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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Hengirl

  1. I got the Mirena a couple of years ago to address incredibly heavy periods. No problems with pain when it was put in - not even mild cramping or anything. But, about a week later I started bleeding and basically had a three-month long period. After that, periods are pretty light - yes....I am unlucky in that I still get them! I would say the PMS symptoms have been worse but manageable. Swollen breasts, that out of control angry feeling. A couple days of that and I'm tired of myself!

  2. Check out your local running stores for programs like the one I just started. It is a women's running academy for everyone from walkers who want to run a little to experienced marathoners. They provide pace mentors and give a talk each week about stretching, injury prevention, shoes, etc.

  3. My surgery weight was 238 so I've lost 35 since surgery. It goes in fits and starts. This week has been very good with 1.6 pounds down today and about a half pound for several days in a row before that. I start to expect that kind of loss but I know that isn't practical. I exercise quite a bit and have increased my calories to 800-1000 per day. I haven't looked into the Halloween challenge. Are you doing it?

  4. I don't advertise it but I am happy to share info if someone asks. I feel like me being open about it could help someone else make the tough decision to better his or her health. Initially I wasn't going to tell anyone but after reading all the statistics about how many people who could be helped by WLS but are afraid of it, I thought I would be open about my experience.

  5. I ate out for the first time last night. I ordered a chicken breast with shiitake mushrooms in a cream sauce. I cut about 2 ounces of chicken off and kept four mushrooms and some sauce. Tiny bites. Lots of chewing. It is hard not to drink while eating. The waitress seemed perplexed that I wasn't eating like the rest of my family. It made me think about how I used to join them in eating like a starving wolf, devouring everything. Instead of dessert, I had a cup of Decaf. It was a nice meal and was also my first meal on soft foods. I am steadily losing but slowly now. If only I could keep losing the pound a day that lost the first week after surgery!

  6. I do feel lighter when walking. I look at my face and arms and see a real difference. For some reason my stomach is puffer than it was before the surgery. I am just over three weeks post op, so I probably still have swelling etc. it is just a weird experience shopping in regular sizes. I mean I'm thrilled but it reminds me of a post I saw here a couple of months ago that said "you mean there isn't a supermodel under here?"

  7. I understand what you mean. For the first time in soooo long I can finally wear regular sizes. I just needed to get a few things so I can go back to the office on Monday (I've been working from home during my recovery). I felt like everything I tried on made me look lumpy and chunky. The saleswoman kept saying that she didn't understand what I meant. I told her that I'd had WLS and was having trouble adjusting to how I looked right now she was super nice and said congratulations. She urged me to go a little out of my comfort zone.

  8. That large incision is where they pull the excess stomach through the muscle. I was warned by the PA that it would be sore for weeks. It prevents me from twisting or bending. I mentioned it at my three week appt yesterday and the doctor said it will probably be sore for another couple of weeks.

    That large incision is where they pull the excess stomach through the muscle. I was warned by the PA that it would be sore for weeks. It prevents me from twisting or bending. I mentioned it at my three week appt yesterday and the doctor said it will probably be sore for another couple of weeks.

    That large incision is where they pull the excess stomach through the muscle. I was warned by the PA that it would be sore for weeks. It prevents me from twisting or bending. I mentioned it at my three week appt yesterday and the doctor said it will probably be sore for another couple of weeks.

  9. Reading about your high losses is amazing. Since surgery, I was losing about a pound a day and the last three days have only been .2 pounds a day. It is frustrating because I've been walking around three miles a day, getting at least 60 grams of Proteins and less than 50 grams of carbs.

    My large incision is still pretty sore and it is still preventing me from bending over to tie my shoes or pick up anything. The other incisions are not bothering me at all.

    I don't have a follow up until next Thursday so I am curious to see if the doctor feels that my weight loss is as expected.

  10. OMG do I ever feel your pain. Our company only lets us roll over a small amount of vacation. The rest goes into a reserve bank which requires an approved FMLA claim to use. I am back at work and MetLife (the most evil company ever in my experience) is still reviewing whether I should be allowed to use those hours for the week that I had off.

  11. I am experiencing tightness around the same incision. When the physician assistant visited me before check out, she said that incision would be sore and tight feeling for several weeks because that is where they wrestled the stomach to be discarded through the muscle. She said they really work through the muscle there (which really brings to mind visuals of the surgeon wrestling the stomach like a deep sea fisherman)!

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