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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Posts posted by nueva919

  1. @@nueva919 I had SIPS surgery on the 8th as well by Dr. Jon Bruce! How are you doing? I'm doing well, with the exception of passing gas and the poopies. First post-op appt is Tuesday June 23rd. Hope I can start on pureed food. OH and the head hunger has been messing with me too... ups and downs with that as well. Good Luck to you!

    Hi SIPSGrammy, how cool! I'm doing well. Just trying to get acquainted with my new tummy. I also have been dealing with the poopies like no one's business lol! Hopefully things will change once we start on food with more substance. My post-op is Thursday. I had a few issues transitioning from Clear Liquids to full liquids during the first week but was able to move forward a few days later. This is a journey indeed but I know it will all be worth it in the end :D Please keep me posted on your progress!

  2. Hello everyone, I am writing from my hospital bed 1 day post-op. Yesterday was tough due to the effects of anesthesia. I really wasn't in much pain but nauseous and really tired. I literally slept all day. Just felt like I couldn't keep my eyes open. Was able to get a little walking in late last night once I was able to stay awake for a while. I second everyone's comments regarding walking. It really makes ALL the difference in getting the gas out. I'm feeling much better today. Just got back from my GI test and was told my pouch looked superb! Currently awaiting orders from my surgeon to begin liquids. Thanks for the well wishes from everyone and I will keep you posted!

  3. Hello everyone, I am writing from my hospital bed 1 day post-op. Yesterday was tough due to the effects of anesthesia. I really wasn't in much pain but nauseous and really tired. I literally slept all day. Just felt like I couldn't keep my eyes open. Was able to get a little walking in late last night once I was able to stay awake for a while. I second everyone's comments regarding walking. It really makes ALL the difference in getting the gas out. I'm feeling much better today. Just got back from my GI test and was told my pouch looked superb! Currently awaiting orders from my surgeon to begin liquids. Thanks for the well wishes from everyone and I will keep you posted!

  4. Hello everyone, I am writing from my hospital bed 1 day post-op. Yesterday was tough due to the effects of anesthesia. I really wasn't in much pain but nauseous and really tired. I literally slept all day. Just felt like I couldn't keep my eyes open. Was able to get a little walking in late last night once I was able to stay awake for a while. I second everyone's comments regarding walking. It really makes ALL the difference in getting the gas out. I'm feeling much better today. Just got back from my GI test and was told my pouch looked superb! Currently awaiting orders from my surgeon to begin liquids. Thanks for the well wishes from everyone and I will keep you posted!

  5. I hope all goes well. I had my DS procedure in February and recovered exceptionally well and have been very pleased with the results. What does SIPS stand for, if I am correct it is a relatively new procedure which allows more absorption?

    Thank you, SIPS stands for Stomach Intestines Pyloric Sparing. It's pretty much the VSG plus the bypassing of a little less than half of the small intestine. The point where the small intestine is to be connected to the pyloric valve is brought up in a loop. It is also called the Loop DS


  6. Congrats! Mine was moved from June 12 to April 12 -- now that ended up being great for me, got it done and hopefully all healed and spiffed for my kid's wedding on August 1. I will admit it did take some adjustment to get mentally ready for the surgery....

    How was your recovery? Did you bounce back quickly or did it take you a while to feel like yourself again?

  7. I had my scheduling appt yesterday and was scheduled for SIPS procedure on June 17th. Well got a call from my surgeon's office today telling me that they had an opening for June 8th and wanted to know if I wanted it. YESSSS!! Lol

    So it looks like I will be SIPPED in exactly 10 days! Super excited but nervous too...talk about an emotional roller coaster!! Lol

  8. Hi everyone! I'm new and have been silently lurking the site lol. I go for my results appt this week with Dr. Paul Enoch's in Cary, NC to schedule my procedure. I will also be having the SIPS procedure. I feel that it's the best choice for me b/c I consider it as the best of both worlds in that it's not only restrictive but has a malabsorption component also but not as invasive as other procedures. Anywhoo, I just wanted to introduce myself and I'd welcome any feedback from those who have already had the procedure. It's nice to meet everyone and I'm super excited about starting this new journey with you all!

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