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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Bethson

  1. I had a spinal cord injury about 8 years ago and as a result have a bladder that doesn't empty completely and I have to straight catheterize myself 5 times a day. In addition, my bladder will leak at times, especially at night, so had to wear incontinence products. Managing this stuff was embarrassing at first but now it is old hat for me and I don't hesitate to tell medical people about the issue. I don't see it any different than letting them know you need to wear your glasses, put your hearing aid in, etc. It's part of a bodily function. That said, about a year ago I found out that botox to the bladder had been approved for my condition so that I don't have leakage anymore. My first round lasted three months before leakage began, the next round longer. My quality of life improved tremendously. Yes, I still have to cath and always will but the leakage was more of an issue for me. And bonus, after the sleeve and weight loss, the stress incontinence is significantly improved, even when the botox is wearing off!

  2. I'm having real difficulty with the perception change too. I have avoided full length mirrors and being photographed for years. I was sleeved May 26 and now down almost 65# and still avoid mirrors. When I do look, I don't recognize myself. It's a very weird feeling, almost like dissociating. I am getting ready for my son's wedding on October 17 and have had to shop for a dress. Found one that I think is flattering. Don't want to look "frumpy" but still very uncomfortable with what I see. I am obsessing about the wedding photos I will have to be in and wondering if I should "practice" posing. Didn't plan on the sleeve success and wedding coinciding as started the process before engagement even happened.

  3. I am four weeks out from surgery and 59 years old. Waited a long time to make the decision but so far am glad I did. Have had no significant issues related to my age through the process. A bonus is my son got engaged and has the wedding set for October 17. I am hoping to look pretty good for the wedding photos! I am down 33 lbs.

  4. My chronic pain is related to a spinal cord injury so I have neurogenic pain in both legs and feet. I think that what has helped is the weight loss reducing some of the pressure on my legs, but I can't say my pain has improved tremendously yet. It hasn't gotten worse either. I'm only 3 weeks post surgery. I truly hope the surgery does reduce your chronic pain.

  5. I'm a grandma whose grandson, aged 2, lives with us. I struggle with the being old issue on top of the post surgery issue. I took two weeks off from work. My husband was home the first week to help. The second week I took my grandson to his usual daycare. I still had to get him ready and take him there, then was exhausted just from that little bit of exertion. Now back at work I still have to get him ready and get him there and still exhausted as I head off to work. You ladies who are caring for your kids full time after surgery take care of yourselves. Just like after giving birth, nap when they nap and don't push yourself to try to be supermom. You'll get your strength back and more, but take advantage of offers from friends and family to help these first few weeks.

  6. I am 9 days post gastric sleeve. Talked with my pharmacist about my Lotrel, which is a combination pill for high blood pressure. I have opened the capsule and there is another smaller capsule and a pellet. No problem opening the little capsule and taking the contents but the pharmacist thinks I should not crush the pellet (which I have been doing) but to swallow it whole. The pellet is tiny, perhaps half the size of a small garden pea. Am I at risk if I swallow it whole to have it get stuck in the staple areas of my stomach? I know I am not to have anything that has seeds like strawberries for some time. Any opinions or experiences will help.

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