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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lapband78

  1. I'm a emotional eater as well. It's a huge problem for me and does not go away that easily.

    I went into a program for people who wanted to get Gastric Bypass. There I learned a lot about emotional eating. I decided I did not want a Gastric Bypass but I did learn from the program.

    Last year I had my first ever depression and it was terrible. I ate every weight I'd lost, back onto my body and it was terrible.

    But going to see specialists in emotional eating is great. Because I failed when I had depression last year, I actually know the signals now. Failing did me really good.

    I got banded in May 2015 and yes I do want to eat when I'm stressed or anxious. That does not go away. But I need to focus on something else when I want to. I don't want to fail again. I payed for the surgery 100% myself and it was expensive. I'm not going to fail the band.

    So when I feel stressed on anxious, I color! yes! I got into adult coloring. I don't do fantastic pictures but it helps me.

    Go see therapist before getting banded please. Because the band is not a solution, it's a tool that will help you reach your goal. A therapist can help you with that goal as well.

    Good luck :)

  2. I also want to mention why I don't tell people.

    I had a lap band. That means that you will not loose weight as quickly as other WLS.

    I don't want people to have high expectations of how I will loose weight and how quickly.

    Also I don't want people to judge what I eat and how I eat.

    I think that if you tell everyone that you had a WLS they will be looking at your every move.

    This is my journey

  3. I told my boss because I had to get a sick leave.

    My closest friends at work and my siblings and parents.

    I don't think I'll tell anyone else, at least not until I've reached my goal.

    People ask me what I'm doing and I tell them that I had some stomach problems (I had it for real) and decided to change my eating habits. Chew food well so my stomach could better digest the food and eat smaller portions.

    Everyone seems to accept that explanation. I've got a lap band so I was only off from work for 1 week. It old everyone I was going on holiday.

  4. I've also been giving this a lot of thought so you are not alone :)

    I liked having a beer and beer is the drink I have when I go out with friends. But what to do.. Beer is the most inexpensive drink I think so it was easy to buy some ;)

    I also love all carbonated alcoholic drinks, but no more ugh:(

    I think I will go for Smirnoff Ice. I like that drink. It's more expensive but it's refreshing

  5. I can't say I was depressed but I was sad.

    I was in pain, specially gas pain and being on fluids and soft food was not a fun diet. I often thought about why I let go like that, why did I allow myself to get so fat. Why didn't I care about myself more when I was in normal weight.

    But I got over that and accepted that this is my journey, I can't change the past but I can change the future.

    Today, 2 and half months after my lap band surgery, I am extremely happy. My weight is coming off. Even if I have difficult moment eating with co workers or family (because of food getting stuck or PB), it's still worth it.

    Enjoying my normal relationship with food. Food is not my best friend anymore :)

  6. Oh my your comments were so funny haha. Why? because I can relate to so many of them.

    Like the restaurant booth thing. Common!! make a larger one. Terrible feeling to go to a restaurant and half of your stomach is actually sitting on the table haha. Yeah I'm trying to see the humor in the issues we have. But they still are mentally difficult!

    Not having to buy clothes at a store that only carries Big sizes.

    Being able to sit everywhere and not worry about if the chair is to narrow

    Not worrying about plane seats
    Worrying if I'm walking like a penguin.

    Taking space from others while sitting on a sofa or at a bus.

  7. If there is a place where you can ask any question at all, that's here. I think we should all ask questions and be answered without any judgement.

    We are here to get help and support :)

    I believe that you should try your best to get plastic surgery if it helps how you feel after a weight loss surgery.

    Specially since my friend got a gastric bypass and decided to keep his extra skin to remind him of his hard work. Today he's more over weight than ever. I believe that it's because he never felt good with him self.

    But we are all different :)

  8. NSAIDS can even cause ulcers and are bad for the liver in "normal" stomach.

    I had a lap band so yeah maybe the rules are different from bigger WLS.

    I need to stock up on meds with codeine, they are the only thing that will work for me if I have cramps or serious back pain.

  9. Oh my!! I called my doctor 4 days after the surgery because of some pains and he did say no NSAIDS but I thought it was because of the swelling around the band.

    But I think this site is going to safe my life! I'm off NSAID's for sure!

    But can you use ointments for the back that has some NSAIDS in them?

  10. It's a very common problem I think. I was in so much pain for the first 2 weeks. And sleeping on my right side did EVERYTHING for me, it helped loosen up the air.

    About burping, I love burping now, feels so good haha. After not being able to burp for days, I get so happy when it finally comes.

    I usually burped when I was picking something up from the floor. I guess bending over pressures the air somehow.

    Hope the bending over and sleeping on the right side helps.

  11. Ok so before I got banded I loved getting Chinese food (deep fried shrimps mmmm), pizza, burgers or something like that on Friday evenings.

    But today that is not allowed and I'm ok with that, but I still want something really good for friday evenings. But something that does not include Pasta, bread or deep fried food.

    What do you guys do if you want to treat yourself with food?

    Just something that makes your mouth Water and you can't wait to eat. .

    I think that tonight I'm going to make a lettuce burger.http://foodimakemysoldier.com/lettuce-wrapped-cheeseburgers/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+blogspot/UxlzH+(Food+I+Make+My+Soldier)

    I think it looks really good. I'm just going to have my own ingredients and try to have it healthy

  12. I wore a gown and then these ugly shorts or underwear. And I had to wear a diaper or something haha because they give you muscle relaxer and that means some pee can come. That didn't happen to me though but I had a very difficult time peeing for the first 2 days. Not painful, just took long time.

    You are then covered in your surgery, and you are kind of standing in it but they tie you down so you wont fall ;)

  13. When I met my surgeon for the first time after the surgery, I told him that I had regretted the lap band 100 times since the surgery. He told me that it was very normal. The changes are big for us, people who love to eat but it will be great, it really will be.

    I feel so much better now that I can eat regular food, it makes all the difference in my opinion

  14. Awesome!!

    I'm going to bring my bike out this week. My butt is going to hurt, we will be pain in the butt friends ;)

    Tomorrow I'm going to buy some pants so that I can ride the bike in rain. No excuses! Need to exercise.

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