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MaDz Al Hammadi

Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by MaDz Al Hammadi

  1. I did it with dr. Roger Batrouni at Emirates Hospital after I researched all my options and found out that its less invasive, the pouch does not expand like the sleeve, high success rates and its reversible which seemed excellent. When I went to see the doctor, the first thing before weighing me he asked me about was my health, if I suffered from anything.. I was border line everything in addition to severe knee and feet pain. He then weighed me and took the fat levels and Water retention info and all that jazz then he said I had 2 options but the best would be the MGB. I have already decided I wanted it before he even said it so it was a win win situation. I did not suffer with the wounds after surgery but gng from eating everything to a pure liquid diet made me miserable and I cried a lot at first but as the pureed food started it started to get better. I still cant eat much but now I eat more frequently. If you feel you need to be checked Again I would totally recommend that you go see my dr if u can.

  2. Dont ever give up hope. I got married at 19 to an abussive man and divorced at 22 with two kids and a miscarriage. I did not want another marriage and the thought of another crazy man in my life drove me crazy that was until I met my current husband, 8 years later, obese and did not care at all. We got married 2 years ago (im 32 now) He loved me for who I was and not how I looked like and he always kept telling me how beautiful I am. after 9 rounds of fertility treatment I finally got pregnant and 3 months later ai lost the baby. It killed me and I went through a very bad breakdown phase. 2 months later I decided that Ive had enough and that I shld do something about my weight to be able to have a baby and the same month I had the surgery. Hubby was stunned at the change and8 months later he had the surgery as well. The same month he did is the month we found out that we were gng to be parents ❤ Dont give up hope ladies because miracles do come true and I never thought I would get mine but Im so thankful to god that I did

  3. I am from Dubai ^_^ the cerclage was due to a surgery i had back in 2011 to remove part of my cervix because I had abnormal cell growth. My BMI pre surgery was 40.7 and today its 23.5 I am so proud of the progress I made weight wise but yeah it did make my pregnancy harder because pre pregnancy I was already drained and had dizzy spells and with the pregnancy it magnified it all. Maybe its just me and it shldnt be a guide to all pregnancies post MGB. But the worst part was the hemorrhoids!! I never knew that you can get it from diarrhea and not just constipation!! I couldnt sit, walk or sleep for 2 months and it was so stressful! Thank God I found the best meds for it after a long battle called Anusol that turned me into a normal human being again. I hope with the 3rd trimester so close by that I do not gain more or get the hemorrhoids ever again!

  4. I'm 23 weeks pregnant today and I have to say that by far this has been the hardest pregnancy I had so far! 5 preg, 2 kids n 2 miscarriages.. I am so glad for every pain, kick and nauseous moment I had cause i knew that it meant that baby is doing great. I had to get a cervical cerclage done cause my cervix was shortening and My dr added more Vitamins to my stack to insure that Baby gets everything she needs. I am high risk so I get ultrasounds every other week since pregnancy started. I lost 20 pounds since i got pregnant and i just gained 3 pounds this month. So far all is good and hopefully we will make it to 36 weeks!

  5. Hi all,

    I had my wls in April 2014 after suffering from a miscarriage. I never weighed 260 lbs and when I reached it it drove me mad. I couldnt walk without suffering from a severe foot ache, I couldnt breathe, i was too heavy and tired all the time and The worst part was the fact that my weight affected my pregnancy and was a barrier to have another. My cousin recommended a great surgen and I went and met him. After 15 mins, the doc agreed with going for the surgery and told me it was the best choice for me bacause it will teach me how to eat healthy and how to stay healthy. My goal honestly was. Baby. Nothing else. I could not think about anything else regardless of all the warnings my ob-gyn and doc gave me about being preggers in less than a year of the surgery. My period got messed up after surgery and i waited for a couple of months til I started trying for a baby again. I went thru 3 courses of clomid and they all failed. I was an emotional wreck and decided that I needed to give myself a break. I had my first period post break on the 13th of Dec. 10 days ago, i felt it in my core.. Something kept telling me to take a pregnancy test even though My period was due the next day.. I took it mid-day and to my shock and surprise I was pregnant! I am 5 weeks 3 days preggers today and my hcg levels are great. I did loose abt 3 kgs in the past 10 days but its because of the morning sickness which is horrible.

    The thing is, i am terrfied to my core. I keep getting these scary thoughts about losing my baby once more due to the malnutrition from the surgery or because my body isnt ready to house the baby. Mamas out there please share your story if you got pregnant around the same time I did, what meds did u take and how did your pregnancies go?

  6. I so wanted to be part of this little group of mama's! I just miscarried at about 6 weeks. This is my 3rd miscarriage, 1st post surgury. Doctor thinks it may not have as much to do with my wrought as originally thought. Please send good vibes my way so that we can figure out what will help me maintain a pregnancy! I'm more than ready to join your club!

    I'm very happy for all of you ladies and wish you happy and healthy babies!

    Hi lovie,

    I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. I've been where you are twice and it broke my heart. Its not easy and coming back from it shows how powerful a woman can be. I wish that your next pregnancy goes smooth and you have a beautiful child. You are in my prayers.

  7. Thank God I'm not the only one! I seriously thought that I had some serious illness with me when I noticed the amount of hair that started falling out 5 months post op. I was shampooing my hair and i could see handfull of hair coming out with each time I rinsed my hair and oh lord when I dried it my floor was covered with hair!! my hair is shoulder length and was okay thickness wise.. it became so thin and you could see the gaps..

    Here is what I did.. GO SHORT LADIES!! yes cut your hair til it starts growing back.. my hair looks full now, it still falls but I don't have those ugly gaps. I stopped using the hair dryer and I let it dry on its own.. My doc gave me some strong hair Vitamins along with a serum that helps with the regrowth which I am using religiously now. The good thing is, it will grow back once your weight stabilizes! oh and if you use weave or extensions, please stop because it will make the hair fall worse.

    Wish you all the best of luck!

  8. Hi everyone!

    I started off weighing (117.9 kgs) 260 lbs on the day of surgery (26th of April 2015).

    I dropped 25.5 lbs in the 1st month, 12.8 lbs the 2nd month, and it slowed down to 6.8 the 3rd month.

    The 4th month, my weight loss increased a bit to 9.7 lbs and the last for now, I lost 12.1 lbs in my 5th month.

    I have to add the fact that my doc put me back on 2000 mg of Glucophage for my PCOS problem and that helped boost my weight loss. Not recommending it if you do not need it for medical reasons cause it does make you hate life from the nausea and it makes you cranky and not in the mood for anything for a while until your body gets used to it.

  9. Hi ladies!

    I was on the pill and 2 days pre-surgery, I finished them. Sunday I had the surgery and was released by wednesday from the hospital. the same week on a friday I had my period. my periods usually last for seven days and it was done with the next thursday. a week later I started spotting. 4 days later I went to see my GYN and she told me that due to the rapid weight-loss, my ovary released the egg quickly (usually the ovary releases the egg gradually with regular situations) which caused the bleeding and gave me some pills to control it. I took the pills for aboutt a week with no luck whatsoever. I am on day 12 of spotting now and it is so frustrating! I had to stop the pill she gave me for it was causing some stomach pain and with the surgery it was not a joy ride at all. I'm sure that eventually it would stop and I'm trying not to stress so much about it but it seriously bothers me and I don't know what to do.

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