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Posts posted by rwoods200

  1. I can't wait until I can buy non plus sized clothes. I just got back last Sunday from Las Vegas and man oh man did I wish I'd already had my surgery! LOL! All the cute swim suites and tanks I saw.....not to mention all the cute clubbing clothes! I can't wait for that perk of being able to buy cute clothes that don't look like an old lady dress.

  2. I'm not sure if its normal or not but I'd get checked out if it gets to be too bad. Gotta keep you healthy for surgery! On the other hand.. I'm taking it that they didn't find a hernia? If so that's awesome and I'm glad that your issues are going to be solved with medicine.

    Rhonda :)

  3. My second class with the surgeons office is on Monday. So excited that I'm almost done with those! Then a surprise weekend trip to Las Vegas and my Endo on the 19th. Then just one more class with the surgeons office that I believe is after surgery. So hopefully, fingers crossed, I'm done and can get a surgery date. At least that's what I'm hoping and praying for!


  4. That's awesome @@perk4756 ! I had my Nut appointment yesterday and that went better than expected. I was afraid I'd be given a ton of things to do or change or thought she'd try to talk me out of surgery all together but really she told me I was the ideal candidate and a perfect patient! LOL! Worried over nothing and happy to learn that my need to research every little thing about this journey has so far paid off!

  5. Now I'm kinda worried! LOL! I have Aetna as well and have actually gained 4 pounds since my first weigh in with the surgeon. Wondering if that is just a natural weight flux that might go away as quickly as it started. Hmmm... My surgeons office hasn't said anything about it, but I wonder if it will matter that much since I have 3 of the 4 co morbilities that Aetna require for a patient with a BMI under 40.

  6. Its funny because I thought that I was the only one obsessing about having this surgery. I too have imagined myself buying smaller clothes, walking/running or even climbing steps without being winded, and amusement park rides...Its scary because as soon as those thoughts pop up it seems like the little devil on my shoulder starts taunting me with worries about not getting approved through insurance or the surgery not working for me. Since I made this decision I have researched, researched and researched some more. I've actually been able to tell some of my coworkers who have had this surgery things. Every time I get a call from the Surgeons office regarding another step in this process, I get excited and can't wait to get to my computer to research the new step. (I've already had my Psych eval and the second of the three required classes at my surgeons office is scheduled. My one and only Nut appointment is this coming Wednesday and my Endoscopy will be sometime next month.) Its a long road to surgery and its nerve wracking and scary....

    Thankfully, we have this message board and all the wonderful people here to lean on and help us along our journey. I wish you luck in you journey!

    Rhonda :)

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