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Jodi Vazquez

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Posts posted by Jodi Vazquez

  1. I've been an insomniac since my 20's. I was sleeved on 4/29/15 and have been going great. In the last 2 day I have found that my insomnia has flared with force in the last 2 days. It usually comes on slow and if not dealt with quickly gets bad fast. So with all the stress i'm under this isn't surprising except for sudden severity of it, I am starting several "fixes" that have worked for me over the years hoping to catch it fast. Also the insomnia made me think of the massive change in my chemical make up and that others might be new to this condition. I'm also glad that my thoughts lead me here to find others to confirmation that it is a common problem.

    Over the span of my life I have found what helps me and would like to share my progress and see if my methods will work this time, also to see if anyone has any success with other methds or if this just has to run it's course like a virus. So the way I treat my insomnia is to start a routine, not really strict but really structured with 3 to 5 things. This incudes a start time and an order to create a trigger.

    Most of us have a normal routine that is our pattern/trigger to tell our system it is time to sleep. To create a more powerful trigger to signal sleep setting up a defined routine with....well that is getting deep and you can do your own research. So I try for the first few times is counting to ten over and over again, counting higher will allow the circling thoughts to creep in. That worked the first night but took too long on the second and now i'm up too early. So next phase is to use Ambien or Restoril for 2 weeks along with a structured routine. I will begin this tonight with Ambien (it is on my ok to take list, check with your doctor to see what is for you). I limit the use to two weeks then try to keep the pattern and stop the med. I'm so hoping this works, there are several good web sites with advise about relaxation methods. One of my triggers is a warm bath but I will add candles for aroma therapy and reading a couple of pages of a book and now I am using the internet to put on a movie as very low audible and turn out the lights. So the fight for sleep begins! I'm always up for a challenge (or at least I wish I was, i'm in a fake ti till ya make it personality trait incorporation).

    I hope we all come out the other side soon. I hate this condition, esp the bags under my eyes!

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