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Paige Dukes

LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Replies posted by Paige Dukes

  1. Coming up on 90 lbs lost. The strange thing is I am kind of having a hard time dealing with it mentally. I still feel like a 300 lbs girl in my head.

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      Thank you all for the reassurance. I wasn't expecting this to all be so hard emotionally. I anticipated missing the old eating habits, but all in all I don't miss my old habits, but I do miss the relative invisibility that came with being so large. People comment quite often on my weight loss and it is beginning to make me uncomfortable. But at the same time, I am incredibly proud of the progress I have made and the hard work I have put in. I think part of the problem is I don't really see much of a difference when I look in the mirror. I can physically feel that I take up less space, but I look at myself and just see 325 lbs. I can recognize I may need some counseling.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Have had a hell of a week. Had to cut short the New Orleans trip due to mouth pain. Ended up gaining 5 pounds due to poor food choices, and then lost it again after having to have this bastard of a tooth pulled. I have never experienced pain like that. I now have a busted smile but at least the pain has diminished greatly. NOW TO GET BACK ON TRACK!

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I had figured I would gain weight on the NOLA trip because of all of the delicious, rich foods. I was so upset when we had to cut it short, though. I'm out so much money for the hotel. I think I could tolerate it all better if my mouth didn't hurt so bad.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. The plan worked! Stall has broken. 1.5 lost this week.

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      Thanks! It was a frustrating time but I finally did it.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Weight loss came to a stand still. I think it may be due to too few calories. Gonna change it up a little.

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      My clothing doesn't feel like it is any looser. I also havent been getting enough water. I haven't taken very good care of myself the past week and a half and I need to get back on track. I admit I do need to start measuring, though.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. So close to my first 50 pound goal I can TASTE it. ONE POUND!

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I did do it! Officially down 51 pounds now. Hard work pays off.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Today is my 4 week surgeriversary. Down 20 pounds!

  7. My daughter starts her first day of school tomorrow, Where does the time go?!..In other new's I have 1lb to go till I'm 100lbs down :)

  8. This post op acne is killing me!!! I didn't have this many pimples in puberty! Jeez!

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I had a breakout right before surgery. I think the complete overhaul of our diets is part of the issue. I will say though after getting through the flare up I now have the best skin I have ever had in my life. I hope yours clears up soon :).

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Got my first fill today. Definitely feeling a difference.

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I'm fuller quicker with high protein foods. Definitely satiated earlier and stay fuller longer. It's not a MAJOR difference but it's something. I think my sweet spot may be with one more fill but I am going to give this a couple of months or so before I contact my surgeon again.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. I'm so tired of being sick. The meds the doc gave me have my appetite up and down (mostly down) and my energy level is nil. I just want to get back on track. :(

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I have been considering starting taking b12. I will look into it next time I am grocery shopping.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Shopping has become so much more fun.

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I still have about 110 or so pounds to lose, but I am finding that I am liking how I look in things much more than I used to after 40 pounds lost. I bought a dress yesterday because I liked how it looked on me and I convinced myself I was worth it. It is definitely hard to justify paying for nice things along the journey because I either beat myself up for being so big or I tell myself "well, in a month or so it wont fit." I spent a good bit of money yesterday on clothes but one reason was because I found a pair of pants that made my butt look awesome, lol.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. had my surgery Wednesday the 26th. So happy.

  13. I hate having such a problem with fluid retention. I know those 2-3 pounds of weight gain overnight is excess fluid but it is still disheartening to see on the scale.

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I'm trying to get used to the idea that this is how it is going to go as I drop weight. I really gotta stop with the salty foods. I just love strong flavor so much :(.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. One pound away from 40 gone! I think when I hit 50 I should celebrate with something fun. Maybe a trip!

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I've got the hotel booked. Going to New Orleans for Halloween. Staying on Decatur. I think it's a reasonable estimate to say I could lose 11 more pounds in a little over two months.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. One pound away from 40 gone! I think when I hit 50 I should celebrate with something fun. Maybe a trip!

  16. I'm an idiot. Found a FWB, started having feelings, now he's gone and all I want to do is cry until I throw up and eat cinnamon rolls.

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      Your boss is awesome, and YOU are awesome, for being strong and rescuing the little one!

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  17. I just noticed my BMI has dropped 10 points since I started this process!!

  18. Five pounds lighter AFTER vacation? I'll take it!

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      It was definitely difficult when the rest of the family would order the delicious looking fried seafood platter or heavily sweetened mixed drinks, but I stuck to my guns and only ordered grilled or steamed items. I also used it as an excuse to get more active and try activities I wouldn't have before.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. Vacation started yesterday. Have been sticking to my diet in the face of temptation. Pre-making most of my meals has been a life saver!

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      It definitely saved me a lot of trouble and frustration, that's for sure.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. Gained 4 pounds of fluid over night. Got to stop forgetting to take my meds. :/

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I made sure to take my meds correctly and monitored my sodium intake and the 4 pounds already came back off. I figured it was just water weight because my ankles were huge after work and it dawned on me I forgot to take my BP meds. I've set up a new routine now to help me remember.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. Had a really emotional night. Haven't slept in a while. This makes me realize there are a lot more issues going on than basic overeating.

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      Just a lot of frustration and anger and fear culminated into one big cry fest. Really helped to get it all out, but still can't sleep. just can't shut my brain off.

      I think part of my problem may be I am used to working 12 night shifts and when I go to sleep I crash and sleep like a brick. I have been off for 12 days for the surgery and I think my sleep cycle isn't used to the time off.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  22. Over worked my stomach a little yesterday. Even without a fill I am definitely feeling satiated a lot earlier. Gotta learn I don't always have to finish the portion!

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I think I got a little excited about advancing in the stages and went a little overboard. definite discomfort afterwards.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. I now weigh less that what I lied I weighed on my drivers license.

  24. Psych eval completed. That 340 question test was ridiculous.

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      The initial part was a casual conversation with the psych doctor. She had a sheet she was asking specific questions off that she was filling in but for the most part it was just me and her talking. After that I had to go into a room and do the test. The funny part is I am a psychiatric nurse and the questions that weren't obvious throw aways, I could tell what they were checking for. Paranoia, mania, depression, delusions, etc. The most subtle questions were the ones looking for symptoms of bipolar mania. regardless, I answered honestly and feel like my eval shouldn't have shown any major issues.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  25. Two weeks until surgery day! The clock is ticking down!

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I can't wait! At least I have gotten used to this pre op diet.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
