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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reif78

  1. congrats on your band hope things go well for you!
  2. reif78

    Why are YOU Fat?

    i my self can relate to everyone here. i was sexually abused as a child so i turned to food and then i was raped as a teen. so then again i turned to drugs which in turn gave me the munchies there for i turned to food. and i loved food so much and ate and ate and i turned to where i never got full there for constantly eating. now that im older i have 4 children i got clean i want to live hence where the band comes in. i have been clean of drugs for 10 years. now i want to be sober of food does that make sense?
  3. reif78

    The most insulting compliment.

    people like that drive me nuts one time someone said that to me that i had a pretty face and youd be pretty if you lose some weight i just looked at them and said well if being skinny is being an insensitive b***h like you im glad im fat. LOL then i walked away. cause i didnt band myself to be skinny i banded myself to be healthy becoming skinny is a side effect!
  4. Hello All I Just Wanted To Drop A Line And Let You Know About An Excellent Doctor I Used For My Lapbanding Surgery. Her Office Is A Pretty Much Laid Back Office . But All In All Very Professional They Take Your Problems Seriously. And The Dr. Whom Which Is Dr.christine Evancowich-edwards. Is Excellent. I Wouldnt Have Wanted Anyone Else Do My Surgery. She Lis Very Professional. And If You Go In And Tell Her You Need A Fill She Gives It To Ya. She Listens To You. Because Who Knows You Better Than You But You!. She Takes All Insurances. And If Self Pay She Probably Give A Good Deal. If You Have To Pay For Fills Cause Your Self Pay. If I Was To Pay For Them Shed Charge Me 100 Dollars. Not To Bad. She Has Her Practice Out Of Butler,pa. Look Her Up You Wont Be Sorry!!
  5. reif78

    Any Regrets Out Their?

    I Have No Regrets And Im A Month Post Op. I Have Lost 35 Pounds And I Love It. Some People Come Into This Surgery Thinking Oh Quick Fix And When They Dont Lose The Weight Fast They Are Complaining. Well This Is A Slow Process Into A Healthy Lifestyle And Its Worth It.
  6. Thats Why I Decided To Get The Surgery! Losing The Weight Wasnt The Problem For Me It Was Keeping It Off. And This Has Helped Me So Much In The Month I Have Been Banded. Now If I Woulda Just Been Dieting And Then Hit A Slow Spot Like I Am On Right Now I Woulda Put The Weight Back On. But I Have Yet To Gain Any Back Of The 35 I Have Lost.
  7. reif78

    Valentines challenge/Goal

    Well I Been Excercising Daily And Keeping My Cal Around 1000 A Day This Are Goin Slow Right Now Cause I Need A Fill. Im Getting That On The 4th. My Goal Was To Be Down Another 20 Pounds By The End Of February I Have 19 To Go. With Not Having Restriction The Weight Loss Is Slower But Im Not Giving Up I Will Reach My Goal.. Plus Not Working Right Now Im Not As Active . Besides The House Work And Exercise. So Im Anxious To Get Back To Work. Gl All We Will Succeed!!!!
  8. reif78

    Newbie From Pgh.

    Hi All I To Had The Lapband Done . I Went To Butler Memorial Hospital And Had It Done And Everything Went Great Good Luck All In Your Journey!
  9. reif78

    Newbie question

    i dont think they do anything you just maintain your weight from then on.
  10. maybe she should get her medication adjusted maybe that is the problem and if she cant watch watch she eats with the bypass then i agree with the above person i doubt shell get the lapband.
  11. i dont know if i would agree with the doc but i guess there are a select few out there that would prove him wrong though. I was a big sugar junkie. mountain dew aholic and any chocolate around man i was eating it. but since the band and doing the liquid diet after wards. i am free of sugar. added sugar that is with some foods you eat there is some sugar but i dont go above 10 gm of sugar a day in my foods. and it dont bother me a bit. but im sure most of us here were sugar junkies.
  12. reif78

    Any successful banded Virgo's out there?

    im a virgo and am banded and i feel great and ive lost 34 pounds so far. i love it!!!! gl
  13. reif78

    short on nurses????

    id be calling back and saying thats not my problem
  14. hi jeni im from pa too what part you from? you will love the band good luck in your journey!!!
  15. well my surgery was on 12-12-07 was in surgery at 930 and out at 1030 . i felt great other than being sore i was great. left the hosp the next day and went shopping to finish christmas. the following 2 days i just rested and sipped on water. then i started with the broths and popsicles sf and ff. and i just alternated that stuff back and forth for about a week. then the second week i started with the full liquids and started my protien drinks. and the broths for rest of that week. i went and got my staples out on the 26th of december. and i weighed in and lost 24 pounds. then i started the pureed stage for a week and i was not to keen on this one other than the applesauce and sf ff pudding and some mash potatos. then i started a week of soft foods. which was a little better more texture and able to chew again. went to first post op appt on january 7th. got my first fill weighed the same. so i was like well maybe this fill will help and it did i lave lost 10 pounds and its the 13th now. so im down 34 pounds in a month and 1 day so its excited yet frustrating. cause i want more weight off. but it will come in time. so now im on regular foods which is nice. but i need more restriction. so i go on the 4th of february to get another fill. but all and all i feel great.
  16. reif78

    Water loading

    i constantly sip my water.thats the only thing keeping me sane
  17. reif78

    Is this normal??

    oh yeah the reason the dr says no ibuprophin is because it can cause stomach bleeds
  18. reif78

    Is this normal??

    my guess is after two weeks out your still gonna have swelling. but other than that i felt ok. and im suprised your allowed ibuprophin. i was told no ibuprophin, i would talk to the dr. not the nurse practictioner about that one.
  19. reif78


    utah, everyone has that problem we were once all addicted to food. this band is not mean an end to good food. this band is a tool to teach us to eat the right healthy foods a a good portion size. there is nothing wrong though with every once in awhile eating a sweet or something good like that just dont make it a habit or this tool that you were so blessed to be able to get will not work.i agree with the other girl get a hobby. excercise more to keep your mind off of this. you cant expect this band to be a quick fix. you are not gonna lose weight over night with this and be able to say well im done losing weight and then go back to eat the way you did. you also mention about you shoulda just done a diet. well obviuosly the diet thing didnt work or you wouldnt have gone this route to get the band. no diet or any weight loss sugery is gonna work if you dont put forth the effort to make it work. to me it seems as though you really didnt think this process thru before you did and that you thought this was gonna be a quick fix. and now you feel your stuck with this. you can always get it taken out if your not happy but make sure you give it a chance first. because it will work it does work. take one day at a time. we all go thru should i have really done this syndrome. but it was the best thing i have ever done and i still eat good foods and so forth. once you realize and say to yourself i can do this i am gonna get healthy and feel better about myself. your gonna still be in the slump your in. you can do this i know you can. every one has pain and soreness a few weeks after surgery and some can feel the port and so forth every time they turn a certain way. it is ok . but chin up start writing a food and exercise journal. help the band help you. you will feel better.
  20. reif78

    Banded January 3rd

    sometimes youll hear of the chew and spit thing people who are on liquids were getting sick of it so they would take something chew it up just for the flavor and be able chew cause thats what people miss the most is not chewing and then they would spit it out but if you think your gonna swallow dont do it.
  21. reif78

    Dr just recommended Bypass

    yes its best you go to an informational meeting but if your lookin what we think about it. ill tell you what made me choose the band over bypass. the bypass has more surgergical and more of a death risk than the band. the band is reversible the bypass isnt so if there is a problem with the band it can be taken out. the band is less invasive. the bypass requires more hosp stay and days off work and more pain with recovery. the band one night in hospital recovery time maybe a week and maybe a week off work. with the bypass you have more excess skin even with excercise because the bypass is meant for oyu to lose weight. the band you will lose slower but its better for you cause youll have less excess skin. The bypass is good for people with high amounts of weight to lose it works better for them like over 400+ or more weight to lose but the band is more for people that have weight to lose but not over that amt. there are so many things to research. hope this helps a little bit. id be writing you a book but its something for you to think about. hope this helps.
  22. reif78

    i even failed at this....

    hello im sorry to hear about the trouble your having. but htis is why were here is for support. now that youve identified the problems in keeping you from losing anymore weight. lets fix them call dr to get a fill. then go thru your house rid it of junk food and soda. stock with healthy foods and snacks and get back on track. write a food journel for now on to track calories. start off with a low inpact aerobics. or walking for 30 minutes a day. im sorry about the break up with your boyfriend but hell be sorry when he sees you starting to lose weight again and get back on track. A man isnt worth draggin your health down. good luck
  23. reif78

    How many eggs can you eat?

    i love eggs usually i make an omelet with cheese and salsa i can only eat 1/2 but at least my dog eats well and healthy lol
  24. reif78

    I wrecked my motorcycle... :(

    i would go right for an unfill cause if you think about it youve had your band for little while right. well that is your normal way of eating now. i agree with the person above drink more protien drinks to get in your protien if needed that will help with healing just as well as getting an unfill and eating normal. talk to your doctor he would know more about it just a thought!
  25. i dont think it will change anything even if you took something like tylenol pm because all they basically do is hook you up to a bunch of stuff and watch you sleep and record everything. and thats how they tell if you have sleep apnea. they cant tell whether you take anything or not.

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