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Everything posted by kyteachjules

  1. kyteachjules


    I have been a couple of times and mostly get chicken or fish and salad or veggies on a little plate. I look at it this way, yes I am paying a little more than I want to pay, but I am doing what my family/friends want to do. Quite frankly, I am paying the restaurants back for when I really ate (let's face it, OVERATE) when I was there previously. I look at it as helping the restaurants recoup the money they may have lost in the past. :Dancing_wub:
  2. I agree that a competent president is favorable right now. Not to bring up the Iraq War, just saying... WHY do we (as a government) think we can solve problems that people have warred and fought over for thousands of years? Nuff said! As an educator, I feel that we are really placed in an unusual position. We are to provide UNBIASED information about all those who are in the US. That being said, it is difficult to teach to those idealistic standards because we are so busy teaching standards and to 'test' that is is darned near impossible to give each and every perspective. Several years ago, I taught in a very diverse school (near Ft. Knox) and found it very interesting that the students who met me, automatically assumed that I wouldn't treat them fairly, regardless of their skin color. I also grew up in a very diverse school, but it was a rural, very middle class environment. I was taught to treat people fairly, regardless of color, shape, height, maturity, etc. That being said, when I entered my own classroom, I worked very hard to treat the kids like I wanted to be treated. Eventually, the students started to lose the 'chip' on their shoulder with me. But, I was pretty stringent in my desire to ensure students spoke to each other in a respectful way. All this being said, I really do think we are ready for diversity in the Oval Office. BUT, I haven't made the ultimate decision as to whom I will be voting for in the primaries. I do know I will be voting democratically. I will investigate the candidates, regardless of their skin color, SEX or lack of hair or whatever. I want someone who will work to make America worthy of my pride and will re-establish this great nation to respect amid our wacky world.
  3. kyteachjules

    Constipation SOS

    Fiber, fiber, fiber... If all else fails, try a shot of Milk of Magnesia. Also, try doing some deep knee bends prior to trying to go to the bathroom. Exercise helps! And, when you are sitting on the toilet, have a bottle of bubbles sitting near you. Blow bubbles and, most likely, you will have gas and hopefully a good bowel movement. The same muscles that you use to blow the bubbles, help get things moving, as it were! (I had a kiddo at school years ago that had a terrible time going and the occupational therapists shared this with me... I'll never have a bathroom w/out bubbles again!! :Dancing_wub: ) GOOD LUCK!
  4. kyteachjules

    "Difficult" foods

    I had problems with flour tortillas (soft ones), eggs and one time w/ tuna, but I think the tuna was a fluke. I've not had any problem w/ meat of any kind, thus far. The worst, by far, was the tortilla. I truly thought I was dying, it hurt so badly. I've eaten rice in soups, but I haven't had bread in nearly 2 years and I don't eat pasta either. I've got 'band' friends who do eat 1/2 piece of toast occasionally.
  5. MollyMolly: I'm on Flintstone's w/ Iron. Still have the same benefits, but has the extra iron. Just don't take the iron and calcium at the same time.
  6. kyteachjules

    Clothing sizes

    I don't think they are cute on anybody!! My aide at school is 5'2" and maybe weighs 100lbs dripping wet and she looks like she's about to faint when she wears this flouncy maternity looking shirt... (She's kinda chesty.) I tease her because she looks like a trashy nun (it's a black shirt and no offense to any catholics out there... I'm a good Baptist, I promise!!!)
  7. kyteachjules

    Clothing sizes

    I think the other big thing (no pun intended) about plus size clothing is that there is a greater variation of size... In other words, a size 8 or 10 is only slightly different in size in the 'reg' size departments, but there are huge differences in size from a 20 to a 22. MUCH more room for growth or losing, as it were. I started out in mostly 26 and 24s and am now in an 18 jacket and 20 pants. I have always been hour-glass shaped, but now am much more pear-like. I feel like I'm losing from the hair to waist and from ankles to hips quite well, but that middle gut section is being difficult!!!!!! I'm having yard sale on April 12. I'm really having a difficult time purchasing clothing because I do not wear them for a long time. I go into a store and see all the beautiful colors and things that I would just love to wear and balk at buying anything. I've bought a few things, but just can't bring myself to purchase great quantities. BTW, what the heck is up w/ all of these tops that look like maternity tops lately, anyway? AS IF I wanted to look bigger than I already am, let's add a tie under the boobs and a flouncy shirt!!!!!!!! GRR!
  8. kyteachjules

    Where is everyone from?

    I was banded in Elizabethtown, KY Dec 13, 2007. USA California, Chula Vista - Christasha California, Irvine - Antsmith101 California, Sacramento - Lynn0216 Colorado, Lakewood (Denver) - Frisky1 Florida, Orlando - Michiganer Georgia, Dahlonega - Sandy63 Georgia, Liburn - motocrossgirly Georgia - sghatl Illinois, Wheaton - RonKat Indiana - DonHoll1 Kentucky, Elizabethtown - Kyteachjules Kentucky, Louisville - AliciaLynn00 Louisiana - kennergirl Massachusetts, Lowell - aimee Massachusetts - thundandlight Michigan - jwright Michigan, Sterling Heights - jomama36 Missouri - grannyk Montana - Twilight Nebraska, Bennet - 100lnsforsale Nevada, Las Vegas - InTheCityGirl New Jersey (central) - reillye (Eileen) New York (Western) - MrsKrzyz Ohio - buckeyejc Ohio - Ellisa Ohio - Jazzywoman Ohio - Onmyway2fit Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh - brez1015 South Dakota - Linetta Texas, Houston - chatita Texas - jewelee Texas, suburb of Dallas - egorsgirl1 Texas, Dallas - tomecia25 Virginia - C.N. Washington State ~Sheila~ Wisconsin, Baraboo - sfeiner Wyoming, Cheyenne - freebird CANADA British Columbia - Bert99 Ontario (Hamilton) - Meghan1983 AUSTRALIA Perth - Fanny Adams Sydney - Sewenup1 Gold Coast-saleel22
  9. kyteachjules

    Fill w/ the flu????

    I'm supposed to go to the doc on Friday and have my 2nd fill (I'm a teacher, so lining up a sub and doing plans is kind of a pain and I've already done that!) and I went to Acute Care today because I wasn't feeling well... Not terrible, but not well and I tested positive for the flu. I am feeling fine now because they gave me a steroid shot (I had 'inflamed' tonsils) and Tamiflu. SO, I'm feeling better, they said I caught it fairly early (I teach special needs children who are, for the most part, medically fragile, so I stay on top of it if I feel bad... me infecting them can be horrific.) ANYWAY, like I said, I feel ok... is it ok to go get the 2nd fill??????
  10. kyteachjules

    Have you had your second fill?

    WOW, I'm amazed at the differences in our doctors, bodies and bands. I had my first fill 3 weeks ago and go back in on the 28th for my second. I have 1.1ccs in a 4 cc band and still feel rather restricted, but am too getting hungry more often.
  11. kyteachjules

    Any good cottage cheese flavorings?

    Cottage cheese w/ salsa, cottage cheese w/ chives, cottage cheese w/ peaches or pineapple, V8, parsley, cilantro, hummus, pureed edamame... YUM YUM YUM
  12. kyteachjules

    Help, I offered to throw a baby shower....

    ALWAYS make sure you have the envelopes for the thank you notes so the guests can fill out their own address on the envelope. Then, you can put them in a basket and draw names from it for door prizes.
  13. I've done fine w/ everything except for once incident with a tortilla... I honestly thought I was going to die. I didn't PB, but had the most disgusting slime and golf ball in the chest feeling! I'm fine with a tortilla chip, but noooooo more tortillas for me! Not a big donut fan, but thanks for the warning!
  14. I was posting my myspace blog and talking about my shape changing and the issues I'm having believing how different I am starting to be physically. I purchased a sweater on Sunday and on Monday, went to put it on. When I looked at it, since it is smaller that what I'm 'used' to wearing, I had a gut-wrenching panic and denial that I could wear that sweater. I told my husband, "I can't wear that! It'll be too small! I just don't think I can put it on!" Of course, he looked at me like I had lost my ever-loving mind and giving me the 'then why the hell did you buy it' look. You know the look... the one that says "OMG, she's been to Zappos/C.J. Banks/T. J. Maxx/Kirkland's/Old Time Pottery/shopping, etc again" look. He, in his infinite wisdom, kept his mouth shut. Anyway, I put that sweater on and it fit, perfectly, if not a little big. I really have no idea how to adjust my thinking when it comes to appearance. Honestly, I hope that I adjust mentally, as easily as I have physically.
  15. kyteachjules

    Smaller Clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WOOOHOOO!!! Glad we're all melting away!!
  16. kyteachjules

    Smaller Clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I couldn't keep wearing my old clothes... I and I quote,looked like "a melting pair of black pants." I needed clothes badly!!! You look smaller in clothes that fit, also.
  17. kyteachjules

    Weird family reactions

    My surgery was December 13, 2007. It's really not that hard if you put your mind to it. I started several months before surgery cutting down (DRASTICALLY) my food intake and stopped drinking with my meals. The hardest thing to do is stop drinking with meals. But, doing those things made it so much easier. I LOVE to cook, but not necessarily eat what I'm cooking. The coolest thing is that I can taste or eat a couple of bites and I'm good to go. I start with my proteins and then add veggies and fruit, if I have room. As I said, my mom just doesn't get it... She intentionally tries to tempt me with things she knows I won't eat or am not supposed to eat. No kidding, less than a week after surgery, she was begging me to eat cornbread. We literally had an argument in a restaurant because she just 'couldn't understand' why. Now keep in mind, I explained every step and showed (even copied some) of every handout or informational sheet/diet sheet I have gotten. I feel like mom, who is 59, about 5'7" and weighs around 370-375 (has been as high as 437), is upset that I am trying to change my life and avoid some of the health problems she has encountered. Jealousy is a terrible monster!
  18. kyteachjules

    So lost....

    I have Humana and had to do the 6 month thing... it is not a 'new' requirement. A colleague of mine also had to do 6 months and her surgery was in 2005.
  19. kyteachjules

    Weird family reactions

    I'm dealing w/ similar issues w/ my mother, as well. I think she is jealous and quite subconsciously trying to sabotage me. I honestly do not think she is doing it on purpose, she's just concerned that I might actually do what she's never been able to do... lose weight and be 'normal.' Also, she keeps sending my husband food, AS IF I would ever let him starve!!!! My hubby's been fine with the whole situation. He's just glad I'm not making him lose weight!
  20. I think I would have sung "I'm a little teapot" just for good measure! LOL Could you have imagined how uncomfortable he would have been then? LOL
  21. kyteachjules

    I have a collar bone

    Congrats on the collar bone!! You look fantastic!
  22. kyteachjules

    Surgery done yesterday 2/12

    wooohooo congrats!!! Remember to rest, but walking is pretty important!!
  23. kyteachjules

    Adjusting to changing shape

    That sounds a bit like my friend Steph. She and her sister went shopping AFTER Steph's tummy tuck and she had on her size 12 underwear. Now keep in mind, Steph is about a size 6 or 8 now... I have no idea how she was keeping her baggy drawers up!!!! LOL She and I have chitchatted quite a bit about this. She's 5 years post op from the band and 3 years post op from her tummy-tuck and breast implants and she STILL tries to go look at the plus-size clothing.
  24. kyteachjules

    Dropping a shoe size?

    Wow, didn't know about the eye thing! I hope my eyes improve a little!! As far a cute shoes in big sizes, you all hit the nail on the head: Zappos.com!!! Actually, I don't order from the website because I work about 10 miles from the distribution center and their fab-o outlet store! I'm doing the yard sale gig here in a couple of months and selling my giganto-shoes and then let the shopping commence!!
  25. kyteachjules

    Who know, who doesn't, and why???

    My gosh, are you sure we aren't related?????????????????? My mom (we shall call her JANE, because, well that's her name) told me minutes before my surgery, "I still don't agree with this, but I guess you are going to do it anyway, huh?" I've told this before, but the biggest and most apparent reason I had surgery was because I attended a funeral nearly a year ago now and I, at 5'10" and 354 lbs, was the SMALLEST/THINNEST of all of my cousins, male and female. I was second to youngest, also. At that point, I realized that I did not want to live the life that all of these men and women were living. One female cousin has a new Cadillac DeVille and is unable to fit behind the steering wheel, even with the seat laying all the way down and pushed all the way back. She has someone drive her (and, no offense, it has to be a tiny person) because she takes up most of the front seat. That being said, I really dread going to big family event. Not because I won't be my normal, adorable self :thumbup: but because I would love to encourage my whole family to make changes, even if that means WLS. I don't want to be the martyr of the family, I want to be the success. I guess it is a thin line I tread when we next get together. As far as telling people, I'm really open (as most of you have read!). But lately, there have been several people at church who have approached me. I've shared with many of the people, simply because I'd rather tell people myself, rather than the whole GOSSIPY structure of discussion that follow people everywhere. Since 4 individuals, not including myself, have had the surgery, we are working on developing a church-scripture based support group (we have a congregation of around 400, or so). Hopefully, we can implement this in the next few months. We do have a First-Place program (biblically based weight loss program) and can hopefully integrate the two. I guess the whole big purpose of this rambling message is... SUPPORT is essential to our success. I know many of us think that we can do it on our own, but honestly, isn't that how we ended up obese? We thought we were doing what was best for our bodies, but obviously, we weren't If we have people in our lives who can help and make things better, why not use those resources? We will gain confidence and build a better self-esteem with support, love and excellent, healthy bodies!:smile:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
