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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by cbruce125

  1. cbruce125

    Comments from others that mess with your head

    This is why I am reluctant to tell most people about the surgery. It's like it gives them a license to judge.
  2. cbruce125

    1 Week After - Back to Work!

    I felt almost completely normal 5 days post op. Never took a pain pill and went back to work 1 week after surgery. I can't believe how easy this recovery has been.
  3. cbruce125


    Thanks for the feedback. She wants me to take it for 3 months, so I suppose I will. VSGmary, it's not a rescue drug so it won't help you in case of an attack. It's a preventative .
  4. cbruce125

    How long off work did you have?

    I took one week off. Returned to work today (surgery was last Monday) Everyone has a different experience though, so it's hard to say.
  5. Aside from the malabsorbtion and the re-routing issues that concerned me, it was also the one that made the most emotional sense to me. Just make my stomach smaller!
  6. I had my surgery on Monday so six days post op. Doing really good. No pain, really. I haven't taken anything for it since I left the hospital on Wednesday. I plan on going to work tomorrow.
  7. cbruce125

    No eating !

    Gotta be a troll? ?
  8. This is crazy but I had surgery on Monday and ALSO got my period again today! And I just had it two weeks ago!
  9. cbruce125

    First day back home

    I was miserable with nausea days 3 and 4 but much better today, day 6. I only got 12 ozs in one day and 9 ozs the next. Today I will get 48, no problem. Hopefully it keeps on getting easier!
  10. My surgery was on Monday the 17th, so I am day 6. Still on clear liquids as I battled nausea for a couple of days and couldn't get enough fluids in. Today is the first day I will break 40 ozs. I Think on Monday I will start adding in protein shakes. And I think I have to do that for 2 weeks before I start pureed foods.
  11. cbruce125

    Day 4 post op

    Day 5 post op What a difference a day makes! The naseau has subsided and I already have 13 ozs in. Hoping I will be up for some Protein shakes tomorrow. I need some nutrition.
  12. cbruce125

    Any August Sleevers?

    I had my surgery on Monday and am feeling miserable. I am very naseaous. I only got down 12 Oz of fluids yesterday and 7 so far today. I also vomited a little this morning and that was just awful. When did the post op nausea leave you?
  13. cbruce125

    Day 3 post op

    And feeling pretty crappy right now. The naseau has hit and it's hard to get anything down. I only got about 10 Oz of Clear liquids in. Took a Zofran. Hope that helps. The pain is manageable, but feeling like I am going to puke is not. When did you all start feeling better? What was your first week like?
  14. So it's been about 24 hours. Still in hospital, feeling pretty good. I haven't had anything to eat since Saturday. Just liquids on Sunday. I'm hungry, but feeling anxious about drinking Water later. Should do my leak test some time this morning. My pain tolerance is pretty high. It just feels like I did a bunch of stomach crunches. Not too much gas either. That feels more like a sharp cramp, but it passes. Hoping this part of the journey will continue to be this tolerable!
  15. cbruce125

    Had sleeve surgery yesterday

    Day 2 Started on clear liquids today (water, broth, and jello) I am tolerating it well enough, but feel full and I am afraid of over doing it. Since 10am, I have had about 20 ounces. Not sure I will get much more in. That's ok, right?
  16. cbruce125

    Any August Sleevers?

    Good luck! I had my surgery yesterday and so far, so good!
  17. I am supposed to have surgery next Monday (Aug 17th), but my first insurance request never made it through, which would have left me knowing in plenty of time to prepare. Now it's down to the wire and even though I don't expect to be denied, I haven't gotten my hopes up. I have BCBS of IL and did all of the requirements. I have been busy and distracted all summer so I feel like I am just not ready! If I hear tomorrow that my surgery is a go for the following Monday, then I will commence freaking out. But I also want to get this surgery (sleeve) done and start moving forward. I don't know what to do! Did anyone else feel unprepared for their surgery? Did anyone postpone it for a bit without having to go though the process again?
  18. cbruce125

    All August Sleeves

    My sleeve surgery is on Monday 8/17 and I am freaking out. So nervous! I am so afraid that I am going to be miserable for the rest of my life. Or inherit other kinds of health issues due to the surgery. Thankfully, I do not have to do any of this pre-diet the rest of you are doing. The day before the surgery I can just have clear liquids. But that's just one day!
  19. cbruce125

    I am not prepared!

    No liquid diet for me. My surgery is on Monday, so I have to do Clear liquids on Sunday, but that's it. I got the news that I have been approved, so my surgery is definitely happening next Monday. Omg!!
  20. cbruce125

    I am not prepared!

    I think I am too afraid to really think about it. I want to get it done, but wish I didn't have to. Anyways, I am just rambling and trying to process what I am feeling Thanks For listening!
  21. cbruce125

    I am not prepared!

    I am not mentally prepared. A part of me still doesn't believe I am going to do this. I haven't obsessed about it or thought much about it. I did what I needed to do, read the literature and just pushed it to the back of my mind. Which is unlike me. I am an over-preparer lol
  22. Hi all! I got my surgery (sleeve) date this week (Aug 17th ) and my surgeon didn't tell me I had to do any kind of pre -Op diet. Does that make sense? I thought I was going to have to do 2 weeks of shakes.
  23. Hello, I am trying to lose about 10 pounds pre-op as recommended by my doc. The nutritionist has me drinking a whey Protein powder shake every morning for Breakfast. It's been about 2 weeks now and I have been experiencing cramping and diarrhea. I had my gall bladder removed 10 years ago. I don't typically drink much milk so maybe that's part of the problem, too. I have also started taking Vitamins for the first time, too (a multi, b12, and biotin). Questions- Anyone else have the same issues? are there Protein shakes that don't have whey that can be mixed with Water. Or maybe lactose free? should I get some pre-made ones? Suggestions? Thanks.
  24. cbruce125

    Whey protein side effect?

    I am not on a Fluid diet. I won't be having surgery until late July or August. Right now I am just replacing one meal (breakfast ) with the shake my nutritionist recommended. I need to figure out alternatives to see what my system will tolerate before surgery. I think the Whey with skim milk is a no go. Looking for other ideas. Thanks!
  25. cbruce125

    drink Soda after surgery?

    I haven't had surgery yet and I am not a soda drinker, but I am going to miss my sparkling waters and San pellegrinos!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
