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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by siddarhi

  1. I had tequila a couple months out (it was fine, my tolerance has changed greatly). I drink once every 2-3 months and just avoid carbonated drinks. Keep in mind the calories if you plan to indulge and don't make a habit of it because addictions can transfer. I would advise waiting until 6 months though, purely from a wound healing perspective.

  2. Ohhhhh, let's see:

    Absolutely ignoring Water intake (or any liquid that wasn't a Protein drink)

    Thinking Isopure drinks would taste better after surgery (they don't. At all. )

    Not paying attention to my Protein intake (at all)

    Getting liquid Vitamins with Iron (tastes like the worst parts of being a vampire)

    Trying to rush meals (who has time? Apparently you have to make time)

    Thinking food rewards wouldn't tempt me into overindulging (hello queso chips, my old friend)

    Getting cheap Jerky (too much sugar and too tough to digest)

    The list could go on and on and on.

  3. Thank you all and yes, overeating is completely on me. When it comes down to it, it is I who decide whether or not to give into the impulse. I just hate that some @$$ feels the right to make me uncomfortable because he is entitled to my time.

    I don't believe he knows where I live (my Facebook has everything hidden from anyone who isn't a friend) and no, I must have missed that but I'll check it out.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. @"jane13"

    I'm sorry, I was just being frustrated at the ridiculous encounters I was getting cornered into on Facebook. I've blocked and reported him, so it is over, it is just irritating that some individuals don't have the good sense to leave someone alone when they are asked and proceed to be completely inappropriate.

  5. Dear Mr. Unwanted Facebook Interaction,

    No. I am not married. My single status, however, does not mean I wanted anything to do with you. My participation in a group of coffee lovers did not invite what turned out to be over half an hour of painfully awkward social interaction. Your complements were unwelcome and frankly made me feel deeply uncomfortable, as did your casual trash talking of the apparently deceased mother of your sixteen year old son. (A son you threw out there apparently to somehow reassure me you were a good guy.) Your use of 'sweetie' when I refused your advances was certainly unappreciated, as was your assumption that I should fall over myself to be your friend simply because you found me attractive in a single photo (the only one you could see because my profile is locked down).

    Thank you for reminding me why I prefer to wear large shapeless clothes and childish prints to ward off unwanted attention. Thank you for making my comfort impulse tonight be to go eat chips until I puke and weigh the value of my weight loss against the loss of my safe invisibility to creeps like you. Thank you for not backing off after I phrase 'I'm not interested' three separate times as politely as I can. Surely the forth time I would be more receptive to your ill placed attention because again, you found me attractive. And I should be flattered. And that should be all that counts. Nevermind that I am only 7ish years older than your child. Nevermind that you have no right to badger and belittle me for my lack of interest in you. Your self importance is all that matters. Your attraction. How blessed I should feel to have caught your attention.

  6. I'm 23 and I have to tell you, I was there with you on the "Really? Your fat behind can't even put the fork down and so you gotta get _surgery_??"

    But here is the thing. There are an infinite number of reasons we gain weight- mental, physical, and emotional. This is just a tool to help us get some control of our lives back and that's what's important.

    The possibility of you getting seriously messed up during surgery? Pretty low. The possibility of obesity eventually killing you after your son has to watch that slow, miserable decent into sickness and suffering? Very. Very high.

    It will be okay, really :)

  7. If you like coffee you will love this Protein Shake. You can order them on Amazon.... Just a little pricey but will help you get the Protein in daily that's needed. You can also Google them and they will send you a sample. I mix mine with fair life milk 10 oz and two scoops. ( amazing ) just try it!!!! Two of these shakes and you will get in 60 grams of protein in than count your protein you eat. I know protein is hard to get down but this shake made it very easy for me. I'm a little over three months and still drink two a day.attachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1445679103.781937.jpg

    You, my wonderful friend, are a saint and a scholar. I *need* this coffee protein ;w;

  8. Hello! My name is Sidda and I was sleeved on September 29th, 2015. That was six days ago and I figured that now would be a good time to start a thread to keep up with my thoughts on everything. Today I feel much better than I have been, I have a lot more energy today and my stomach doesn't hurt half as much as it did the first few days out. It is still swollen and tender in a few areas and I am pretty well bruised up but that's to be expected, right?

    The first day after surgery, I had trouble even getting a few ounces of liquid down for the x-ray test. In fact, I only managed to finish the first cup they gave me, I couldn't take any of the second one. Getting up from the hospital bed was a production of huffing, puffing, and groaning. I'm not ashamed to say it, I am a wimp! I don't like pain, and it doesn't like me. I clutched the Teddy Bear I had decided to use as a pressure pillow as if it knew the secret word to the city of gold, and there was no way in hell I was putting him down. I did my walks fairly regularly, though I somewhat neglected my breathing machine between medicated half dozing naps.

    Being home, I've fairly steadily gotten better and better. I'm not so sore now, I only really have pain when I'm bending to get up from sitting/laying down or getting down there in the first place. Or when I poke my tummy, but I'm trying to avoid doing that. I've been on a selection of five medications that I'm sure are making all the difference, and I'll list them at the end of this post for anyone who is curious. My family has been amazingly supportive and took over my house cleaning while I was recovering and basically babysat me. (Did I mention I am a wimp? :P) As of day... probably four I've had no trouble in getting in all my liquids. Water seems to go straight through as long as I don't gulp it and my Protein Drinks, although they take me a little longer, are easily going down as well. I'm dying for the strangest foods though, and I can't wait to get off the liquid stage (says everyone ever, right?).

    Starting Preop: 286 lbs
    Day of Surgery: 278 lbs
    Today: 263 lbs

    Acetaminophen-Hydrocodone - 15ml every 4 hours as needed for pain (Liquid)
    Lovenox injection - 40ml once a day for 14 days (Ugh, I hate shots)
    Zofran- 4mg dissolving tablets once every 8 hours for nausea
    Protonix - 40ml once a day (tiny pill)
    Sucralfate - 10ml 4 times a day + at bed time (Liquid)

  9. Here it is straight from Starbucks website:

    It’s the same rich and creamy Caramel Macchiato taste you expect, with fewer calories. On this lighter treat we used sugar-free vanilla Syrup, freshly steamed nonfat milk, our delicious Espresso Roast, and then we top it all off with a velvety-rich foam and a buttery caramel drizzle......

    so the caramel drizzle still has sugar. But they use the sugar free vanilla syrup.

    Ah there ya go! She told me without the drizzle I assumed it was choc drizzle apparently it's caramel.

    My daughter has given up sugar because of an inflammatory joint condition so she asked her friend what she could still have. Sadly no more iced chai lattes for her, the chai syrup has sugar.

    If she likes chai lattes maybe have her try a brewed chai tea with cream and sf vanilla syrup? It isn't quite the same but it is close and yummy

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