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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShrinkingPeach

  1. Celebrate Vitamins also has a sample pack of Protein powders etc for $3. As you start eating more healthy you will also "detox" from carbs etc and feel much better. It will be nicer for you after surgery! Good luck!!
  2. ShrinkingPeach

    Gallbladder out?!

    I did have to have my gall bladder out 6 months after surgery but I HAD gall bladder attacks before my sleeve surgery took place. I did put that on my surgery paperwork but they opted not to do anything at the time. I had another major attack and it became necessary to have it removed. The surgery was done as outpatient and I was out a week and back at work. It really wasn't that bad. I agree that you should keep it if it doesn't need to be removed but don't worry if it does. The diet for someone without a gall bladder is low fat and that is something we do already so it doesn't really require any major life changes. Ask your surgeon if you have maternal family history or have had issues yourself and they can check before surgery to see if you need any special attention there...Good luck!!
  3. ShrinkingPeach

    Hair loss and losing slow

    I also have tons of regrowth now at 9 months post-op and the hair loss was really more of a hair thinning. I had to have my gallbladder out in November and I am now 3 months post op from that and a bit of loss is happening again. You will be fine I promise!
  4. ShrinkingPeach

    Tiny wave (new poster)

    Welcome and enjoy this excitement! It truly is an exciting thing about to happen as you uncover the real you! Hang in there and don't be shy! Speak up and like Kathy said, ultimately ONLY listen to your NUT! (Crazy things are said here occasionally) Good luck!!
  5. 9 months post op and the loss is so agonizingly slow but is still happening. I have always said I am in this for life so trying to stay focused.

    1. liannatx


      You have done spectacularly well, stay the course!

    2. ShrinkingPeach


      yep to all that is the thing...we lose so much at first and then it slows dramatically...not a problem tho cos this is a change for life! Thanks for the encouragement!! (The average may be 11-12 per month but not exactly how it goes lol)


    3. alicia54


      you are doing good just hang in there


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  6. Being a "Nancy Know It All" helps no one. Do you do it to help or to make yourself feel superior?

    1. emma4884


      Good question! If each of us would pause, ask herself/himself that question, before clicking "comment," what a less rancorous place this forum could become. Until then I'll continue using the "ignore" feature for repeat offenders.

    2. Michaelene


      I have not been on here is forever it feels like and I just happened to peek at your new profile picture and YOU LOOK AMAMZING!!!!!!!!!!! great job!! so off subject of your post but keep it up sister you are rocking it!!!!

    3. ShrinkingPeach


      Thank you so much! The loss has really slowed down but the inches are still coming off. I feel amazing! We can do this!!


  7. ShrinkingPeach

    A barrage of appointments tomorrow.

    All the emotions you are going through are perfectly normal and we have all been there or are there. As for disappointed by previous failures...try ecstatic over successes these days. Ashamed...tell who you want to and keep it to yourself if you want. The surgery is a tool, you will still eat right and exercise so share your story with who you want. I haven't told everyone for that reason, I only told most. Anxious...fear of the unknown is real but you can do this. We are all here with you! Follow your plan and make the most of your post-op time. It really isn't that bad I promise! Sad...for sure there is some mourning of food. It doesn't mean you can't have it in moderation but I figure why go back. The emotional part of eating is what we need to lose along with the pounds. I would suggest you take your love of cooking to find ways to make healthy dishes. There are some amazing things out there you CAN have! Grief...yeah there are things we shouldn't eat but if you have to and you can do it have one bite. If not let it go, that food isn't your friend and got you here. Nervous...I have been chugging ice cold Water for some time post-op so no worries, you will be able to once healed! Hope that all helps even if just a little. You will do fine and be amazing! Except for the amounts I eat, I really don't even think about the surgery anymore, I am focused on getting to goal and exercising. Journal these feelings and look back in several months after surgery. You will see how far you have come and see it is okay. Good luck!!
  8. ShrinkingPeach

    Life After Bariatric Surgery Q&A

    ShrinkingPeach, on 12 Feb 2016 - 14:37, said: You might be correct, but I would hope that an organization of almost 4000 members of the bariatric profession would publish the up to date medical information. Unless the source of the food is extremely dense with protein, a post WLS person won't be able to eat much more than 30g at a time. Both my nutritionist and my support group dietitian both state the newest studies show that there is not a limit of 30g of protein anymore. Just saying... Like This
  9. ShrinkingPeach

    Stretch Marks and Hair Loss

    Sadly the hair loss is what it is. Yes, Biotin will help the regrowth to possibly grow faster but not guaranteed. The stretch marks I consider a reminder of how I will never go back to the weight I was. I do plan on plastics at some point so who knows where they will end up lol. And, yeah, the girls, ugh is all I am going to say.
  10. 9 months out here and consistently 1200 per day but I also go to the gym 4-5 days a week with minimum one hour of cardio.
  11. @@CL~ATL, I was sleeved as an outpatient also. Surgery for sleeve and a hernia repair at 7:30 am and I was home by 1:30. I had my husband with me but I really didn't need him to do anything. I was on pain meds but up and around the house in small doses same day. I think it all depends on your surgeon, mine was also from a center of excellence. It also depends on you and how fast you tend to bounce back. The pain was truly minimal for me but I am pretty tough. I am also in Atlanta if you would like to message privately.
  12. ShrinkingPeach

    Life After Bariatric Surgery Q&A

    Unfortunately the question of how many grams of Protein can be absorbed at once is already obsolete. The hteory that the body cannot absorb more than 30g at a time has been disproved.
  13. Only took pain meds for 3 days after surgery. Tapered off over those 3 days and done. The more you move the better, just take it slow and easy when getting up and down.
  14. ShrinkingPeach


    That will change so hang in there. As you heal you will be able to eat more. Focus on quality and not quantity. Measure your food but don't stress if you cannot finish it all. Relax and breathe. You've got this!
  15. ShrinkingPeach


    I know we are all different, BUT... For those with 170+ to lose with the sleeve, how long did it take to lose it? Just trying to get an average. Thanks for the info!
  16. Went to see a friend I hadn't seen in 2 years. She greeted me like I was a customer because she didn't recognize me! lol

    1. Djmohr


      Yay! I find that happening a lot and it's so funny when it does. Congratulations on your great progress!

    2. her1981


      Congrats on the "new look", lol! That keeps happening to me, too. I don't feel like I look any different, but apparently I do!

  17. ShrinkingPeach

    Open to suggestions

    Your thought process is on target with getting the Water in (using Mio is fine). Exercise is great, get up and get moving. Don't rely on eating til full, measure everything!! Weight will fluctuate from time to time so don't get hung up on the numbers, stick to the plan. Good luck!
  18. ShrinkingPeach

    Pissed off! Need to vent

    Dropping multiple sizes would indicate loss even if not in pounds. Inches lost are still a victory and progress. Watch that you are not eating too little as stated before. Protein is key, it keeps us full longer and it repairs and builds muscle. At times for me the inches change then the pounds will go. Sometimes it happens together, sometimes not. As long as progress is happening hang in there!
  19. ShrinkingPeach

    Weight loss stalled

    Okay, the misconception here may be that it ISN"T easy. Your surgery is just a tool. There are many more things you have to do. Agree with @@JamieLogical, how much Protein are you doing, how much Water are you drinking and how much exercise are you getting? How much have you lost so far? Are you tracking everything from food to exercise?
  20. ShrinkingPeach

    My story

    Congrats on making the toughest decision so far...taking your health into your own hands. Follow th eplan and you will be fine. Nothing to be scared of. I am 8 months out and 106 pounds down so far. This literally will change your life. You may just find that you have different feelings about the extra weight once it is gone. Good luck and stay vocal here. There are lots of folks here to help!
  21. ShrinkingPeach

    February 16th surgery date

    Congrats! You are almost on your way and it will be here before you know it!
  22. ShrinkingPeach

    Drinks that are not carbonated?

    Vitamin Water zero. Powerade zero, Mio drops in water (my fave is rasperry/cranberry)
  23. 5 miles in 8th gear on the bike and upper body workout! Is this girl becoming a gym rat?

    1. KindaFamiliar


      Go you good thing!!

  24. 5 miles on the bike in 5th gear and 1 mile on the treadmill at 2 degree incline...making progress!

  25. Finally hitting the gym, which I admit I have been avoiding. I felt self-conscious and judged. I have been 3 days straight and crazy I know, BUT I LOVE IT!

    1. ShrinkingPeach


      I was very self-conscious at my original weight and avoided exercise like the plague. I feel great now and I don't get stares or judgement. I should have gone to the gym before now but better late than never. I am determined to make my goal weight! Thanks for the encouragement!

    2. MrsSugarbabe


      Awesome!!! You're doing great!! I like going to the gym and thankful for one where there's all kinds and shapes of people :) Keep on keeping on! We're doing this!!

    3. Chrystee


      The crazy thing is.. everyone in the gym has been there. They ALL started somewhere.. Trust me. I've made quite a few friends at the gym, and some people seemed so intimidating.. till i talked to them about their past and struggles!


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