you cheat you may still loose some weight but you may not end up with the results you were looking for. However i really dont see how you will not loose weight if you follow your surgeons plan successfully. And also if you feel like you dont know how the weight is going to come off, just have a look at the hundreds if not thousands of people out there who probably at some point had the same thoughts as you, and see their before and after pics. If thousands of people around the world can do it. Then you CAN really do it too.

  4. If you are not at that stage where scrambled egg goes down smoothly then your probably just not ready for them yet. Remember its not a race and to listen to your new stomach. You may do well just going back to mashed up foods for the most part and every now and then try the eggs again. Remember you are only 3 wks out and it does take time to introduce new textures of foods so i would say "slowly does it". And keep re introducing foods as one day your stomach may be able to tolerate foods that initialy it couldnt.

  5. So glad that your recovering so well. You are a trooper. Just keep sipping and walking that gas off. you know what to do. Remember everyday will get that easier. The more hydrated you become the better as dehydration can csuse you to feel sick. Dont over do it just eat what you can. The main thing though is to keep hydrated so i wouldnt worry too much about not getting in all the peotein or calories at this stage. But good luck with your journey.

  6. Oooohh beware the buyer's remorse. Im not in for my op until august, and i am paying privately also , so i hope i dont get the buyer's remorse. Lol. I think im going to prepare myself for that by writing myself a letter, to myself before surgery explaining why i am doing this and how its going to change my life for the better. And on that day when or if it ever comes, i am doubting myself if i made the wrong descsion and have blown all that money for nothing. I will open my letter to remind me of why this is so important to me and motivate me to make the most out of this amazing opportunity to a happier and healthier me.

  7. Yes thats it, apart from my Protein Shakes, i think im going to go organic. Sick of all these foods stating they are low fat, low sugar,low whatever, and if you look at the list of ingrediants which you would need a phd in nutrition to understand , its so misleading. So everytime i come across one of these supposed magic foods i can never work out if its actually good for me or not. So i thinks its just easier to go fresh. Fresh meat, fruit, veg, done!! Rant over. Lol.

  8. Actually talking of shopping list. Well, ive found this product online, it's called Protein Pasta and the brand is by my Protein. I dont know what to make of it to be honest but it looks like real Pasta and the texture is the same too. Dont quote me though as i havent actually tasted it yet. It is a high protein low carb, fat, sugar alternative to pasta. It's supposed to be used for people who want to increase their daily protein intake. I'll give you the nutritional information.

    Per 30g uncooked

    Protein 18g

    Calories 109 kcal

    Fat 2g

    Sat fat 0.2g

    Sugar 1.2g

    Now this is the average whole wheat pasta per 30 g

    Protein 4.3g

    Calories 104 kcal

    Fat 0.4

    Sat fat 0.7

    Sugar 0g

    So basically the protein pasta has more than 4x the amount of protein and less than half the amount of carbohydrates. This sounds like a good product for the solid food stage (i know it's a long way off for us pre surgery sleevers). However im just a bit concerned about the actual ingrediants in this protein pasta, its got some funky things that ive never heard of.


    Vegetable Proteins, durum, semolina, white egg, thickner, seaweed extract, methianine, threonine, soy, anyicaking, silicon dioxide.

    I think ive just answered my own question lol. If you dont understand whats in it then why bother eating it.

    Dunno if you guys can shed some light. Would you buy it??

  9. Yea the headache thing is a nuisance. I think its the body's way of having a hissy fit with the fact that it cant have any more of those carbs anymore, and has to put up with burning Protein instead which to our body is a lousy second choice. Hence the headaches. Well thats my take on it anyway.

    Fingers crossed ur surgery and recovery will be as smooth as a baby's bottom. Good luck !!

  10. Thx wascott for those tips, they sound great. Unfortunately as im in the uk its hard to get hold of some of the things like crystal light and pedialyte but i will have a look on the online stores they may sell it. Sounds like your managing well with your pre-op diet. Have you had any symptoms such as headaches, nausea, lack of energy etc as some other people have experienced? Would love to get some info on what i could potentially have to deal with when i start my liquid diet. When's your surgery date? Not too long now i suppose. Keep up the good work. X

  11. Hi everyone.

    Well my surgery date is set for 11th august. Bring it on!!! I just wanted to show you guys what is on my shopping list (its quite long) before i have my surgery. Just to reiterate that this is my personal list and im not suggesting that you absolutley need all of these things but here's what's on mine.

    Protein shakes ( ive gone for Isopure zero carb shakes and clear juice, handy for clear liquid phase).

    ♥unflavoured Protein (to mix in Soups and drinks to meet my daily Protein requirement).

    ♥ truvia sweetner ( for tea and sweetening all kinds of stuff).

    ♥ blender (going for nutri bullet as it really gets all the bits whizzed up so really smooth shakes).

    liquid Multivitamin and mineral with 100% RDA. Calcium with vit D3 ( D3 absorbes Calcium better), Iron sachets mix with juice, B12 dots sublingual, REMEMBER !! Consult with your surgeon to find out what they require you to take.

    Biotin 1000mcg for hair loss.

    ♥popsicle holders (to make Protein shake ice lollies).

    ♥ nexium tablets for gas relief (best reviews for gas on amazon).

    ♥ new digital scales

    ♥ small tupperwear containers for making batches of food to freeze (time saver).

    ♥ sip cup to help me sip instead of gulp.

    ♥ small baby spoons to help me with small mouthfulls of food.< /p>

    ♥ loads of sugar free jelly, pudding, yoghurts, juice, and broth cubes.

    ♥ blood sugar monitor (just in case i feel really low).

    ♥ tape measure (keep track on inch loss cuz the scales can be naughty and make you think your at a stall when actually your loosing inches around your waist, arms, legs etc).

    ♥ good walking shoes or trainers to help me be as comfortable as possible when excercising.

    Yep, well thats all ive got so far, anybody think of anything else please let me and the rest of you all know. And good luck to everyone on your journey to the new you. You CAN do it !!!!!

  12. Thanks emalou47 for that. I feel that if i can cope without the morphine i will try, and maybe ask for a different type of pain relief, however who knows, i may be begging for the stuff after an hour or 2 post op. But yes i agree, take it slow and dont try to rush my recovery period. It's just as i am having my surgery abroad i am only booked in hospital 2 nights and then a hotel for 2 nights which is just across the road from the hospital, i feel that i will be pressured to get up and ready for the trip back home. Defo not looking forward to throwing up blood, but better out than in i suppose. Oh the joy's i have to look forward to. Lol. But i know it is well worth going through to be healthy and happy and up for anything mommy to my 2 yr old daughter. Cnt wait for the transition to begin. Bring it on!!!

  13. Hiya i just wondered about pain relief. Ive heard that a lot of patients are given morphine after surgery for pain relief,. However ive researched it a bit and found that it can delay recovery and being able to get up and start walking as it makes you very lethargic and vcn also cause sickness. Just wondered what people have had for their pain relief and if anyone has had morphine and how they felt taking it. I want to be up and walking as soon as possible but dont particularly want anything that will just add to the drowsyness of the after effect the anasthetic. Any advice on what people have taken to relieve their pain would be really valuable. Xx

  14. Hi ladies,

    Just to give you a bit of basic info:

    I'm 30yrs old and I had my sleeve surgery done on 7th March 2015 at Spire Cheshire so I'm northwest based too.

    I'm 5.8" and I was 146.5kg/23st 1lb on the day of my op and I've lost about 3.5 - 4 stone in the 8 weeks since then and gone from an evans sz 26 a*se to an evans sz 22 and dropped a good few bra sizes.

    Em's experience of surgery sounds similar to mine. I wasn't worried at all because it really isn't major surgery and I think because my mum has had quite a few ops that were a lot more serious and come out fine and she's been a bit in and out of hospital over the years so you get used to it.

    All the medical literature details minimal risk for the sleeve surgery as its larascopic and similar to Em's experience - for me there was minimal pain and fuss too.

    In terms of waking you up after the op - they put much bigger people to sleep with no problems and I have asthma and needed monitoring because my lungs don't work properly (teeny lungs and big ol' titties - whoda thunk? lol) and they just gave me oxygen when I came out and we did breathing exercises and had a laugh to be honest.

    You can never say there are no complications because you can't predict the future but surgeons will absolutely not go forward with surgery if there's proper risks as its not worth it for them, let alone you.

    Psychologically speaking, I'd turn your nervousness into excited energy. Think of all the complications you won't have later on in life because of your surgery. Plus like Em so brilliantly detailed - you'll be asleep anyway and you won't know the difference because you'll be on pain killers so you won't be suffering - I was up doing yoga stretches the next morning and getting rid of my post op wind - lovely thought lol

    The operation scars are there now but I couldn't give a monkeys to be honest as I looked a lot worse being fat than I do with a few scars on my belly and I'm using scar fade gel from boots to aid healing. They were smooth and flat and fine within a week of the op anyway.

    Em, we're at the same stage and as the weight is coming off I'm starting to get more active but its going round town and doing house work and I've got some arm weights I use a little and am dancing around. It's hard to think of myself ever being a 'proper' exerciser but being active is a start - how are you finding the exercise? - Were you an exerciser before surgery - do you have any plans to join a gym or a class or anything?


  15. Hi guys,

    Its really good to see some english sleevers and reading your posts i just thought yes!! Im getting in on this. Hope u guys dont mind. Well i am booked in for surgery for the 10th august, going to belgium to get my sleeve done (couldnt be arsed faffing around with the nhs anymore tbh). Im 17st11 at the mo and would like to get dwn to about 10 stone, big goal i know but i can dream big can't i ? Im feeling like this is it now no turning back but we will see a bit closer to my surgery date what true feelings start emerging. So just wanted to say COLE keep up the good work looks like your well on the way to the new you, and C2C FOREVER 6th july is the day you'll never look back so good luvk with your surgery. Hopefully would love to keep in contact share tips and recipies and general support on how to get through the 1st month post op which is what im dreading the most lol. Ive got no idea how im gonna survive on liquids and mush but somehow we will get through it.

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